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Bedspread Bonanza


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as you all knew i was crocheting this after noon and the thing that you didnt know than i was eating kind of desert and a mug of capputino lattie :lol




now these are my squares not joined yet but lokes pretty next to each other i loved them next to each other :blush



what do you think :):clap:cheer

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as you all knew i was crocheting this after noon and the thing that you didnt know than i was eating kind of desert and a mug of capputino lattie :lol




now these are my squares not joined yet but lokes pretty next to each other i loved them next to each other :blush



what do you think :):clap:cheer

You've got it, girl! Beautiful work...

Have any latte left for me?:coffee

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Hi everyone,


Just wanted to send my sympathies out to everyone who's sick or dealing with sick ones at home. No fun , I know. But hold on til it gets better. - :hug :hug


To those who've made such progress on their blankets: :cheer :cheer to you all.

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Geez, Judianne, maybe you should drive. It only takes me between a nour and 45 minutes to 2 hours. I don't respond well to someone elses driveing, and thankfully, hubby could care less who is behind the wheel. Christmas weekend when we were coming back, he drove as I had lost a contact the night before. I didn't mind so much as I took the other contact out and couldn't see a thing past the front of the hood. He was having fun with my BMW though, he got it up past the limit as I heard the bells going off. If the weather is good, maybe we will take the S2000 down this trip.

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Scarlet fever is very serious, My prayers will be with your grandson for a speedy recovery. My mother had it as a child, okay that was over 75 years ago, but I remember her stories. She can never donate blood because of it.

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:yawn Good morning everyone.... oh boy do i need a early night tonight, otherwise I wont be able to get up for work tomorrow.


Julie - wow when Cam gets sick he really does doesnt he. Poor thing, I hope he is better soon.


Tabby - you poor thing all your boys are getting sick. Nurse Tabby on standby. They are not having a good run are they. I hope they get better soon and I hope you dont catch what they have.


Athba - your still awake... hehe.. hmm I just got up and could still do with a nap. I might have to have one this afternoon.


How is everyone going with their bedspreads. I did another square yesterday.

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I hope everyone gets well soon. I didn't even know people still got scarlet fever. We still have 8 hours until our New Year. I think it is going to be a dull one this year. DS in bed and DH and I lounging around.

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Well, I hope everyone starts feeling better soon. Not a fun way to start the new year.


Wendy, I havn't worked on my BS today. We had church this morning. Then we took the kids out for pizza at a new pizza place here.(Fuel) They have some really good pizza. We also had to run over to Wally world and do a few gift exchanges. I was good and didn't buy any more yarn this trip. But, I did pick up a new rubbermade tote to store my yarn in. I have a bunch rolling around in Wallyworld bags.... So it will be nice to put them in the totes.

I will do some work on my BS tonight. 7 hours till the new year here.

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I'm still undecided but I see that Hobby Lobby has Caron Simply Soft on sale this week so I better get my mind made up so I can buy some yarn at a cheap price. :lol I think I have decided to do a quilt pattern I just need to find one DH likes and I can actually do:lol I am still going to do a Trip around the world too but don't know if that should go in here or in the quilt cal though I'm doing a quilt in here anyway :think:lol oh well my mind isn't on straight today. back to looking for a pattern.:yay

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yeah Aussie I probably should just say that's what I'll do in here for now. I want to do a lighter one for summer and a heavy one for winter and thought I'd do the trip around the world for the winter one. I guess I could start with it and then add another after I finally decide:D .

BTW Wally world is what a lot of people call Wal-Mart.:lol

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Hi Ladies

Thanks to you all for keeping this place bouncing today and busy with posts all day . Also thanks to all of you for your wishes for Cam. He is my best friend in the world . The poor little thing isn't very strong in the winter-time, he gets sick a lot .He had scarlet fever once before when he had strep . He is on several medications now to relieve each of the illnesses . I was down there for quite awhile today playing with him and reading him books. I told him I'd come back down in the morning when he wakes up .

I have done a little bit of crocheting today- it seems I can't let a day go by without working on something ,or my day is wasted . I will be ready to unveil my new bedspread soon. I have taken the piecework out of the project to eliminate all the weaving of ends and sewing together. I think I just needed a break from all that and something a little more simple minded . I think it's gonna be real PURTY . :hook

Anyhow, An Early ( and Late ) Happy New Year to those of you planning on celebrating it soon, and to those who are already many hours ahead of us .

Poor Tabby- keep us updated on your boys being sick. This is a rough time of the year for getting all those doggone viruses, isn't it ? Keep yourself well, since you have everyone else to take care of . Isn't it amazing that the MOM doesn't seem to get ill as often as the rest of the family, although she is the one who takes care of everyone else .


Best wishes to you all for a wonderful 2007 . I hope something really terrific happens to each one of you this year. You are all such nice people and deserve something good ! :manyheart

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Best wishes for a speedy recovery to all the sick little ones. :hug

I think my green and purple afghan has turned into a monster! I finally finished weaving in all the tails of thread and am ready to start on the border. I think I'm going to have to finagle the border since I'm not doing the afghan quite the way the pattern calls for it to be done. Muffed the pattern stitch and decided I liked it that way and now I'm doing the border in the opposite color from what the pattern says. But the end is in sight. And, yes, I'll definately take a picture of it and post it. :U

4 hours to go on the count down to 2007!:waving

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Julie~Thanks for the well wishes. They're both down & out tonight but i'm hoping they're a bit better tomorrow. I didn't forget about your new BS either but I didn't want to mess with ya about it today but just know that i'm waiting. :devil Take good care of yourself so you don't get sick too. Have a good New Year. We also treat it like any other day, no celebration here although I will probably throw a party tomorrow if we can get through the night without any major hub bub.

I'm sending my get well wishes to Cam. :mdust

I did work on my BS some today in between get well cuddles. I now have 2 motifs done & joined and am on round 14 on the third one. :clap

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Hi Julie, I hope Cam is feeling better soon and the medicine starts to help him a bit with his illnesses. Your visits to him will surely help in his recovery as they like to be pampered when they are sick. I cant wait to see what you are doing and Im glad you have finally settled on something that you will be happy in making. Thanks for your best wishes Julie, you really make us laugh and its great talking to you everyday.

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Linda - sounds like you cant wait to get it finished. I cant wait to see the pics. It sounds wonderful.


Tabby - I hope your boys are feeling better tomorrow. Im glad to see you got a bit of crocheting done. We didnt celebrate new year in fact I was the only one left awake at midnight. With the girls its too hard to go out anywhere and my hubby and I prefer to stay home. We are really homebodys and not reall much into parties.


Happy New Year to everyone. I hope we have a better year this year and we get some peace in the world. We are in the middle of a drought and have now gone to level 3 water restrictions, which means no watering your garden at all during the week and only one day on the weekend. We really rain badly.


I have met some really nice people in here these past few months and I feel that I can say I now have friends from all over the world.

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Happy New Year to everyone. I hope we have a better year this year and we get some peace in the world. We are in the middle of a drought and have now gone to level 3 water restrictions, which means no watering your garden at all during the week and only one day on the weekend. We really rain badly.



I would be happy to share some of our rain. It has rained here all day.




I have met some really nice people in here these past few months and I feel that I can say I now have friends from all over the world.


Yes, there are soo many great people here. I am so glad that I found the ville and met all of you here.

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I got the third one almost finished. I was hoping to get up to four and there is still a few hours to go so wish me luck. DH found out that Zen plays blackjack, so they are playing at the dining room table.17 and she's beating good. Guess when she turns 21 she be heading down to AC with us. Talk to ya'll later

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