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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Great job everyone on busting the stash, and thanks to scc51055's hubby for keeping me off the bottom of the list two weeks in a row :devil

I am off to a good start on this week - square CAL :clap is still going on

Some how I always do great for that - figures after all the yarn I have acquired :lol

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So far this week Iam -24 again, only went to the shop to buy some more white that I needed and ended up getting a pack (4 balls in a pack) of blue, pink and peach:devil



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While helping a neighbour pick up something she'd purchased at a yard sale, I mentioned never finding yarn at yard sales, and she mentioned a yard sale she'd been to that morning.

On the down side, the yarn was priced not much lower than retail. There were even a few bags of a skein of yarn, originally marked $1.99 and obviously several years old...priced at $2.


On the upside, that meant I wasn't as tempted. I did find some yarn, and talked her down a few dollars, so wound up bring 13 whole skeins and 1 ball of something. The something looks like it's baby yarn, but it's black, with a multicolour metallic thread throughout. I'm seeing either fashion doll clothes, or dolls...or both!


So...after counting that in, and also counting the last of a ball that I used in an amigurumi style doll...I'm at -26 so far this week. Hoping to use up more before Saturday and this time actually having something to post on Saturday!!



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Well, my christmas present yarn started to come in. Right now, I've received 69 skeins of yarn. SOOOOO


-158 for me so far this week!!!

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I've gone through 2 balls so far this week, but I'm getting a little itchy to binge on some yarn. It's been a good long while since I've bought any. I'm holding out, but I'm not sure how long I'll last! :blush



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Here's our scores for the week!



laughlovehook 129 SILVER MEDALIST


hseger 17

angelfire 12

flyinghooks 8

DesertCrocheter 4

tlisley 4

stargazingirly 2

renegade -6

Krystal16 -12

rlanto -19

krazy-kitty -26

KellyA -46

scc51055 -153 <-- SHOOT THE MOON!


I got a medal :cheer:woo:jumpyay

I was just trying to get into the top 5! I never thought I'd get a medal.

Ellie 13

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Have a good break Krystal!!!


I finished a skein last night!! So, that's +2. Slowly, but surely, I'll get my score back up!

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I was a naught girl, yes it's true. I saw on the Hobby Lobby flyer yesterday that they have Sinfonia on sale this week for $2.66 a skein! That's almost half off, and better than the clearance price usually is. So I bought 11 skeins. I would have bought more, only I didn't like the other colors that much. :lol


I also bought 3 large pounders of some cotton yarn for my summer cotton swap partner, which I'm going to mail probably next week.


So, this week so far, I'm at -28, mostly because I haven't been doing that much crochet this week.


As punishment, I forgot to take my wallet out of the Hobby Lobby bag last night when I got home, so I came in to work today with no wallet, meaning no cash, no debit card, no ID. I do however have my checks with me, so I was able to get breakfast and I'll be able to get lunch pretty easily.

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I used up a ball today edging a blanket. +1 Then I used up 1/2 a skein on a little girls skirt. I may use up the rest tonight but not sure. And if I don't post now I'll forget. +1


Yesterday I used up a ball plus another skein on my friends comfort shawl. So +3.


+5 total

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Over the last two nights, I've been able to knock out 3 skeins, so that's looking like +6 on that one, which is good, since I got 5 skeins in the mail yesterday as well, so that gives me -10. So, alas, -4. Ah well, I received all almost all of my holiday gift yarns, so I should busy enough for the next 6 months!!

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I sent out the last 27 skeins from last weeks eBay sale, +54

Used up 7 more partials working on the squares & daughters the other day +7 - +61 total

Can I use any more before the deadline? Remains to be seen.... :D

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Knocked out another 2 skeins tonight at work. It was easy going without clients up and about. Not to mention, I'm done with my end of the month statistics (which is convenient only if a client doesn't get put out for behavior or something), so I've got smooth sailing for crocheting until Sunday night when I actually have to open the new month. I might get some damage done with these presents. It won't be so easy when I start on the sweaters. I really am not good at sweaters, but I figure I won't get better if I don't try!

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