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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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LOL I know that feeling, I never seem to find yarn on sale either! I don't blame you at all for getting some! Actually I think only 6 skeins means you didn't do too badly at all! Have fun using it all up.



Also I like those three stranded afgahns! I mean they do look like they were made from scraps, but they look sooooo soooo warm I want one to cuddle up under when its cold outside, and I don't know about where all of you are right now, but its very very cold here and is going to stay that way for a whole week at least! I'd make one, but I don't have much scrap yarn left, I just started really crocheting in december, I got some from my grandma, but I used up most of that already, i'll just have to keep the idea in mind for in a few years when i have plenty of scraps to use! Keep up the good work!

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Ok, how?

Do I just announce it on a CAL post and who wants to join may. Is it hard to be the person that starts that?


I might just do it!


Thanks for any tips.


go to the list of all the CAL's go to 'new thread' topish left

then say that you want to start a CAL bla bla bla ...like on he first page of this CAL and then hit submit and your off!

i can help you if you like, if you get stuck

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go to the list of all the CAL's go to 'new thread' topish left

then say that you want to start a CAL bla bla bla ...like on he first page of this CAL and then hit submit and your off!

i can help you if you like, if you get stuck


That's easy. Didn't know if I had certain responsibilities or not. I think I will go do that now. Anyone here going to join me? :)

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Ok~~I blew it.:eek I just wandered over to Smiley's and bought 30 skeins of yarn for $45. But I just couldn't pass up that sale. So that make me -60 for the week. There's always next week......:blush


Miranda what a great bargain. I wouldnt mind going in the red with my score to get a good price for yarn

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Still trying to redeem myself from the WalMart purchase, before the ebay boxes get here... umm yeah, I won more :yay

Played with a few partials today & finished 'em, +5 for me :lol

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Is anyone like me? Meaning that they look more at this CAL and pondering other people's scores more than they are actually stashbusting? I have a Zillion projects laying around that I could be working on but noooo....I'm absorbed in the drama that is "The Stash Busters!" What will they do next? Will they walk past that pretty exotic yarn for cheap or will they become weak and buy it? Tune in next week to see if e-bay really does have secret will power busting skills or can the Stash Busters steer clear of awesome yarn at an even awesomer price?


I love this CAL!

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Is anyone like me? Meaning that they look more at this CAL and pondering other people's scores more than they are actually stashbusting? I have a Zillion projects laying around that I could be working on but noooo....I'm absorbed in the drama that is "The Stash Busters!" What will they do next? Will they walk past that pretty exotic yarn for cheap or will they become weak and buy it? Tune in next week to see if e-bay really does have secret will power busting skills or can the Stash Busters steer clear of awesome yarn at an even awesomer price?


I love this CAL!



:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl


isnt it just like a drama

i check in here about 3 times a day :blush my computer is always on :devil just think the time we spend reading this we could be STASH BUSTING!!!!!!!!:hook

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I'm absorbed in the drama that is "The Stash Busters!" What will they do next? Will they walk past that pretty exotic yarn for cheap or will they become weak and buy it? Tune in next week to see if e-bay really does have secret will power busting skills or can the Stash Busters steer clear of awesome yarn at an even awesomer price?


I love this CAL!


Becca, that is too funny!!



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I am sooooooooo hopeless.:(


I had some bad news this morning, and on my way home I had to stop to pick up some sewing cotton to repair DH's suit pants...so I stopped....at Spotlight. Oh dear.....:no


I thought I would just look at the yarn, figuring there'd be nothing nice because it's summer, and oh dear.....what did I find? Yarn marked down from $8 a ball to 99cents! I couldn't help myself, I bought 14 balls of the stuff. The sad thing is....I only stopped at 14 because there was no more of that type or colour!:blush I also came away with 3 crochet hooks.


So what does that make for today? -28!


Sad thing is the Stitches and Craft show is on this weekend, and I just know I'll come away with yarn. I'm hoping to anyway.


I really think I shouldn't have joined this CAL, I'm hopeless. I seem to use very little yarn compared to everyone else, yet I keep buying it!

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I wish I could find really good deals on yarn. I'd go in the hole for it too lol. I've been crocheting little squares most of the day and still haven't really used up a 1/2 skeing maybe by tomorrow I can claim another ball gone.

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Is anyone like me? Meaning that they look more at this CAL and pondering other people's scores more than they are actually stashbusting? I have a Zillion projects laying around that I could be working on but noooo....I'm absorbed in the drama that is "The Stash Busters!" What will they do next? Will they walk past that pretty exotic yarn for cheap or will they become weak and buy it? Tune in next week to see if e-bay really does have secret will power busting skills or can the Stash Busters steer clear of awesome yarn at an even awesomer price?


I love this CAL!



Haha I do the same thing! Of course, internet surfing at work is kosher, but they yell at me when I crochet at my desk. Darnit!! :angry The joke's on them though, I do it at lunch! Ahahaha. I do love this thread, it is quite dramatic. Go stashbusters!! :cheer

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I am sooooooooo hopeless.:(


I had some bad news this morning, and on my way home I had to stop to pick up some sewing cotton to repair DH's suit pants...so I stopped....at Spotlight. Oh dear.....:no


I thought I would just look at the yarn, figuring there'd be nothing nice because it's summer, and oh dear.....what did I find? Yarn marked down from $8 a ball to 99cents! I couldn't help myself, I bought 14 balls of the stuff. The sad thing is....I only stopped at 14 because there was no more of that type or colour!:blush I also came away with 3 crochet hooks.


So what does that make for today? -28!


Sad thing is the Stitches and Craft show is on this weekend, and I just know I'll come away with yarn. I'm hoping to anyway.


I really think I shouldn't have joined this CAL, I'm hopeless. I seem to use very little yarn compared to everyone else, yet I keep buying it!


Wow!! That is a great deal. I don't think any yarn lover would deny you such an awesome sale. It's not negative points, it's just points you haven't earned yet! You can do it! :cheer

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I will try to keep track,lately been crocheting a storm..as of rt now..I am at 44 excluding the new skeins I just bought last week..:hook :dragonfly

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Becca that is so funny. :lol I too do the same thing. I tend to crochet by my computer at home so in the end I keep looking at the cals instead of actually crocheting. So I have had to take my crochet and go and watch tv only then do I get some done.


Mandy wow great bargain at Spotlight. What yarn did you buy.


I have started my 3 strand ghan so hopefully that will start to knock a hole in the stash.

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your in a hole too, WELL, we may as well have a yarn party while we are down here.... any one else wana join :lol


I do, I do!!!


Today's Amber's Bday (she's 11) and her Grangpa is sending her 2 Walmart gift cards. She wants Gameboy games (and we don't get those at WM soooooooo I told her I'd cash out the cards and get more yarn!!!


I can't help it - I LOVE the new Mainstays! I HAVE to stock up when they have the colors!!!!! I know, I know - I should be strong but -



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Alright ladies, seems like you're all losing the willpower - it's the third week, just like a real diet, where two weeks is about all you can handle....


Come on - you can do it! ONLY buy for projects you've got going now, remember! Think of the reasons you're doing this - more space, less clutter, and empty out your stash to BUY NEW!!!! It will be like getting a WHOLE NEW wardrobe when you're done.... :D


In the immortal words of one poster, "It's not negative points, it's just points you haven't earned yet!"



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In the past two days I have finshed three bereavement blanketsw. on in pink, lullaby, and white..using a skein of pink, a skein of white and 1/2 skein of lullaby, the second is yellow and white, I used a skein of white and a skein of yellow, the third I used up 1/2 skein of lullaby and a skein of white for a total of 12 for the two days.

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I finished 1 skein yesterday!!! I found a good deal on some novelty yarns at Tuesday Morning ( and bought 10 :blush ) but started a shawl right away for my sister's birthday on the 28th. I'm halfway through another skein, so maybe by the end of the week, I'll be up a bit........... This pattern works up pretty quickly, so maybe..........

I'm having a real hard time saying no to yarn these days. From reading everyone else's posts here, I'm not alone........

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Ok, so I went to Hobby Lobby in search of brown cotton yarn for a bag commisison for a friend.


Well, I couldn't find brown, but I did find a bag of a light olive yarn on clearance!! It was $40++ originally and I got it for $13.79 and yes, there were two bags so...it was too good a chance to pass up on some real good cotton yarn cheap!!


And that is all I am going to say on that...one bag is for commission so that doesn't count. The other bag is for me :lol

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Yarndiva - who says it doesn't count? If it's for commission, you just count it in your stash and then add the points as you finish. That way, when you wind up with EXTRA from the commission that you throw into your own stash, it stays counted! (And you get points as you work on commission stuff)... :D

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Krystal: Oh yeah...hey that's a great idea!


LauraLee: A commission is when someone wants you to make something for them for a fee....like when a painter is "commissioned" to create a portrait for someone or a foundation...something like that :lol

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Working on MIL's purse so I'll be adding two balls to my stash soon. Got first 3-strand ghan done. Everybody loves it, so I'll be making another one....or two...depending on how the stash holds out.

Yarn order for store came in (4 boxes)....really don't feel like touching it. :( Don't feel like buying any of it either. Must be hormones.

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