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GRRRRRRRRRRRRR its crocheted not knit...darn it

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I am so tired of hearing..."What cha knittin' "

grrrr Why do people not get the difference.

Sorry this one hit me the wrong way today.

I wish I would have known the persons name and called them "george" instead. I mean its a just a name so its the same right.

Sorry I am a bit crabby and this just pushed the wrong button.

ok going back to CROCHETING my sock

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My hubby has been watching me crochet for years and he still calls it knitting from time to time or calls it crotchit...cause he can't seem to say crochet the right way. This comes from people who don't know or have never done the craft. They can't seem to tell the difference between a crochet hook or a knitting needle. I just smile when they call it the wrong thing, because that just tells me that there is something I know that they don't, lol. If someone has never done needlework....they just don't know the correct terms. Calm down sweetie, have a cuppa of something and enjoy making your socks.

Have a great day!



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My hubby has been watching me crochet for years and he still calls it knitting from time to time or calls it crotchit...



do we have the SAME hubby?!? mine does that too!



hehehe :lol

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I don't think its only people who haven't done it before. When I was working on Gavin's Octopus Blanket my MIL came over and was like oh whats mommy doing Gavin? Is she knitting you something? and MIL crotchets, so what excuse does she have? I mean shes not an avid crocheter like we are but she will make something from time to time.

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lol. i don't mind... people call me mexican (mon was from el savador and dad in ecuador and i was fortunate to be born in french canada) all the time. i just smile and nod. i don't mind, lol. so it they say "cool knitting!" i smile too. hey at least they think it's cool and not yucky! i just tell them it's called crochet. why fight with knitters? we both love yarn, lol, no? and besides i've crossed over too and learned to knit aswell, so potato potaaato, tomato.... it's all good. don't let it get you all frustatred, lol. it's awesome what we can do with yarn! so the million dollar question... "what's ya knitting? lololol i mean crocheting that is, lolol.


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:rofl This is tooooo funny because my 6 yo son came home from school the other day and I was sitting on the couch, crocheting a pair of camo mittens for him. He said "Are you SEWING my mittens, mommy?"
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:rofl This is tooooo funny because my 6 yo son came home from school the other day and I was sitting on the couch, crocheting a pair of camo mittens for him. He said "Are you SEWING my mittens, mommy?"



my daughter calls it SEWING too!!! how funny - i wasn't even going to mention that... :lol :lol

she says things like, "i like to watch you sew mommy" and "can we practice sewing now?" - so funny yet sooo cute :D





ps - she's SIX too! :)

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I don't let it bother me. People who crochet or knit don't know the difference. If someone asks what I'm knitting they obviously don't know, so it's a teaching opportunity. I usually say "Oh, it's not knit, I'm crocheting" and then I tell them the charity I'm crocheting for and sometimes it inspires them to try crocheting or to get involved with a charity. :)

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I crochet in front of my fiance every single night of the week. He also calls it knitting. Actually, he calls latch hooking knitting too. It's a catch-all word for him. But, it almost got him into hot water. We were at the mall just before Christmas, and I was drooling over the pattern a day calendar, again. He got a really worried look on his face. I said to him, "You got me the knitting one, didn't you?" He exchanged it the day before Christmas to the Crochet one. Lol!

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:cheer I found a "Crochet Kit" at a local store, the other day, with a Knitted Bag on the front of the box.

It says, Contents: Yarn, Knitting Needles, Crochet Hook & Instruction Book.

Turned the box over and there was a picture of Yarn, Knitting Needles & a Latch Hook for making Rugs.

I was not prepared to buy the kit to see what the instructions might say.

Very bad on the part of who ever put this out and I certainly hope that no-one bought them for their children.

Now that is what gets me angry, not people who dont know the difference when they see me crocheting or knitting.


I am sorry I cannot get into the Knit/Crochet debate as to which is best because I do both and each has its place and I love them both.

I always took it for granted that everyone did both.


Next time someone calls your crochet knitting, just smile sweetly and say "Crochet one hook, Knitting two needles."

We cannot change Human Nature.


Have fun.


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do we have the SAME hubby?!? mine does that too!



hehehe :lol



Add mine to that list. Althoug, I must give him credit, he tries and we've only been married a year and a half.....

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People, people, people, it's "Yarnin"!!!!! LOL. That's what my kids call it .."Oh Mommy's yarnin again" NO "g" on the end. Just yarnin.




:rofl This thread really has me chuckling!


That would honk me off, too, only because I can't stand it when people use the wrong term for lots of different things. :)

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my hubby can't differentiate between crochet, knitting and wait for it, Cross stitch, how different can they be! although he does most of the time say yarn now instead of wool, I think he is understanding what a skein is also, sheesh, I should have probably put something in my vows about it, hindsight is a wonderful thing.

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I am so tired of hearing..."What cha knittin' "

grrrr Why do people not get the difference.


it wasn't your husband that said it tho, right? geesh, you think he'd learn after all these years....i should just go buy more yarn every time he calls what i do the "K" word!!!! :think




ok, just read more in the thread.....apparently i'm not alone!!! LOL

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no it was not hubby today but his excuse is I am always doing one or the other (I do knit to) so he knows his chance of getting it right are 50/50.

Which is too funny. His gma taught him to knit when he was little...and he knew I crocheted when we met.

umm huge difference... the difference is I cqant poke him with my hooks

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:cheer I

I am sorry I cannot get into the Knit/Crochet debate as to which is best because I do both and each has its place and I love them both.

I always took it for granted that everyone did both.



I do both as well, but just get more defensive of crochet because I have done that since I was very young

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:cheer I found a "Crochet Kit" at a local store, the other day, with a Knitted Bag on the front of the box.

It says, Contents: Yarn, Knitting Needles, Crochet Hook & Instruction Book.

Turned the box over and there was a picture of Yarn, Knitting Needles & a Latch Hook for making Rugs.

I was not prepared to buy the kit to see what the instructions might say.

Very bad on the part of who ever put this out and I certainly hope that no-one bought them for their children.

Now that is what gets me angry, not people who dont know the difference when they see me crocheting or knitting.


I am sorry I cannot get into the Knit/Crochet debate as to which is best because I do both and each has its place and I love them both.

I always took it for granted that everyone did both.


Next time someone calls your crochet knitting, just smile sweetly and say "Crochet one hook, Knitting two needles."

We cannot change Human Nature.


Have fun.



Were you at one of those dollar stores or a closeout store? I saw one of those "crochet" kits once a few years ago. Judging from the errors in English sentence structure, I'm betting it was mass produced by some asian company that didnt quite do it's homework on just how each needleart is done.

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Add mine to that list. Althoug, I must give him credit, he tries and we've only been married a year and a half.....



hahahahaha.... My hubby still calls it knitting and we've been married for 26yrs now. I guess some habits/men are really hard to break... LOL

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I don't get this much from strangers... mostly from my own kids. "Mommy, what are you knitting?" Um, honey... I've told you a million times.... it's CROCHETING, not KNITTING.


Funny thing is, when I finally DO get my knitting needles out (I knit only occasionally... I don't come close to even being a beginner! :lol), they don't confuse THAT with crocheting! :lol


Most of the time, it doesn't bother me, but after having repeated myself over and over and over again, it gets frustrating after a while.


(P.S. MY hubby is one of those that get is right only half the time.)

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