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Skateboarder Hats


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My son has of course already lost the winter hat and 2 pair of gloves I bought him so I made these 2 skateboarder style hats for him last night. Since we got a lot of snowfall on Dec 1 and the temp has since dropped to about 9 degrees he really needed these-of course it helps he likes them and thinks they're cool. The blue is larger and made with my never ending supply of navy Bernat yarn I'm trying to use up-used a H hook. The red I made smaller with a G hook so he can choose whatever size he's in the mood for.

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They look great!! Great job. I've been wanting to make some of these. Do you just do standard increases in a round until it looks big enough?

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They look great!! Great job. I've been wanting to make some of these. Do you just do standard increases in a round until it looks big enough?


Here, try this pattern. You can insert stripes where ever you want. I've made tons of these. That's why I wrote the pattern. I was hoping other people could enjoy it too.



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I love those hats, I want to make something like that for my boys. Good going mom for making the spare cap. I made some spares, comes in handy my 8 year old leaves his at school often.

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Those look great. I think my son would like one too.


They look very nice. Very Boy friendly. Great job!



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