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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Linda, When I've made filets I remember hating that first row. Those were the days I was using #10 thread, too. The only thing I'd use that for nowadays would be for bookmarks.

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Susie is in my avatar pic...


She has been going through more things these past weeks on top of her many health issues and last night my sweet hubby took her to the vet for me where she passed over the Rainbow Bridge. She was 11 1/2.


And today we meet our son for lunch to celebrate his birthday (35)..the cycle of life


Not sure if I'll be on here today...

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'Morning, Ladies. :) Just a quick post this a.m. I have an early dental app't. and then some errands. I did join quite a few squares yesterday. :yes


Linda ~ Sorry about the visit to the frog pond, but it sounds like you'll be happier with it this way. :)

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Oh, Judy, I'm so sorry. She'll be well and happy on the other side of the rainbow bridge waiting for you. :hug :hug :hug


Good morning! It's overcast and cold, but no precipitation of any kind. Rosie's daughter and grandchildren from Colorado are due in for a visit today. Hopefully it will warm up and be nice while they are here. I finished another preemie RR yesterday.


Another quiet day for us today.

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Hi Ladies

Deepest condolences to Jude . I sent her an email, but just want to respond here also . I'm so very sorry about Susie .:hug



A quick hello to everyone ,and also a quick note -- I have invited my other small groups to please meet up in here, so you may be seeing some new faces come in. I know you guys will welcome them with open arms.. they are a good bunch of ladies .


Due to time limits,etc this week, only enough time to drop in quickly ,so wanted to say hello ,and that you might be recieiving some new housemates !


This will make it easier to keep one group all in one spot. Some of the groups are small with only a few members left still working .


I'll stop in once a day to check in this week, then as things ease up ,next week I'll be able to come in more often .


Hope everyone else is well,and see you all tomorrow !:hug

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Shay ~ OH MY :drool Your Spring Filet is gorgeous!!! Now that you are on a roll, I see that you are not taking a break, if you are itching to get started on a new thread pattern. Very nice work :applause


Snow yesterday? Really, Linda??? Ick :yuck By now, you would figure the flakes would be a thing of the past, wouldn't you? I do hope that weather shapes up for Rosie's family's visit this week, and that your temps return to something closer to "normal." I can almost picture you eye-balling your office and rubbing your hands together as you picture the fun you can have with fabric and your sewing machine ;) Glad John and Kim appreciate your creativity and ingenuity.


Ohhh, Judy :cry I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Susie. :hug Take care of yourself, today :hug


Mary ~ Good for you for joining some saltines. Are you working on the tiled background of Just Ducky? Hope your errands go smoothly, and that you are soon home surrounded by yarn and completed squares.


:wavingAll ~ Sunshine's out! Temps were in the low-20s, but we put on gloves and made it out the door early this morning. Not sure how that happened :think, but the girls cooperation was much-appreciated. They wanted to dress alike this a.m., so they are both in lots of pink post-20536-13589751551_thumb.jpg We purchased supplies to make "blooming cards" (with embedded wildflower seeds) for the grandmothers for Easter, yesterday. I have never even made paper before, but this project looked too perfect to pass up when I was reading about it in a magazine. Sounds messy, with window screen/mesh and smooshy paper pulp, but can't you just see the girls loving the process? :yes Stay tuned.

On the crochet front :crocheting: I finished the 5 strips of the Flannel-ghan, and I have 3 of them sewn together. It's coming. I hope to be able to start working on the border this evening. I am sneaking in rounds on my newest purse as often as I can :blush I have never thought of myself as a "purse girl," but I fell in love with this pattern last week :dreaming "I can do that!" I thought to myself. I even had the right yarn in my stash in a pretty light rose, so I am working on it, with a few of my own modifications -- oblong bottom, working the entire thing in the round, rather than 2 panels that need to be stitched together, changed the dimensions, and there are probably a few more to come, but I am really liking the way it is shaping up :lol I ought to have a progress photo by Friday.


Hope you are having a good Tuesday on your end! :manyheart

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How is everyone this fine Tuesday morning?

Wow… with the weather trying to be nice around here… we sure have been busy!

Wrestling season is over now for my 13yr old… but its baseball and track! :whew

All three younger ones are in baseball.. but the older of the three will be starting track practice soon. Good thing most of my projects are portable… LOL I can crochet and/or knit anywhere… J










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Hi all, I'm coming in from the Captain Hook thread...which that afghan is still stalled as I'm working on some time sensitive crocheting for some fundraisers.


I do owe pictures of the finished Tree of Life afghan. It turned out really great. Will try to get that posted sometime today...


Nice to be here.

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Judy, big hugs for you and deepest sympathies over the passing of your sweet dog...I am so very sorry for your loss.

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Susie is in my avatar pic...


She has been going through more things these past weeks on top of her many health issues and last night my sweet hubby took her to the vet for me where she passed over the Rainbow Bridge. She was 11 1/2.


And today we meet our son for lunch to celebrate his birthday (35)..the cycle of life


Not sure if I'll be on here today...


Aww, Judy, I'm so sorry. :hug:hug I know how much you loved Susie. How is Sparkie coping?


Hope that you had a nice lunch with your son.

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I just want to say hi to everyone. I came over from a couple of Julies other groups. I have finished my "Captain Hook" project, but I'm working on a 63 squares afghan and a purse in the "63 Club CAL" and the "Paper or Plastic CAL".


I've never read much in this thread, since there is no way that I am ever going to make a project with saltines. (I detest sewing squares together, although sometimes its unavoidable, and sometimes I get carried away.) I do think the crocheted quilts are beautiful though.


I've only read the last two pages of posts, but I liked that purse pattern you linked to Dusti. I am a purse fanatic. I have a Fat Bottom Bag waiting for lining at the moment.

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Hi, LeAnna! :hi Welcome to the Happy House! :welcome We happy to have you join us. Can't wait to see you Tree of Life afghan. That's such a pretty pattern. My attempt at doing it in thread did not work out and it got frogged. Still love the pattern. I may eventually try doing it with yarn.


I must report that I am still having car problems. It's had $900 in repair work and maintenance done on it in the last few weeks and still isn't running right. It goes back in on Friday morning. :sigh


I'm almost half way through the first row on the thread project. Again! I frogged it again! :sigh I've increased the size of my hook and switched to the extended dc stitch and I think this will work. Finally! My tc ended up being way too uneven for me to be happy with it. I've made a start on another preemie RR, too. This will be the last one for the March charity CAL. I've averaged one a day, except for the day when I had the flu.

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Hi, Tabitha! (Have I seen the gals call you Tabby? Do you have a preference?)


Hi Dusti! :) I do not have a preference, Tabitha, Tabby, or Tab is fine. ;)




Thank you Julie for the cards!! :manyheart


Judy~I received the box, thank you so much for your kindness. :hug:manyheart:hug

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Cindy- good luck on finishing your purse ! Not much more to go on it ! Thanks for coming on over .

Don't worry ,we won't make you do saltines-- promise ! You can work on anything you want to in here .



Linda- sorry your filet is giving you fits. I'd never have the patience to complete one of them !


PS- my car is also on the blink -- took it down , now it runs even worse, so it'll have to go back tomorrow .




Tab- glad you enjoyed the cards !

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Hi Ladies. :)


Judy ~ You've been on my mind all day and I hope you're okay. It's been almost a year since we lost Maggie and you all were so much help to me through that time...we're here for you. :ghug


LeAnna ~ Welcome! Can't wait to see your Tree of Life - it's a beautiful pattern. We like pictures of everything.:hook


Cindy ~ Welcome to you, too! We've all been showing projects other than quilt ghans for a long time, but are you sure we can't convince you to try one? :D I have two of the 63 squares books, but haven't made one yet. What colors are you using?


Hi Miss Tabby ~ It's so good to see you again and hope you'll come visit often. :manyheart How are the boys? I'll bet they've grown a lot!


Dusti ~ You always have such wonderful ideas! The blooming cards will be perfect for Easter gifts.:yes The bag pattern is great! And it's so fun to see the girls...are they both able to go without their glasses now?


Tam ~ I hope Spring is finally on it's way to you. Just reading about your boy's activities wears me out. :lol


Today was a good one - after the dental appointment. ;) DD and I just can't stay out of stores, lately. :c9 We had a nice lunch and went to Macy's.

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Hi to Julie and Linda and Sheila! I knew I'd forget someone in the last post. :blush I think the senior moments are happening more often lately. :lol


Off to take Gracie for a walk while we have sunshine.

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Mary, I don't plan on making a saltine anything...but I'm not going to say I never will. I'm using RHSS in aran for my 63 squares afghan...and I've been working on it for over a year. As soon as I get a lot of squares made, I put a project away....I'll do anything to avoid sewing stuff together. However, I have 14 squares sewn together, and another strip of 7 squares ready to attach.

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