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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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I have been so busy that I keep forgetting to update with my totals. I have 35 points to report. (I am not so busy that I can't keep track though. ;) ) Off to change my siggy.

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Yay!!! I didn't even realize that I got an award for last week!!! A Bronze Medal!!! :clap Whoo Hoooooooo!!!! :woo

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Believe it or not, I have been working on USING some yarn, just not getting very far :no

I've been working a lot of hours in several different offices & it's really kickin my butt :sigh

Anyway... my last box from amazon has showed up, the last 42 skeins & 3 double ended hooks :clap -84 for me & I don't care :lol

(there should be 42 skeins, when I count 'em tomorrow I'll make any adjustments necessary)

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2 points for me today. I finished two balls starting a round ripple afghan with the leftover from the one I made for my sister in December. Here's the blanket I made for her.



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Amy, that ghan is beautiful! I love the colors.


No change in my status from my post the other day. I'm hoping to finish off two skeins tonight (assuming that my homework doesn't take 4 hours).


I have two major projects that are due in the middle of May. I'm really glad my GIANT commission fell through (even though I could have used the money) because I wouldn't have time to finish my giant stuffed gargoyle and the afghan I'm doing for my friends' wedding. Both things need to be finished by May 12th! Eep, I better get working!

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We didn't have internet for 3 days!!!:eek:eek:eek Our cable company was bought by another company so we lost internet while they did their little switch over thing......I thought I was going to die.....anyway, I was doing really good, used up 2 skeins on an "quilt inspired afghan" so +4 for me!!:clap Then I went to WalMart tonight to get more of the yarn I had just used up to finish the quilt.....well, I got one of the wrong color:think, so now I am -4 points AND I have to go back tomorrow to get more yarn (wouldn't even think of exchanging, oh no, I'll just by more :blush)....so after all my hard work, I haven't gained or lost anything.......:sigh

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I FINALLY have points to add.... I kept working and getting NOWHERE!!!


I have +2 for finishing off my Painted Desert (which I need another of, but not getting it 'til Sat... so the PS is on hold for a few days)


I rolled up both my sandstone and maroon into balls, so +2 there as well!!!

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Wow, I have points to add! Unfortunately, the negative kind. I had to buy some cream coloured yarn to finish an afghan I started in November.

I have been crocheting, but mostly small projects that I begin with a part ball...and end with a part ball.

I'm hoping today to finish *something* that will finish off at least a part ball!!



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I've tried to use up balls but ended up buying yarn for a bedspread and going back in the negatives. I had to buy 2 more skeins for it today since I'm going out of town and going to take that with me to work on and don't want to run out of the yarn so -4 more points.

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I used up 3 more balls on my scrapghan......I really need to get this thing finished....we got 2 couches from my parents today and they are SCREAMING for afghans!! Off to change my siggy and get back to work......

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I've been working on assembling squares for my Vintage motif cardigan - takes forever has 144+ ends to weave - before assembly - and uses no yarn!! Once assembled the edging will eat more yarn.


In the meantime I was suffering from hook withdrawal and I realized that I didn't have anything else to hook (OK, I could finish edging the Fall into Fall vest for my hubby - but it's not going to fit so, at this point, why bother!) Anyway, I grabbed the Gypsy cotton yarn I bought at JAC crafts last fall and started hooking on another cardi for me. This one is called Twlya (from Berroco). I finished the first 50g skein yesterday morning while getting the car serviced and the 2nd skein while we drove to/from the zoo today (you gotta love 83 yd skeins!!) I had to drop a hook size to get stitch gauge, my row gauge is a bit off now but I can work with that... for once, I have tons of yarn!! I'll post a pic in a bit...

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I finished my scrapghan.......and it only took me about 3 months!!:cheer:clap:eek My couch has some color to it now, and I have something to curl up with when I watch movies or read. I used 3 more balls finishing it up, so +3 for me.....I will post a pic as soon as I get it transferred from the camera to the computer.......

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That's pretty Tamugrad02! :clap

I zipped through 5 little balls tonight making squares for the SAL.

I'm almost finished with a couple skeins but am going to wait to count them when I finish the skeins off. This is what I'm doing with all the skeins I bought this week.



It's a 2 strander and the pink is going the fastest of all the colors. I got the technique from Chrome kitty here is her round ripple done like this.

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