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Bedspread Bonanza


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My DD design, so I can't take credit except for the crocheting. Looking at it in the picture, the spirals are not lining up right. Sorry for the out of focus pic. the battery died as I took that, so I am lucky to get that one. Searching for charger, I can't remember were we put it. Wait it's in the kitchen I think.

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I never thought of poppies, but your right. Guess I am going to have to have DD do the colors on my other ghans as well. She is such a great artist, so she picks up on color combinations quickly or where she wants to do a change over to a different color. She choose the colors for the battle of the blocks afghan I am doing next, so wait till ya'll see that one. lol I already can see the squares floating in my head.


I found my charger, it was on the hotplate in the kitchen. Great place for the guys to stick it. :lol

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Tracey - WOW:yay that is beautiful. the colors are amazing. I cant wait to see more.


Athba - Hi there, glad to see your getting your ripple done.


Tabby - How is your BS going. Are your boys all better now.


Julie - Is Cam getting better now, I know its been a week so just thought I would ask.


My girls started school yesterday for the year. They came home with loads of books to be covered with contact paper. I spent half the night doing that instead of being on here and doing some crochet.

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Mel- my PS is going well, I have worked on it til I almost have blisters on my fingers -- wow, what a job ! It's coming along well and I hope to have it done this week. HOPE


Better be careful there with your arm -- :)


Wendy- Cam still has a cold, but that is pretty normal for him in the winter -- he just gets over one, then BAM, here comes another. I'm always glad when winter is over so he doesnt get sick as much .

Thanks for asking ~ :)

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Evening Ladies


Well im still here...we had more stuff then we thought so we are going to have to make 2 trips...my DH and sister are going on the first trip while i stay here and watch the house so i will be here for about 3 more days...i hate all this on and off stuff.



Glad to see you back posting...hope you had fun on your trip...i use to watch tennis all the time when Pete was still playing...now i stick to baseball(go braves)and football(go Miami).



That is so pretty...i made one of those and never thought of changing the center.


Whew...don't know how you ladies keep up with so many CAL.Maybe i should just move to the HappyHouse one since that is what i am doing???Oh well i will decide on that later.

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Hi, everybody! I just got on the computer for the first time today. I had to change my password yesterday and I forgot what I changed it to. :bang Aaarrrggg! And of course I didn't write it down. :grump Oh, well. I will next time. One nice thing about not being on the computer is that I had more time to crochet. Every cloud does have a silver lining.:c9

Tracy - That is absolutely gorgeous! :cheer:yay Your daughter has a very good eye for colors and how they will fit together.

I'm not at the center of my BS yet. It will take at least another set of three stripes to get there. I put it on the bed and then flipped it up. Not where I thought it would be. But I love the way it's turning out. I may even make another one after this one is done.:hook

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May I please join you ladies?


In organizing Kelle's LYS (aka : my yarn room) yesterday afternoon, I came across a WIP that's over 12 years old!! :blush And, well, I remembered I had promised my DH that I would finally finish it by the time the house is built (we're aiming to be in by Christmas '07). Anyways, it's a MAM afghan, but I've been making the strips extra-long, and I plan on making extra strips as well. I have 7 strips done (of maybe 10 or 11?)


"Why has it taken so long?" you might ask (and rightfully so!).... well, it's called Chain Links (from a Leisure Arts Booklet, #2789) and I have to change colours for every chain link which makes each strip seem to take forever :eek


So, if I may please join you in my first CAL, I would be grateful for your encouragement to finish 3-4 more strips so that I can finally put this thing together. I would love to have it finished waaaay before Christmas. I even started another (new) strip tonight! I will be sure to post pictures on Fridays too (more encouragement to keep working on it!).


Anyways, I babble too much... I should get back to the chain links while I've got the fire going under my bum!


Thanks, and great work everyone! I've been following this thread closely and just now realized I should officially join... hehehe...



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Welcome Kelle!:welcome:hi


I've got a MAM :hook going too. Why is it we crocheters always have lots of WIP's???? Anyway, it keeps me out of trouble!


I'm still sick:sick :fever y'all - I've been taking antibiotics since last week and still can't shake this thing. So, i'm just:ccompute letting you know i'm still around, and around, etc.... :spin :spin :spin :spin

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Kelle- WELCOME ~


Of course, you can join in and we will be glad to keep a fire under you to keep you motivated . I think I have seen a photo of the pattern you are making - it is REALLY pretty .

What colors are you using ?


We want a photo Friday if you get the chance to post one ~


Poor Fidge -- that stuff is nasty, isn't it ? Hope you are soon on the mend .:manyheart

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Fidge...BE BETTER SOON! That's an order:D Remember...so much yarn, so little time:hook


And Kelle, if it wasn't for the CAL's and the encouragement I'd still have a bazillion squares sitting in baggies - unattached! Welcome!:clap

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