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Bedspread Bonanza


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Just being nosey ...


What do you think of a sort of roll call? I'd love to know how many people joined this CAL and what everyone's working on (without going back through a gazillion messages)!


It started snowing again about 9pm and it's still going. Tomorrow (16th) is Mom's birthday but I don't think we'll be heading down to the city for it. She's already 'ordered' me to stay put anyway because of the weather.


Didn't get a whole lot done on my PS today, though I managed a few diamonds. My daughter said that a snow day means you have to go out and play in the snow, and she doesn't know any kids out here yet, so we both went out and played in the backyard. I played more than she did (found a small door for my desk in the shed that I never used and made a makeshift toboggan out of it) and you can bet these ol' bones will feel it tomorrow!


I did manage to start a Trish doily tonight and got 15 rounds done! My hands get achey working with yarn so much and a light doily is just what I need! My kitchen table needs one too!



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Evening Ladies...


Sorry i have not been on....feeling a little better now but still icky...i have six rows done on my Casablanca and will try to get a photo up soon so you all can see it...


I hope everyone is still doing good and your BS are getting done.


Im going to try to go back to bed now since it is 2:30am and hope i feel allot better tomorrow.


I hate being sick!!!

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Shay - hope you feel better soon. You have done heaps on your casablanca.


Brae - while you are playing in the snow my girls are swimming in the pool. What a difference in climate huh. Its 40 degrees celcius here today. Yes I do agree its hard to keep up with what everyone is doing.

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Well, the Northeast USA is finally going to experience winter, it is suppose to go down to 28 F throughout the day. A week ago last Saturday it was 72. I think this is the waarmest winter I have ever had here in the NJ. I didn't work on my BS as I left it at work last night. But I did photoshop the BSA in the colors I ordered to see what it is going to look like. Should be good, I hope.

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Hello ladies


Brae had a good idea about having a role call to keep track of who is working on what -

I was going to put a post here and ask everyone to holler out to see who all we have in the group, but THIS post would get lost in the shuffle too , so could you guys do this instead :

Please send me a pm-- in it , put the pattern you are making and colors .


I will then compile a list and go back to post number one and list everyone who is working on this, their pattern and colors , then if anyone is curious, it'll be easy to click on post 1 and see .


So, click in with a pm when you get time and drop me a note .



Today is my daughter in law's birthday, the sweetest girl anyone could ask for , for a daughter in law .

I called her at 7 AM and sang happy birthday to her.

Let's just say my singing could wake the dead, but she was very polite and thanked me for it.

Most people would have called the police on me for phone harrassment ( if they are not DEAF ) :lol

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i finished my exams and i`m coupletly for crochet right now

i`ll complete my fiance BS

and i have alot of BEDSPREADS to finish



ladeis the captivating cosmos has too small hexagon which means if i made111 of it i`ll make an afghan of 53''wide and 65'' or so long

does it worth?? if i wanna make it bigger i chould buy mire yarn which i`m not sure that there is more of it

what do you think

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Athba, if you want to make it bigger and can't get the same yarn you could always add a wide border of a similar color - or use one completely different:hook

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Shay, I hope that you are feeling better soon. Being sick is no fun.


Tracy My DH is in NJ (Carteret) and has been complaining about how cold it is there right now. He is heading to Tx later today. And I don't think it is going to get any better for him there. I hear they have some nasty weather going on there. (snow and ice) We were in the 70's this weekend. But it is suppose to get cold here this week. It has been raning this morning. A good day to stay in and crochet. :) But I am making a trip to my daughters school soon. I am going to go ad have lunch with her. And I am sure several of her friends will sit with us. This school is really great. They let the parents come up and have lunch with the kids whenever they want too. And they have a special table and room set up for you to use. Usually Amber or Shannon sit with me and Kyra for lunch when I go.

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judi i added one dc row in the end it became bigger but still small and will take more white yarn

i dont want to add another colour i want it white with red flowers as a bride BS soooooooooo romantic ;)

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Julie~That's so sweet even if you can't sing. My Dad always does that for me & he can't sing either but I love it anyways. Although last year he forgot me all together but hey we won't go there, lol. :lol She's very lucky to have a MIL like you. :manyheart Is she Cams Mom or do you have another DIL? I know you told me before but I can't retain anything in there, AT ALL! cobwebs.gif

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Good morning. The weather has changed big time here, too. It went from the 70's over the weekend to 40's and rain today. :rain My poor joints ache like mad today, but drastic weather changes always do that to me, so it's nothing new. :yuck I'll just stay inside and stay warm as much as possible. :fireAnd rain is lots better than snow & ice, so I won't complain too much.

Shaylen - Glad to hear that you are a little bit better. Hope you are feeling much, much better very soon. :flower

Athba - Congratulations on finishing exams! :mdust

Julie and Brae - That is a good idea. I'll drop you a line later with mine Julie.

Have a great day! (Or, night, as the case may be.)

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Shay - get well soon !


Mel - good for you !!


Tabby-yea, this is Cam's mom. I have another Daughter in law too , but don't see her real often. She's a nice girl too, just very quiet . And you know ME ---- QUIET isn't exactly a word you'd use to describe me . :lol

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Hi Everyone! How is everybody feeling today?


Thanks for all the well wishes.

I'm at work and for some reason I'm in a real good mood. :think

(I work in Customer Service-no one here is ever in a good mood! :no )


SHHHHH!!! Don't tell the doctor but I have found a way to crochet...I just stick the hook inside the cast and my fingers can hold onto the hook somewhat....I am not hurting myself but crocheting is slow but I am getting it.....can't keep me away from crochet.....:devil


Melanie, you had me laughing out loud! I'm trying to picture this in my head. You're a crochet freak like the rest of us! :lol Just please don't hurt or strain yourself!


Shay, I hope you're feeling better. It's not fun being sick and run down.


Gotta Run, Boss is coming!


Take Care!


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Shay, I hope that you are feeling better soon. Being sick is no fun.


Tracy My DH is in NJ (Carteret) and has been complaining about how cold it is there right now. He is heading to Tx later today. And I don't think it is going to get any better for him there. I hear they have some nasty weather going on there. (snow and ice) We were in the 70's this weekend. But it is suppose to get cold here this week. It has been raning this morning. A good day to stay in and crochet. :) But I am making a trip to my daughters school soon. I am going to go ad have lunch with her. And I am sure several of her friends will sit with us. This school is really great. They let the parents come up and have lunch with the kids whenever they want too. And they have a special table and room set up for you to use. Usually Amber or Shannon sit with me and Kyra for lunch when I go.




Wow, that sounds like a very neat school. Here if we go to the school you have to surrender you diver's license just to see the main office, then an escort will take you to the person you need to speak with. I talked to my sister this morning, she lives in Huntsville Texas. They were missed by the ice storm that was suppose to go through there over night. But the ground had a little ice. Huntsville is an hour north of Houston. So the cold went pretty far south. I was down there last year this time and was running around in a T-shirt and shorts. It was great. Hope your hubby has a very safe trip and doesn't incounter any bad weather.

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Athba- you are certainly going to be busy with all those afghans.


Melannie - that is great that you found a way to crochet. You need someone to take a photo of you doing that. That would make a great scrapbook page.


Melissa - I hope your husband doesnt run into too much bad weather. I wouldnt know what its like to drive in the cold, wet and icy conditions but I have seen it on tv and it looks dangerous. Thats a great school that lets you have lunch with your children.


Shay - I hope your feeling a bit better now. Get well soon.


Julie - I will PM you my details of what Im doing soon.


Well I think I have caught up on everything. My daughters both had a friend stay over last night. Not sure what time they went to sleep. I could still hear them at midnight. Today will be another day watching the tennis and

crocheting more of these little squares.

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