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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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I'm going to stay at -4 for the week. But I think I get bonus points for NOT buying any yarn today when we went shopping. Next week will be bad for points... I should get my yarn in from a trade, but will hopefully send out a couple on another trade. So hopefully it won't be too bad. :think


:yay I was talking to hubby tonight and told him that opening my yarn shop where we live has done wonders for my "pile of stuff" *his name for my stash* I get all the good feelings of buying yarns and petting it once it arrives... but I don't have to count it as points or add it to my totes. :rofl it's kind of like getting a very large piece of double chocolate cake and not having to worry about the calories! :lol

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First - Happy Labor Day weekend

now for the numbers


for the week ending 9/1


here are the winners;

Gold Award............. Nght 240

Silver Award....... angelfire 88

Bronze Award....... Elle_13 46


congrats to all the winners and to all those that both busted and added to their stashes for great reasons



Robyn 8


coolhockeymom 4


knitncrochet 2

Carousel 2


tlisley 1

econ-nerd 1


DesertCrocheter 0


laughlovehook -4

rlanto -6

Kelly A -14

krazy-kitty -44

Krystal16 -45

hseger -86




those grab bags grabbed ahold of her


SHOOT THE MOON- Renegade - 126

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Sorry I was unalbe to post earlier than now - was on the phone with my mom ....sad news a long time friend of my parents past away on Friday from brain cancer......

I ended up with a -14 for the week, I will adjust my score accordingly

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Hi All,

Kelly : Sorry to here about your friend. My prayers are with you and your family.


Well at least I stayed in the black this week. Hopefully next week too. Off to reset my scores.

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I forgot about some yarn I got in a some trades last week... I am going to subtract the points from this weeks score So I'm starting off in the whole by A LOT!!

- 47

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First - Happy Labor Day weekend

now for the numbers


for the week ending 9/1



those grab bags grabbed ahold of her


SHOOT THE MOON- Renegade - 126


hahahaha - it's true, they did! And I'm not sorry. But I won't be ordering any more now for a while.


At least, not until the nex time... :lol


congrats to the winners!

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I'm starting the new week off right - with a modest +2. I busted a 14oz skein of cotton - yes, 14oz, those things take forever to go through (this is WW cotton, not thread, thank goodness!).


It helps that I've got 5 days off football a week on - I crochet a lot while watching me some football!

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I am starting to pack up my box for the scrap swap. So far I have 6 partial skeins to send my partner. And I'm sure I will find more if I look a bit harder. :dance


But it's time for bed...:sleep I start my new job tomorrow morning bright and early at 6 am. They're NUTS for making me start on a holiday.:bang :bang :2nono:thair

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Somehow, my subscription to this thread was deleted, and I've forgotten about posting!

Last week, I did send some yarn to a new home, so counted that in my total. By Saturday, I could be much farther into the negatives, I ordered some grab bags from Elmore-Pisgah...although with the holiday it might be next week that I get them. I just hope whenever they come, dh is NOT home. I can hear him now, "Don't you have enough yarn? It's all over the place now, where are you going to put it?"

And I'll be making an afghan for my sister, if she agrees to the price with shipping, and I'll have to buy yarn for that, too.


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I went shopping with a friend yesterday afternoon and came home with four skeins of Jiffy (but it was only $1.25 per skein and I only bought four since that was what I needed to make another Half Moon Shawl -Idid show some restraint :lol ). I was also gifted one skein that I plan to use for a one skein scarf. And I almost finished one skein yesterday and hope to finish that today. So I am at -10 already :P

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Well, I needed some more yarn to finish my dad's Christmas afghan. They had it at a good price at WalMart, so I bought 3 skeins....still not enough, but getting closer. So I'm -6 points now.....darn it, I thought this was going to be a good week....I'll have to make some more squares so I can use up a few more ball and get back into the positives......off to update my signature.....

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i am at +4 for the week made 2 scarfs, and 2 washcloths.... getting a start on christmas...i am trying to use my stash and not buy any more, doing good so far was even in michaels and walked out without any yarn! yea me!

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I finished 2 1/2 skeins in one color and 1/2 skein in another color for my Messenger Bag, 1 ball on a charity square, 2 balls on dishclothes for +9 and then the mail arrived with a box of scraps for my Circles of Hope project with guess 9 small scrap balls enclosed. Leaves me at 0 for the day, still -16 for the week. I hope to make up those 9 balls by tomorrow and use some putting some squares together.

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I started making another "snuggle" for the local animal shelter, I'm basically doing a 2-strand scrapghan. So far I've used up 6 balls of yarn.....I fear that I might run out of yarn though :lol, so I might have to buy more....:devil...Anyway, plus 6 for me tonight.....

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I disappeared for a bit, but really I didn't get anything done. I have a ball left from a pounder, so hopefully I'll bust that tonight and rack up some points for myself. Then, I'll get back to some smaller balls for a bit. Man, these pounders can really kill you!!

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Morning all,

I have been gifted with some lovely yarn this week.

I got 1 ball of pink feather yarn from a women at work

10 balls of lovely purple yarn this morning in the post from my SP

I have also sent out 5 balls of green, 5 balls of red, 2 big balls of cotton, and 2 small balls of cotton.

mmmmmmmmmm, let me just tot up these points

-22 for the gifted yarn

+58 for the yarn I sent as gifts

So, + 36 so far this week :cheer


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I had to take my girls to get the required school supplies (love how they don't tell you at the end of the previous school year exactly what they'll need--some teachers have preferences) and when we were leaving we walked by the yarn aisle (yes, no 's'). I looked from the end (boy, was I good!) then continued. Down the next aisle, there were a couple of display boxes of YARN as well as whatever is normally down that aisle. I saw the yarn, nothing else.

Christmas Bernat Handicrafter, in 3.5 and 2.8 oz skeins! Besides the red, green and white with the gold thread, and the red/white/green variegated, there was red/white twist, Victorian burgundy/green/off-white variegated and white with just a bit of red and green. The last three I bought one skein each.

Week's off to a good start! :devil


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Well it's a good news/bad news week for me :goodorbad

Good News On vacation all week, busted 2 full skeins making scarfs (+ 4), busted 6 balls making a scarf (+6) totaling 10 points :angel


Bad news - went out and purchased 5 skeins of yarn (-10) :devil


So I am at a zero, I will not let that get me down I will still work on projects this week after all I am on vacation!!!!:hook

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