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Lumberjack Flannelghan CAL / finished ghans in Post 1


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Question for you guys that have finished your afghans: How much yarn do you think it takes for the border? I'll be sewing my last 2 strips on today & starting the border, but I've gotta go buy the yarn for it. 1 or 2 skeins?? Thanks!

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course the "lumberjack" just caught my eye.... can't crochet myself.. but hooo do i like the results! Such a thing would be just the ticker up on the crick.

Thanks for showing it.


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Croshay at least 2. Once the ghan gets this big the few rounds on the border take a lot more than you'd expect.


I just heard today (from a fellow crocheter &) Walmart craft dept. employee who asked about future Mainstays shipments because she loves it and was told -

That it was a warehouse overstock that the company found and that there will be no more after this last shipment.


Now that makes no sense to me or her since it's not the old Mainstays. I'm going email Walmart directly and ask them. cross your fingers that I get an answer.

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Well I am at a stand still on my flannel ghan. I got 4 stips done and then when starting on my 5th strip I realized that the Soft Navy that I am using is not even close to the same color! This is supposed to be no dye lot Red Heart SS Soft Navy. I am so peeved right now because I had hoped to finish it up tonight. Anyone else ever came across this same problem? I mean it's not even close. The stuff that is different seems closer to black than anything else. Now I just wish I had paid a little closer attention when I bought it!



This happened to me with Caron SS Brites. I was using yellow and I was making a bunch of squares, and I got just about all the squares sewed together into an afghan and i realized the colores were off. Now if I run out of a color I take a little sample of the yarn with me to the store so I can compare them to make sure they are the same. It also helps to try to get them from the same lot.

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I am starting this CAL as soon as the yarn I ordered comes in. I can't wait. My DH is sick of hearing about this CAL he can't wait till I start and finish it.:)

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I'm sewing on my last 2 strips this afternoon. My afghan is 6 blocks by 6 blocks and it's BIG and WARM and we just LOVE it!!


For the border, a friend of mine suggested just doing a couple rounds of sc's and then a round of rev sc. I think that will look nice, and I'm planning on starting it in a little while. I'll post a picture when it's all done.

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Hey sweetheart! I really need to start using my IM again. Which ones do you guys use?


Croshay - r u sure that a couple rows of sc will be wide enough of a border. (I like them wider so I guess it's just a personal preference.) I think your ghan is BEAUTIFUL!!!


Check out what I've been working on -


stubby fat cutesy heart



longer heart


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