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Bedspread Bonanza


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Okay, I was think to use the silk ribbon and crochet ( Darski's idea) a chain to insert where the satin cord goes. Then maybe liquid stitch or sew the ends as I don't want bows all over the place as the bedspread calls for. Thoughts?



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Is there anyway you can test with some ribbon that you have or will it only work with this special ribbon? Your work is beautiful. I am only up to four squares, so I think I will be working on my BS for a while.

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Morning everyone.


Tracey I love your BS the motifs are very nice, its going to look beautiful on your bed when its finished.


Melissa, I have only done 4 squares and Im already fighting boredom.


Julie, Im glad to hear that Cam is getting better, I cant wait to see your pic.


there are so many new cals appearing and its so tempting.

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Morning everyone.




Melissa, I have only done 4 squares and Im already fighting boredom.




I understand that. That is why I am working on other projects as well with this one. I am not in any way dissapointed with it. But I like to work on other things as well so I don't get so bored.:hook

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Melissa, I have only done 4 squares and Im already fighting boredom.


I was aware of this feeling myself the other night. That is why I am telling myself that this is my project for this year. I will pick it up and work on it here and there because it would :drive me round the bend to just do this for any great length of time.


I worked on a knit afghan for most of last year because it was the same way...the same 4 rows over and over and over and over and over and over. But I let myself have the time to work on it slowly. :knit


I am guessing that this CAL will be here for a while as new people come in; I will just always be here doing the same old same old. :wlol

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I, too, get bored, which is why, like Darski, I always have other WIPs to pick up...plus I want to perfect the afghan stitch ( I have lousy results) and want to relearn how to knit...ya-da, ya-da....

I'll never get bored :>)

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I don't get the chance to be bored, as I only get to work on the WIP in the evening. If I am lucky, my daughter goes to her dungeon (basement), My son to his highrise (second floor), and my husband to bed, then I only have to contend with my senile old cat. :) Give me a nice tv show on, a nice cup of tea, a comfy chair,and my WIP then I am happy.

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I too have a very low boredom threshold lol :D so I'm doing many projects to keep me from burning out which so often I do.

That's why I'm so glad to have found this place to keep me motivated.:cheer

I'm trying to dedicate a day per project so I can make progress without boredom I hope. :lol

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GRRRRRRR... trying. :thair:bang:irk:rant:yell:grumpy:sigh:confused


I'm sensing some anxiety in your post. :wlol


I really do understand what you are going through and I am sorry that it is so frustrating. however, I have every confidence in you that you can do it.

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I'm sensing some anxiety in your post. :wlol


I really do understand what you are going through and I am sorry that it is so frustrating. however, I have every confidence in you that you can do it.


Thanks Darski! I'm glad someone thought I could because I was beginning to think I was NEVER going to get it. :lol

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Tabby you did it well done. We all knew you could.


I have several wips so I will take it in turns doing them and the BS squares so as not to get tired of it.


Tracey your lucky that you can take your crochet to work with you. I can do some in my lunch hour but thats it.

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Wow, this place has been hopping today ! That is totally fine for those of you that want to juggle several projects at once. It would get tedious to work on only this one thing day after day for weeks or months, especially those of you doing the motifs with the thread or lightweight yarn and small hooks. We justneed to somehow keep each other motivated to continue, because it'd be easy enough to lose steam after awhile and toss it in the closet .

So maybe if we each set ourselves some type of goal, no matter how small-- say : I'll devote 10 minutes a day to this, or one hour a day, or one day a week ... you know, just whatever you think will work for you, just so you get into a routine to do it ever so often then stay on that kick, you won't lose your initial interest in it . I did work a really small amount on mine today, but I had Cam today ,since he is still unable to go back to school just yet, so that pretty much takes up my free time while he's here. I don't THINK he'll be here tomorrow, so I should have more time then .

Anyhow, thanks to all of you for keeping the ball rolling in here today .


Congrats to those who have made some progress ! I'm proud of each of you . :manyheart

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Julie, I understand your concerns as our fearless leader and I just want to say that I do not expect to take all year to do this but rather that I am allowing myself to let it slide here and there.


If it is going nowhere, I know I will just frog the whole thing and move on. by saying it is ok to 'get to it' I don't put myself in the frog or finish place --> where frog tends to take the day.


I'll be praying for Cam too. it is so hard to see our little ones unwell in any way.

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Well, I'm good and frustrated now. I managed to get the pictures from my camera onto the computer, but haven't figured out how to get them online yet. I'll try again tomorrow. I'm out of patience for now. :bang:yell:thair:rant

I started the striped popcorn BS tonight. Starting chain of 211. I want to be able to work back and forth between projects. The Greenbriar thread BS is going to take a LONG, LONG time to complete.:badideaWHAT was I thinking?!!?

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Linda, if you have trouble up loading then let me know. I have a website and an ftp uploading software. It really makes putting pictures online. If you want you can email me the picture and I will store on my website and send you the link that you can then post to show your work. My webspace is rather large so there isn't any worry about taking away from it. That is how I show off work I do. It takes all of two minutes or less to do. With my assistant still home from college, I am thinking of having him create a blog page for me to help keep a record of my crochet projects. You can email the pictures to me at Ladykats@gmail.com This goes to anyone that is having trouble uploading pictures.


Juliekay~ glad to hear that Cam is still improving. As I hope that everyone with sick children are.


Well, I didn't get home till around 8 this evening, and Hubby was nice and cooked dinner as I cleaned the kitchen. My son and my assistant worked on my Daughter's computer. I finally got a chance to do a little crocheting around 10. I managed to finish up to round 9 where there are 11 in each large motif. It is going to be busy at work again tomorrow as we already have three cars in for morning appointments with a few scheduled to come in. I am exhausted and will be going to bed now. Talk to everyone in the morning.

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Well I am definitely working on a couple projects right now. I have about four and a half squares done for the BS and I am starting on an afghan for my Mom so that I won't get too bored. And then I have one WIP I have left from Christmas that I don't want to do anything with, but I have to force myself. I need to finish it so that I can mail it out. I hate when I get burned out on a project. I think that is why I like working these squares. I finish one and I walk away for a bit.

I hope everyones kids and grandkids feel better soon. Luckily it hasn't struck my little one yet. It just seems like kids are getting sick all over the country.

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Morning ladies !


It sounds like you are all going at your own pace on this, which is good and nothing wrong with working something else to divert your attention elsewhere from time to time. I also have other things that are started. I am trying a new idea- I have one project downstairs that I work on when I am down there and another one that is my upstairs project, so wherever I am, I have one to pick up .


I don't do like some of the people in here do. I remember reading a thread awhile back where a lot of you guys have a crochet bag that you keep in your car, for times when you are maybe stuck in traffic, or are someplace that you need something to do to occupy some time . I should make up a bag to keep in my car too, but I rarely NEVER get in traffic jams around here, so that would be pointless I guess. There are never more than one or 2 cars on the roads where I live . Maybe if someone's COW got out of the fence and was standing on the road, it'd slow me down a little. :lol


Let's not mention the UFO's in the CLOSET ............:lol

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Hi, Julie, and everyone!:hug

I'm hoping to get at least one of my just over 12 inch squares done every other day. If I finish more, that's gravy:D . I'm one of those people who flit from thing to thing, so........:P

I'm also playing with the idea of really using LOTS of colors - fighting the urge to be too "matchy-matchy" since I do have lots of the sage green in particular.

...and did I mention how much I LOVE the Wheel Lattice pattern?:hyper :hyper :hyper

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good after noon ladeis :yawn


i just waiked up its 2,30 pm


i`ll resume working and doing hard work


for those who feel bored some times i feel it but as all of you said more than project braek the rotien :clap

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Morning Ladies,

Juliekay, sounds like you live out near my ranch in Texas. Nothing around for miles. Closest real town ( not just a postoffice and a couple of trailer homes) is Huntsville and that's eleven miles away. Great place to see the stars and live with nature. I see more horses than cars when I am down there. And I get nothing done as it is too peaceful and relaxing. But then when you are on vacation, you do want to relax and do nothing. At least that is what I keep telling hubby. :)

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