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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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:lol Diane you were supposed to get yarn for the blue star not the snowflake.


Are you going to go with the greens.


Your book is taking forever isnt it. Where did you order it from.


Mine has turned into browns with Aqua. I originally wanted to do a blue one.


Wendy. I ordered my book from Half.com. They were saying between 1.17 and 1.29 that it would get here. When I check my order it says that it was sent on the 12th.

I am thinking I might go with blues, my brother wants an afghan with blue in it. But then, I might make it in colors I want and keep it for myself. I just don't know for sure!!!!LOL

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YIPPEE!!! I got midway through row 12... I really like the way the country blue and windsor blue come together... very much what I wanted! I had to stop, as I need to keep going on my WIPs. I got those "obligations" done (I have some mapped out for each day so I can get them finished) and was too tired to do more. So, today is a new day! LOL! I'll see y'all tonight with an update...


I was looking in QUilt CAL and they have a "picture friday" where everyone posts pictures of their progress on Fridays. Do you think we can do something like that? It doesn't have to be Friday - but today IS friday and I want to see more inspiration! :D PLEASE!?!?!?!

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krystal you are going well there. Keep going... hehe


Diane I will keep my fingers crossed.


We could have a picture day here too. I just posted a pic in bedspread cal.

I havent finished adding the squares to my star, when i have I will post a pic.

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Krystal - I misunderstood what you were saying and thought you were talking about the ch 1 after the dc in between clusters, I looked at my book and it is indeed missing the ch 1 BEFORE also. I am pretty sure I just included the ch 1 before, I just thought it was a mistake in the pattern. I love the idea of having days to post pictures, I'd be all for that. Hopefully it would be okay to post another day too if you were so inclined, I tend to get excited and want to share pictures more often sometimes..OR procrastination kicks in and I don't take the pictures as often lol Also I just saw that email about the AC Moore sale, there is an awful storm coming in here also (I see you are also in NY) I just HAVE to go though right? Gonna have to talk hubby into it, I don't drive in this weather so he'd have to do the driving and its about 30 minutes away to AC Moore from me and..well, he's on this "you don't need anymore yarn" kick, but! but! 75% off, come on surely there's exceptions =)


Tracy - So glad to hear that you got in your yarn! =) I really like the colors you chose, dying to see something from you =)


Gleda - LOL @ getting more yarn, more yarn is always good and those colors sound great =) Can't wait to see what they look like. Its so awful to hear about what happened at your daughter's convienience store, good thing she wasn't there, but I do feel really bad for the person who got shot =( I hope they come out of it alright. Good plan that your daughter is looking for something more safe. If it was my daughter I would be freaking out worrying about her continuing to work there after something like that has happened =(


Wendy - Yah I really loved doing the center part and am still working the border around the center/blocks. I kind of dread having to go back and work on squares some more lol


Diane - I sure hope you get your book soon. Its tough to decide whether to make it for yourself or someone else. This is so beautiful, I would have a hard time just giving it away hehe That also has a lot to do with it being my first "adult" afghan and I'm going to be selfish and keep it for myself! Since I have never finished a full size afghan, I must keep the first right? =)


Peni - I don't think that I crochet fast, not usually, but that one day I was determined and wore myself out working on the center hehe I just could NOT put it down. I wanted to see what it looked like after the color change, then I wanted to join the squares, it was always something else I wanted to finish first before putting it down =)

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I got the Garnet today, but the wrong amount. It will be enough to finish the blanket as the pattern requires. I don't like the way the it looks with the pink in place of the white. So I will not be doing it that way. back to to Pink as Main Color

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Oh, LadyKats - it's so FRUSTRATINIG when you can't get the "right" color. You know in your head what you want it to look like, then the manufacturers seem to have adifferent idea about what we might want. :(


I am done with the center star and have 7 of 9 little squares done in the first granny block. I still don't like the yellow, but not enough to ditch the plan. I keep telling myself that when I get MORE blue around it (like the whole rest of the afghan!) that the yellow won't seem so overpowering. I am aiming to get one of each of the squares done and attached, then take a picture. I haven't paid much attention to how it joins, so I might be stranding my skein, attached to the middle whilst I finish the rest of the squares, but I have several skeins of the rest.


Supposedly (my aunt asked a clerk) they are only going to have 25% off the red hearts. I still might venture out tomorrow if it's not too bad. I need some more cornmeal (that tiny ball isn't going to hold up long!) and some more country blue.


Lyn - I have to drive myself tomorrow, with 3 kids, if I go. Fortunately, I've got a big TANK of a 4-wheel drive truck! As long as it's not whiteouts, I'm pretty good.


No snow here yet, but we're supposed to get 12 to 18 inches soon...

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Tracey - I'm 1/2 hour from Buffalo, why?


I got my first square attached to the star, but I don't like the inside corner of it where it joins. It isn't laying flat. I've checked my stitches several times, and the count is right... hopefully it'll pull flat when the rest is there.


I keep thinking that I have another cornmeal somewhere in my stash. Now, it's fairly organized for as large as it is, but stillllll..... I think I'll spend tonight rounding up yarn from all the places it can possibly hide and see if I can't find it. If I can't go out shopping tomorrow, then maybe I can find it here...

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Can I tell you how happy I am?


I haven't found the cornmeal, but I *did* solve my variegated problem! You know how you're supposed to cut out the dark parts of the variegated at one point? Well, I just stumbled on yarn I forgot that I had bought - and it will work great in place of the "clipped out" variegated...


Here's a pic of my progress (you can see the original variegated) and the new variegated I found - over a pound of it! LOL! YAY for me!




I'm thinking of taking off that square and using it where you use the OTHER square 1, and using the lighter variegated right near the star. This one blends in REALLY well, and you can't see the star that well. It's not like I'm going to waste this square - I'll just use it somewhere else!


Oh, back to the stash!

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Tracey - your colors sound great sorry the white didnt work as the main. How did it go when you changed the main color back to pink.


Krystal - with 75 percent of yarn its definitely worth going to have a look at what you can buy.:yes


Krystal - Your colors are looking great:yay , I love blue its my favorite. Are you putting the right block against the star because the colors in the star should be the same in the squares around it except for the varigated. Yes I do like that other varigated although what you had there looks great as well.

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Aussie -

I didn't put the yellow inside my star as called for, I put the light blue. My cornmeal is substituting for the mediume blue. I'm moving all kinds of things around now to suit my fancy! LOL!


I am not going to go tomorrow. I just went through my stash, and I have it organized by colors that "go" together for afghans. Looking around (they're in piles on the floor), I have enough for 1, 2, 3, ..... 18 or so afghans, not including my WIPs. I can't, in good conscience, go shopping tomorrow. :)


Oh, I didn't find ONE cornmeal, I found TWO.

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Krystal ok sorry I thought you had done something wrong there. But hey its ok to swap it around to how you want it to look. It still looks great and Im glad you found more cornmeal. So with all the yarn you have you will be able to make lots of these.

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Well, My book still has not gotten here yet. I am beginning to be frusterated with it. Says though that it may be the 29th before it arrives :(


Krystal I think the cornmeal will be loverly. I love that color anyhoo. I also agree with Darski about risking life and limb to get yarn!!!! yep. Then you have something to work on while you are snowed it. OH.. I guess if that were me.. I do have something to work in while being snowed in!!LOL

The ones that I have seen pictures of are looking most loverly!!!!!!

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Krystal. I just got up!!LOL Slept in a little this morning. I know, how can I be sleeping when there is so much yarn calling my name!LOL:P :P

Hope that eveyone is doing well this morning. I am hopeing to receive my book today!!!!!! I shall let you know if it arrives.:think

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:think Where's everyone? :rofl

I bet Lyn has her crochet arm sitting in ice water.. :yes


I didn't get anymore done on the BS, as I started assembling my daisy charity quilt! I'm going to go post pictures now to my blog if you care to see.

I just visited your blog Krystal, WOW I love all your afghans, but the daisy afghan.... that is beautiful and oh I see so much work and love in each square. They will be so loved when recieved.



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Krystal. I just got up!!LOL Slept in a little this morning. I know, how can I be sleeping when there is so much yarn calling my name!LOL:P :P

Hope that eveyone is doing well this morning. I am hopeing to receive my book today!!!!!! I shall let you know if it arrives.:think


Diane I have my fingers crossed that your book comes today!!! It is so hard waiting......:hug :hug hang in there, it is worth it.



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Good day everyone, I got up raring to crochet.......I got tired of quares yesterday, and decided I would give a go at the center for a while. However this morning I want to get back and finish my squares :think :think ----go figure? :lol :lol

It is cold windy and rainy here today so I am definately not :eek going to go out so what better way to spend my time than working on my afghan.....:devil


House work, laundry??? :eek :eek


I like the idea of progress pictures on Fri...... Keep the hooks flying :cheer


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