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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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I'm so jealous you guys are just wizzing away with your crocheting and adding up points, i haven't crocheted since the first part of april. i started a new job, when i get home i'm exhausted, believe me i've tried to crochet but just end up falling asleep. well maybe this week end.

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PS: Nght... how would one find you on Ebay... I must take a gander at all these yarns your adopting out to new homes!





Well, I usually post in the Recycling Center whenever I put something up on eBay because I don't have stuff on there constantly

(much to DH's dismay LOL)

Hopefully between tomorrow & Sunday I can get some more on there, I NEED to make room for stuff coming in, not to mention the rest around here that hasn't made it outta the bags or boxes yet :blush

I have some patterns n' such I want to list too. I'll be sure to post at the link above when I've listed :)

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Wow you guys are doing really good this week! I busted a skein today making squares so +2 I hope to get a few more busted before the deadline tomorrow.

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Got +2 last night for finishing off a skein on a preemie blanket. Hoping to do another today befor ethe dead line. Maybe more... I just never know when I'll get the time! 4 kids will do that to you!

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Busted through 3 skeins in the last two days ....but I am still in the negatives.

I doubt I will get much done - Birthday party for Dad later today

So my score for this week is wtd is -46

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Since I won't be able to sit and crochet until tonight, I"m going to post my score early: + 4.


I'm getting close to the end of my blanket, so maybe I'll get it done this upcoming week. Then I'll start on my sis' Christmas tree skirt--I have the yarn already, so I'd be busting and getting a jump on Christmas.



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Took another 10 skeins down to the shop. Wanted to do a blanket but won't be able too... too busy. If they are still down there when time allows, then I'll know they were meant to be mine.


Another +20 I'll update my WTD later

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I finished 1 skein and 1 ball (+3). I might finish off another skein tonight, but the library closes at 5 pm so I won't be able to post until Monday. I found my bag of Christmas yarn with 8 and 1/2 stockings done. When I get the afghan done, I'll have to start my Christmas crochet. I have lots of red, white and green in my stash.

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well.........i had +8 for the week but hubby went to a yard sale while i was at work and came home with a box of yarn! all for $15. i have to go count it so i can post my score before 8! know i wont medal this week!



Ok so i just went thru the box! oh my! it had all kinds of things, black and white skeins of life (5), 2 bernat frenzy, 2 ticker tape, 7 classic wool, 9 balls of unkown types and colors, 1 each of fun fur, glaeam jewel, homespun, angel hair, 2 of tutu and boucle. then there are 48 complete balls of sugar and cream. the total for all of this is -161!


so my week's total is -153! off to change my signature!


and this was also my 1000th post!

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+10 for partials used for squares... +303 for the week! Yay me :devil


I'm thinkin', maybe I could reach 0 by the end of the year! :rofl

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Well I was very bad today.... ACMoore is have a great sale on red heart super saver yarn, so I went and bought 9 skeins... they all have a purpose.... but don't need to be finished until Christmas... oh well, who can pass up 3 for 5 dollars sale???:devil :devil :devil :devil



they also had a bunch of baby yarns 2 for 5 dollars if anyone is interested:hook :devil:hook

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Here's our scores for the week!



laughlovehook 129 SILVER MEDALIST


hseger 17

angelfire 12

flyinghooks 8

DesertCrocheter 4

tlisley 4

stargazingirly 2

renegade -6

Krystal16 -12

rlanto -19

krazy-kitty -26

KellyA -46

scc51055 -153 <-- SHOOT THE MOON!

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i figured as much! shoot the moon! thank you dear hubby for the great yard sale find, i think i will try to bust the stash by making some christmas gifts! off to change my signature!

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I made a rug this afternoon, it's a 3 strand Celtic style piece. I started going from a pattern, then hated where it was going, so started doing my own thing. Used 1/2 of each of the skeins.. so +1

Plus I've been working like crazy tonight trying to finish a skirt for my daughter. Used up the remaining 1/2 skein of one of the 3 and will need a tad bit more to finish the decorative details, but it won't be enough be enough to count as used up.


Total of +4

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