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Bedspread Bonanza


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Julie and Brae, I love both your colors!


I was able to get 9 more squares done since last week before running out of yarn. I haven't joined anymore together yet so I haven't taken a new picture...unless you really want me to;) I'm hoping to get more tomorrow but we have a busy weekend so I don't know if we'll make it out that way. I would go today but it's about :snow0 degrees outside and I don't want to take DD out unless I really have to!! Makes me so glad that by this time next friday we'll be on our way to Florida for a week!:sun Hmm I better find something to do for the car ride!

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Here is the most recent picture of my BS. I will be going to get my DH later tonight so I needed to make sure this was psoted. :) I will be spending most of my time with him while he is home for the weekend. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.


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Brae and Julie - love those PS's all the colors are so pretty.


Melissa - love the BS it's going to be a real nice one.


Here's mine so far. I'm going to try to at least get the rest of the yellow and red on there today. I'll post an updated photo on it if I do. I just keep plugging away at it :D:hook



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Hey all,

I think I am going on a crochet hiatus for a few weeks so I am dropping out of this CAL and a couple of others as I have no idea when I will get back to this.


I have some obligations for my knitting Group that really need my time and attention for a while and I want to do some knitting just for fun.


I will check in here and there and I have to meet my requirements in the Charity Blitz anyway.


Enjoy all your stitches and have at it ladies! :ghug

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Darski, you'll be missed :yes !!!

To all who've posted pictures, Great work!!!:yay :yay :yay

I'm still sick and no progress, so no pics here! Hopefully I'll have something for next week!

Thanks for sharing everyone! I really like the little squares, they are so bright and lively, unlike me at the moment :sick:fever . Hopefully there will be more later! :yes

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Hi, all. I don't have a picture to post this week. I've been busy on a lot of other projects and only got 1 stripe added. I think I'll be at the middle section in 4 more rows, so will hope to have lots to show next week. John & Kim both have chest congestion and a bad cough.

Julie & Brae - both of your prairie stars are gorgeous. I love both color combinations.:cheer:clap

Melissa - your yellow rose BS is coming along very nicely. :yay I love how it looks, but don't have the patience to do lots and lots of flowers.

Heather - your around the world BS just keeps getting prettier and prettier. All those colors are working out so well. It just makes me want to smile it's so cheerful.:):yes

Dardki - I miss you already. Have fun knitting.:knit

Fidgement - I'm so sorry to hear that you are sick. Hope you'll bounce back really fast. Winter really seems to be hitting everyone hard with colds, flu, and the crud. Drink lots of liquids and get plenty of rest.

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Julie, Brae, Heather and Melissa you are all doing such wonderful spreads, they are so pretty. What great progress.


No pics for me today, Had to recharge my camera battery, but I have another row of 4 finished. Not bad considering I've also worked on other projects this week.

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