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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Lol :rofl


Oh man, where do you put it all????




The living room, my bedroom, kitchen, dining room, pantry & closets!

In plastic tubs/bins, garbage bags, store bags, boxes, laundry baskets, pretty baskets, an old Avon totebag & oh, a totebag from B&N. I was keeping some at the PO but I finally brought that home :help:rofl

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I don't think I'll be finishing any partials let alone skeins before 8 & we still have eggs to color too! So my score for the week is -436

Not too bad considering.... :heehee

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well we are putting in a movie, and here that means my laptop is being hooked to the tv to be used as a DVD player, so I'll post my score now... only 4 this week, but at least its positive! I'm currently working though 3 1lb skeins, so they are slow going, but eventually i'll get points for them:hook

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Okay. My three tiny ball of size 80 thread arrived yesterday so that was negative 6 points for me. But I wanted to make sure I finished up some other balls of thread before I posted so they would cancel out. So, that is what I did. Then I managed to knock out another ball of thread in the process and so now I get to add plus two to my score. I believe my score is now +4 for the week. Drats. I wanted it to be more but this thread just takes forever to bust. Also, I HAD to work on Chloe's easter dress this week. Its almost done. Got two more rounds of trim. YAY! Next week I will do better. I have plans to put together an afghan and work on some other "yarn" projects. They go much quicker than the thread.

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I missed posting last week, AGAIN. I didn't have much to report then, BUT - I've been working on a new bag from the 2007 CPAD calendar (Shunky Bag) & earned 4 points with that this week. Then got the notion to finally finish the Baby Granny Ghan & Earned 10 more points. I started a diagonal baby blanket, good for one more, using up the Baby Homespun in my stash. Love that yarn. Go Stashbusters!!!!


Score for week ending 4/7 = 15

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I'll just post my scores so far. I have finished off +14 balls:cheer

I can I actually see a small dent in my stash, yesterday

when I took out more balls to finish. I was so happy:clap:cheer

now to change my score.

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Remember everyone, Krystal says we are combining two weeks into one - so we need to keep track of our score until next week on the 14th - right Krystal?





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I have a question...

I had a bunch of plastic bags laying around, so I turned them into yarn and now I'm using the yarn. Does making the yarn count as -points, so nothing would be gained from this? Or does it count as +points because I was "busting" some pesky bags...?

BTW I'll post what I made out of the bags :yes

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OK... YES, we're going to post next week. I was supposed to be out of town already, but my plans got moved. But still, I can't tally things tonight anyway, and I'm probably not the only one visiting.


As for the bags, I would say that "making" the balls out of bags counts as "-" points, and when you use them up, they count as "+" points.


I'll see you all for points next week!

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I used up one measley little ball last night so +1 for me. Still working on my baby blanket though, I should use up at least one more ball tonight and hopefully a skein, but we'll see......

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I've done a hat and a headband and still can't get rid of the balls I'm using lol. I think they are some of those never ending balls I seem to have a lot of.

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40 skeins! that's awful!!!!!


Welcome back yarndiva!


Thanks RoseRed!


I am now back in TX!! It was stifling hot where I left and came home to nearly freezing...on Easter weekend no less! :rofl


At least I saw the Bluebonnets blooming up and down the streets and highways!! We will wait until next week to take pictures with them as it is soo cold!!


It was a happy occassion when we all got together to say goodbye to my Lola for the last time. She lived a full life and was a wonderful example of living a Christ-like life. She was interred at 3 churches no less as everyone she met was her friend...even the garbagemen...they would greet her with "Good morning Lola, how are you today?"...even when the poor would ask for alms at our house, she would ask a little money from the family if she did not have any of her own...she never kept grudges and was so generous she would give her dentures if needed :laughroll


She was the embodiment of sunshine and flowers and song. She always had a smile on her face and a story to tell everywhere she goes. Everything she touches blooms...people, plants...and even though she had 7 stepchildren (she's the 2nd wife of my grandfather who was a widower when they met) she treated all his kids like their own and until now they all call her "Mommy" or "My" (pronounced me).


What a beautiful example she was and I only hope to be even able emulate half her life.


Thank you all again for your hugs and prayers


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It's good that I can post 2 weeks together, because I didn't get on line all week. It snowed on Wensday and I started getting a cold, so I went nowhere. That was good, because I missed a great sale on yarn. I finished an afghan, made some roses for my nieces and another doll. My score last week +6! YAY!

Ellie 13

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I made three baby hats out of three balls of yarn, so that's plus 3 for me so far this week.


Way better than last week with a little lonely one point!



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