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Any Crochet New Year Resolutions??

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I was just wondering if anyone has any crochet New Year Resolutions?


I think I want to enter the world of thread and try to make a doily. I get so inspired by the gorgeous doilies here.


I want to continue felting. That's just so much fun.


I want to continue designing plus size outfits for people like me who are fluffy and can't find patterns.

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For me, I'd like to learn to make garments, hats, and socks.


I've always just made afghans or blankets. Or I've worked with thread and made doily's and tablecloths.


I'd also like to learn the correct technique for joining squares or motifs. In the past I've just put the two motifs together right sides facing eachother, and then run along the edges with a single crochet. That leaves a ridge that I'd rather do without...so I'd like to do that properly.


I'd also like to learn how to join colours mid-row without knotting....


Even though I've been crocheting for close to 18 years (i started at 12), I've only ever done simple things...

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For me, I'd like to learn to make garments, hats, and socks.


I've always just made afghans or blankets. Or I've worked with thread and made doily's and tablecloths.


I'd also like to learn the correct technique for joining squares or motifs. In the past I've just put the two motifs together right sides facing eachother, and then run along the edges with a single crochet. That leaves a ridge that I'd rather do without...so I'd like to do that properly.


I'd also like to learn how to join colours mid-row without knotting....


Even though I've been crocheting for close to 18 years (i started at 12), I've only ever done simple things...


www.crochetcabana.com has some excellent tutorials on joining methods and on changing colors.


CrochetDude and others have another way of joining, but I couldn't find it right away. Perhaps someone else knows where the directions are.

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KateCrochet's 2007 Christmas Resolutions


  • I will finish projects I start. Not that I won't have some projects still unfinished, but if I have finished crocheting a piece, I will weave in the ends, seam the pieces, sew on notions and/or block it as necessary, so that it is actually done.
  • I will inventory my yarn at least twice. This won't stop me from buying more yarn, but it will help me not end up with 12 balls of green yarn that I just don't need.
  • I will finish designs - I will write it, I will test it, and I will edit it with speed and due diligance. This will only benefit me, as procrastination leads to guessing and counting more than necessary to writing!
  • I will not bite my yarn. It's one thing with thread - I won't kid myself I can give that up in one year - but biting yarn to cut is just too fuzzy and hard.
  • I will not buy any more sweaters to "rescue" the yarn from until I unravel the 32 sweaters I already own for this purpose, no matter how cheap they are. OK, I have to unravel AND STRAIGHTEN at least 5. That's more realistic.
  • I will not let these resolutions get in the way of a fun time of crocheting! :U

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I was thinking about that last night! I wanna mke a snowflake a week, a square a week,,,or a day,,,,just to begin with. I want to think about this more, now.


I'm with Riohnna..........I need to think about this some more!:think

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i want to perfect my totally non existent skills in crocheting with graphs. im pathetic...

one of my goals for the new year is not to use any patterns i didnt come up with myself! not that other people havent made some BEAUTIFUL things, but i think that this will push me to get more creative (and better at math)

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:thinkfor my New Year crochet resolution:

I want to finish all my projects started & get them ready for use

I want to start doing my Christmas decorating crochet & keep it up so I actually don't have to rush at the last minute:eek

I want to try something new

I will go through my inventory & try to use at least some of it instead of collecting dust!

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Like Mandy, I too want to learn to do more garments. (You can only gift afghans so often!). Since joining here I've seen all the sweaters, shawls, bags and I love them. So that's my main goal for the coming year.


The only other thing I can think of right off, is to be more selective about buying my yarn on sale. I made a list of projects and my yarn needs for them already. So I will carry that with me. I hope it keeps me on track !!

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I want to go through my stash and actually use it instead of just getting new yarn. I also want to "try" to control how many WIP's I have at one time. They all eventually get done but I am going to try to not have 8-10 at a time.

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I am determined to create an original design in my size and to make a pattern that can be shared around in groups and places where I go.


I have the yarn, I have hooks... ... ...


So what is missing in this picture? :sigh


The great joy of new years is that you begin with an almost irrational belief that you can do "this" thing.

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my resolution for the new year is to crochet more for charity, and to actually complete the projects I begin. I am at a point now where I have NO UFO'S...(what's a girl to do with no ufo's in the closet??? :lol) and I want to keep it that way. I am also kinda of at a place where I have no dire wip's either.... time to get to the CAL board, and overwhelm myself again, :lol


But seriously, I want to send something in each month to the Charity Blitz Charity, and I want to start crocheting items for an organization close to home.... havn't found which one yet.

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Be more disciplined about writing up my original patterns. Being brave and submitting them for publication. Finishing up more of my WIPs and UFO's...(which is not just crochet projects...I have one serious UFO in the form of a correspondence course I really need to finish up by March...)


Taking everything I've learned the past 2-1/2 years working with commercial and published patterns and seeing what I can do with going back to designing my own stuff again...

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I've already started one--working with what is in my stash instead of purchasing new yarns. I have managed to make gift doilies for everyone using the size 3-what-did-I-buy-this-for? cotton thread I have several colors of.


If I do buy yarn--because nothing in my stash is appropriate for all those wonderful items in Doris Chan's new book--I will buy what I need and not browse and pick up extra stuff I don't need.


Oh, and get a copy of the Doris Chan book. I will have to return the one I have to the library eventually....:)

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i want to learn to make a garment, maybe for a child. i have several preemie afghans and hats that i need to donate. our local hospital isn't too keen on accepting anything but prayer shawls now, and i need to locate a place to mail them. i also want to make a purse but can't decide what yarn to use.

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My resolution is to learn how to do a graph. I just find it overwhelming with tunisian, afghan, or sc stitch and is the tunisian or afghan stitch the same :think . I have seen web sites about this but just haven't committed myself to actually figure it out yet. I see everyone's beautiful graph ghans though and I wanna do that too. I think I will just start out with something simple though at first.

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dani, I too would love to learn tunisian crochet, and yes I'm pretty sure tunisian is the afghan stitch.


I just tried my first graph this week, it was a very simple pattern, and I love it, and can't wait to get better and better at it!

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My crochet resolutsions are:

- to make more thread teddy bears. Those are so cute and I want to get better.

- make more doilies. Lately I've been knitting socks and things. I want to get back to my first love!

- make my first crocheted wearable. I've knitted a sweater before and I have a crocheted hoodie pattern that I want to start.

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