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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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I was bad today....I couldn't take it anymore....I broke out the money I had saved from not smoking and I bought yarn....I did good though, only 5 skeins, which means I still had money left over. So I'm -10 for this month so far. The good news is, with the yarn I have and the yarn I just bought, I should be able to finish up 3 afghans for Christmas this year!!:cheer

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:cheerI won a GOLD MEDAL: AngelFairy (17).

I still can't believe it.:D

I also finish off two balls so that's +2:clap.

And I went to Michaels today and didn't buy

anything, that's really good :yay:yay

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Well...it was a very bad (or good, depending on how you look at it) week for me last week. I managed to bust a couple of skeins now and then but just didn't have time to do much more. But...to my delight (and horror) I was gifted with some wonderful yarn as well. I had a birthday not so long ago and a friend sent me some beautiful yarn. I was also in a swap that left me with even more yarn (and thread) soooo....total for the week for me last week was -17. Alas! This means I lose my consistancy award. Schucks!


But...the good news is...I am starting this week off on the right foot. :clap I have +3 points today. Yay!!! :cheer Hopefully no more yarn will magically enter my house through the US postal service. :rolleyes

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Got two points today! One for finishing some pink thread knitting a cord for a tank and another for balling up half a skein of Wool Ease. Hopefully I'll get at least 2 points tomorrow for returning a skein of Wool Ease since I found the missing skein in my boyfriends stash!!! Imagine that, and he tried to say it wasn't what I was looking for. Darn those knitters! j/k

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Slicer -- Your boyfriend knits?!?! That is beyond cool, I wish I could get my boyfriend to crochet.....he was taught by his grandmother a long time ago but never kept up with it and I have offered repeatedly to re-teach it to him...but no dice. He always complains that he has nothing to do, and how it must be nice to always have something to do with your hands, yet he won't learn....whatever, more yarn for me!!

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I had been forgetting to add 1 point for partial skeins used! I made some afghan squares yesterday. My first squares!!! I worked on 3 different skeins so I'm giving myself 3 points.


I also tried to make a hat, 2 strands/skeins = 2 more points. But I'm going to have to frog and restitch it. So I'll add those when I do. Probably tonight.


I consumed 2 full skeins now on some new dining room placemats for my table so that's 4 more points, and 2 more coming! :yay


I love this thread. It has really kept me motivated. :cheer

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I am starting off the new month right, with a +3. I used up one and a half balls of thread on the shawl I'm trying to finish up. I'll be using more tonight, so tomorrow I should have another point. :cheer

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Welcome, La Yen!!


Hideous yarn from grandma can be combined with a nice neutral color (white, tan, black, brown) and made into a nice 2-strand afghan... several members here have shown just how you can mash un-matching stuff and it comes out nice that way!

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I agree with Krystal. I had a bunch of cool and hideous yarn in all kinds of nonmatching styles all in small bits and pieces and I just said...okay...it's time to make a scrapghan. That killed my stash pretty quick making a three strand ghan. Of course, I then went ahead and started buying all kinds of other yarns for projects, so I've nearly undone all the good I did!!!


Speaking of good, I have only finished 1 skein this week so far since Saturday. The border on this ghan I'm doing now is taking FOREVER. I have 5 1/2 more skeins to go and I don't know if it'll be enough. We'll see.

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I finished up 2 skeins on my bedspread so +4 for me but later this week I'll have to buy more for what I ran out of but I hope to get a few points to the good so when I do go buy them I'll still be in the positives or at least at zero lol.

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I've been making another pillow sham to go with my 3SUB, but I've also been making granny squares, I pick out a color and make a granny square, then I use that color in my Pillow Sham! I think I have 10 squares done so far!

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I am so glad we're going to a monthly accounting of our stashbusting, because a local LYS is going out of business and I went a little crazy yesterday. BUT, I only bought yarn for specific projects I have in mindn ot just to own. So I did hold myself back. Amount purchased--16 skeins. And they're all beautiful! :lol



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Nothing gone out of my stash yet, but I did manage to resist purchasing yarn when I went into Michael's today! And I was in there TWICE! The first time was to find out the price of buttons that you make your own design and the second was to get some tapestry needles because I thought I left mine at home and I was really excited to finish my turtle. Turns out that I had the dumb needle with me the whole time, but I didn't notice until after if was cleaning up my mess.

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I made a tea cozy for my sister yesterday for her birthday. That is two points for me. :clap

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Let's see...I'm confused with my points at the moment, so I'm going to take a moment to figure it out.


-2 for buying some fuzzy yarn for my lion

+1 for using up a ball of white for a round ripple

-2 for buying a second fuzzy yarn since I left the first at home.

Total -3


Grand total so far -1. Maybe I'll return the extra yarn on Friday and be in the +++ again!

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Finished the Painted Desert portion of my Prairie Star, so that skein got wound into a ball... +1 for me.


At Maggie's sale today, I only bought BOOKS!!! Didn't even LOOK at any of the kids OR the yarn... LOL!

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