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Bedspread Bonanza


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Julie, you'll never complete a BS if you don't see one through! I'm beginning to think your mojo is slipping away from you. Or perhaps you suffer from ADCD = attention deficit crochet disorder, LOL!


Okay, two pep talks in one day is my limit. I'm going to hide so the tomatoes that y'all throw at me don't touch me!!!:devil :devil :devil

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I'm so excited to have this almost done! If it wasn't for this CAL I'd probably still only have 6 squares done. Now I only have 2 squares left to make and and a little bit more joining...and the border. I don't think I'll be able to work on it much more until after out trip and I won't be here for photo friday so I took some pics today.


It's still a bit lumpy looking but hopefully when I get it joined the rest of the way and probably washed it'll straighten out a better. That's a queen size bed it's sitting on but the person it's going to has a smaller bed so I think it'll be just right.


I thought the sunlight would help but my camara didn't agree



Reggie reminding me to weave in those ends


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Jessi, great job! Fidge, glad to hear that you're starting to feel better. This cold is still kicking my tookus... didn't get anything done on my BS last night. Worked on a prelim for a good 5 hours last night, then promptly passed out.... :blush ugh... perhaps I can squeeze some crochet time in tonight, don't want to lose steam!


Well, back to work... have a productive day all! :cheer



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Very pretty, Jessi ~




The below comments were deleted due to a temporary meltdown .

I'll be ok now, i just need my backpack of Valium and a washtub full of Gravy with a dozen biscuits to dunk, and I'll be fine .

And maybe a long winter's nap . Somedays I'm grumpier than a bear with a sore tail .

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Fidge- no, you didnt offend me in the least . I will go in and re-arrange my comments above. I kinda come across as a half-looney nutbag ,don't I ?


Sometimes I just get a little overwhelmed making so many tiny little pieces and putting them all together. Once I get something done, I am always glad I finished it -- it's just getting it to that point .


Once before I got TOTALLY burnt out on crochet- I didnt crochet for several years. I guess I don't want that to happen again ,because THEN what would I do all day ?


Sorry if I was snappy- I'll go in and re-phrase my last post . :)

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Hi, everybody. Just got on the internet. I have reached the middle of my BS!!!! the middle is in the apricot. :2frog I am frogging the front of a sweater that I never finished and immediately crocheting the yarn into the BS. :frog Pull, crochet, pull, crochet. :frog Kind of fun seeing the one shrink as the other grows.

Julie -:hug - Take three deep breaths, fix yourself some tea or coffee, eat a cookie, feel the sun shine on your face, and take a break. We don't want our fearless leader in the slammer. Read a book. Bake a cake. Give yourself some slack.:manyheart

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No what you need is lunch out with freinds. It's wintertime and the sun isn't in the sky all that long so everyone gets a little gloomy this time of year. Do something different for hour or day. It helps bring the mind back into alignment with the hands :)

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When the winter gives me the blues, I generally buy something. HeHe, as our cell subscription is up in February, I bought all of us new phones and changed our plan. Moved everything over to Cingular. Being that I will be saving $250.00 a month in this new contract, I didn't mind the least in getting a Blackberry for myself. It was rather economical with a two year sign up, that and it's going to be fun to play with. The phone does everytihng, camera, MP3 player, bluetooth, email, web browser, and its a PDA to boot. If only the buttons weren't so small. So at least today I had some entertainment. It was defiantly different.

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i`m sorry for not postting the pictures i`ll post it at friday

i had my first issue of (crochet magazine) the march`s issue but guess what i should pay in the next 2 days or they will cancel my subscribtion

i`ll send them an e-mail i`ll ask about the money transfuring in the bank and sending them the recite


ohh i want to ask you about felting

how can i do it please??

i always read about felting bags then i knew its something about hot water or fomething:)

plz help me what is it

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i knew what is felting nyahaha<<<devilish laugh lol


filting bag for example:): Place the bag and i-cord in a zippered pillowcase and place in the washing machine with 4-5 pairs of jeans or other heavy items. Wash on the hot wash cold rinse cycle. May take 3-4 trips through the wash to achieve desired felting.

Block the bag. Find a box that is the same size as the bag (it can be taller and stick out the top) and place the box in a plastic grocery bag. Put the plastic covered box into the felted bag. Allow the bag, bottom up, to dry completely (1-2 days). Blocking the bag creates a flat bottom so that your bag will sit flat. Once dry, take your bag and your double pointed needles. Pinch in the ends

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i knew what is felting nyahaha<<<devilish laugh lol


filting bag for example:): Place the bag and i-cord in a zippered pillowcase and place in the washing machine with 4-5 pairs of jeans or other heavy items. Wash on the hot wash cold rinse cycle. May take 3-4 trips through the wash to achieve desired felting.

Block the bag. Find a box that is the same size as the bag (it can be taller and stick out the top) and place the box in a plastic grocery bag. Put the plastic covered box into the felted bag. Allow the bag, bottom up, to dry completely (1-2 days). Blocking the bag creates a flat bottom so that your bag will sit flat. Once dry, take your bag and your double pointed needles. Pinch in the ends


Felting is one thing I want to try. The only thing wrong with me is there is no hot water for my washing machine. I don't know if you could still do it with only cold water. I guess I could try doing it by hand but not sure how to do that.

Pat Ada

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So the only way I could do this at home is to boil water and hand wash in the laundry sink. I have a vision in my head of running a hose from the kitchen sink to the washer just for this. :lol :lol

Pat Ada

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Athba, I just finished my first felting project...a large blanket for my German Shepherd pup to lay on so he doesn't leve fur all over the bedroom carpet. Everythong else I put down he was able to chew holes in!


Basically, I had a pattern for this, but it was too small, so I made it bigger than I thought it should be (using 100% WOOL) and when I was finished I washed it in warm water...it didn't shrink too much, so I did it again...perfect! I stretched it out to shape it and let it air dry.

The yarn is all interlocked, and you can no longer see the stitches. In fact it looks and feels like an old army wool blanket (like me, you "older" ladies might know about that). It's wonderfully thick and solid... even DH was impressed!

It was fun...you can try doing it on something small, like a potholder, too.

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