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What else can you do while crocheting?

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OK, I saw a thing in an email of a woman knitting (shhhh!) while on the back of a motorcycle. I can dig that.


I read the post about crocheting in the dark. I can do NEARLY that - sit in my 3 YO's room and crochet by feel as the sun sets.


I teach my son school (homeschool) while crocheting, too. I took my bag on the boat fishing this summer, though it didn't make it out of the bag, as I was constantly dealing with the kids.


I read Birdlady stands up at her 'puter and crochets.


But today, I did something totally new. I keep saying I'll exercise, but I have all these WIPs that need to get done....so I hopped on the exercise bike and crocheted while pedalling. Worked pretty well!


So I was wondering - what other activity do you do while crocheting? TV watching is probably most popular, but are there any other good ones?

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Well I play on-line bingo and play on-line poker. It keeps me busy inbetween poker hands when I fold. As for bingo, I auto daub so I basically sit and crochet and watch my cards and play the chat games. I crochet thru soccer practices, t-ball games (they all are winners), doctors and dentist appointments. I use to take it to work with me before I retired. I could get a lot done on the third shift unless the emergency room got busy.:lol

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:blush :blush :blush


I crochet while I drive.

:eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek


Okay, not WHILE I drive, but I take my daughter to physical, occupational and speech therapy twice a week, and I have nothing to do but sit for an hour and a half while she works, so I bring my little projects with me.


I've gotten so used to having crochet with me, I just grab my "to go" bag when I leave the house.


And when I'm at a red light, I'll do a few stitches. :2nono I'm totally addicted. :yarn = crack

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I read fan fiction (fictional stories about tv shows written by fans) on my computer while I crochet. Which also means that I'm watching tv while I'm reading and crocheting. (my tv is always on)

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I have to have either the tv or the raido on I can't stand it being too quiet. But I play computer games while I crochet (pogo.com) and I talk on the phone. I never leave the house without taking a project with me. I crochet while I feed my daughter. I'm getting a little better at doing it at night by light of the tv while my b/f is asleep.

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I am definately not a multitasker :no. My attention is pretty much focused on the specific task at hand. If I am crocheting I am crocheting. If I am doing the laundry I am doing the laundry, etc. I even have a difficult time watching a tv program and crocheting. If I really want to watch the show I have to put the WIP down. I can sew in ends while watching tv though. I have thought about the exercise bike while crocheting, I might be able to do that, but I get motion sickness, hmmm... I cannot crochet in the car, unless I were making a burp cloth, b/c I would need it if I did crochet while the vehicle was moving. I can sort of carry on a conversation while crocheting, but even that is difficult. I just get really focused on the one specific thing I am doing at any given moment. I was not made for the technology age. Like I cannot talk on my cell :phone and be IMing from my laptop :laptop while watching tv, and microwaving a cup of coffee :coffee. That is why I get so little housework done, I have to focus on the things that are most important, like crocheting!!!:hook

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But I play computer games while I crochet (pogo.com)


LOL! You do that too? I'll sit and crochet while playing Lottso!, it's one of my favorite games simply because I can play and crochet or knit at the same time.


I also take work with me when I have to ride the city buses anywhere. It makes the trip bearable, and I've actually gotten upset when the ride ends because it was never long enough.

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For me, crochet serves as my relaxation and break from the world, so the only other thing I do while crocheting is watch television. However, I can't watch reality shows or my favorite shows like Lost or Grey's Anatomy while crocheting because I want to be looking at the screen the entire time.


So most of my crocheting is done while watching Oprah, The Daily Show, shows like Biography, True Hollywood Story, or Inside the Actors Studio, or movies that I've seen before.


I tried crocheting in the car once on a long trip, but got a terrible headache, so I don't think I'll do that anymore. I haven't taken a trip on an airplane or train since I started crocheting again earlier this year, but I'm sure that I would be able to work on it while traveling that way.

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:blush :blush :blush


And when I'm at a red light, I'll do a few stitches. :2nono I'm totally addicted. :yarn = crack

I do that too. I think people must think I am crazy.


I crochet at home while listening to tv or while helping ds with homework. I crochet in the car while dh drives. I crochet at the table after dinner when we eat out and at work when things are slow (I do childcare). I have been known to crochet a few stitches while waiting for dds in a public restroom. Now that I think about it I can't figure out why I can't get more done.

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I too home school my kids while homeschool I was teaching my kids while outside withthe dog and crocheting at the same time I have to sit outside with the dogs for an hr everymorning not to wake the lady's upstairs fromme baby so it works never enough time in the day to crochet

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I crochet while I drive.

Yeah, just at red lights, that's the ticket :blush No, really, I only crochet at red lights when I'm driving, promise. And when I'm the passenger (I made 3 PK mini-doilies on our way back from PA last time).


I've done the exercise bike, but there are only so many things that works with! My 63 squares afghan was a good one for that.


I have dialup internet, so I'm working on a MAM here at the desk as pages load.


Daughter play time is one big chunk of crochet time for me. We listen to the radio and sing and I crochet and dance with her.


I've crocheted at the movies before (just twice)(well, just twice during the movie at the theater).


I used to crochet while walking from my parking garage to the office when I worked downtown, and when I was walking around campus.


Most unusual place I've ever crocheted - in class, as part of class! The class was "Acting for Non-majors", and we had to act out 5 minutes of our life for a "mid-term" (that involved only us, no phone, no other person). I wore my pjs, bedroom shoes and glasses (I usually wear contacts) and acted out 5 minutes of crocheting while answering Jeopardy! questions. It was a little unnerving crocheting with an audience for the first time (I had been crocheting less than a year), but I didn't have to take out any stitches :U


I love this thread, btw!

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I crochet while playing D&D, yes, I am a geek :P My hubby and I play D&D with 2 other married couples and they are very used to me doing that.


I read message boards and Livejournals while crocheting.

I watch T.V. while crocheting.

Help my kids with homework while crocheting.

I constantly have my corchet with me at just about every appointment we have, heck, I have my crochet with me no matter where I go LOL


I am a MAJOR multitasker, I had a doctor tell me a couple of years ago that she thought that I might be ADHD LOL



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I admit I crochet on my exercise bike...I didn't think anyone else did though!

I'd love to do it in the car, I spend so much time in the car, but I get motion sickness so can't. So much wasted time!


I'll crochet any other time though...while cooking dinner, watching TV, waiting for DH when he's still getting ready to go somewhere....

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I crochet in front of the TV or not. Sometimes the project requires my undivided attention to figure out so I don't turn on the tube, but usually it is just background noise. There really isn't anything on that I want to watch.


When traveling I take crochet with me. I can crochet in the car but I can't read, so while hubby drives, I hook. I also take it with me anytime I know I am going to have to wait, Dr, Dentist that sort of thing.


And believe it or not I always have a small project in my desk. I have a lot of time I have to wait on others to continue my work so when I can get away with it, I crochet. I also crochet during my lunch break.

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I like to do it while I watch tv.


I've also taken to doing it while I play video games with my roommate, especially RPG games where you have to go to stores and buy your equipment. I go into the store, do my business in under 2 minutes. He looks at everything, compares stuff... it takes forever!! I can usually get a good 3 - 4 minutes worth of stitches in each time we have to go to the store.


I've even done it while playing cards! Same roomie takes forever to decide his move, and by the time it gets back around to me, I had part of a row done. It was great!!


I also loooove long car trips. I don't drive, so it's a great time to get work done.


Don't you stop and wonder what you did with all that free time before you knew how to crochet??

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I always have my bag with me so I crochet wherever I am if I have a minute, it is at my feet now, I hook while reading posts here, reading email, playing online games (pogo member here), I hook in the car while waiting for my son's band practice to be over (the band director usually runs over, or while waiting for him after a basketball or football game to be finished, in the doctor's office, trips to Michaels (it's about 30 minutes away from where I live, while doing laundry...while cooking dinner, while watching tv, while talking on the phone...so many opportunities so little time.



My neighbor knits while at the hair dresser once a week.



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I totally crochet in the car, (Truck) when I am stuck in traffic. I know its bad. but you would be amazed at how much you can get done when you are stuck in rush hour. I also do it at the job sites when I am waiting to get in. And at my son's school events.

Bad I know, but I don't have a whole lot of time.;)

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Wow I am amazed at how talented everyone is. I just watch t.v. and crochet. I have taken it on long trips and once on a plane. I wish I could bring it to work but in the military not really allowed....but I think if I could I'd carry the bag on my back!

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i take my crochet everywhere if i am lucky enough to have some one else drive i do it in the car always have a project in the car. i take to dr appoitments to work when we are slow i crochet in the dark i even crocheted in bed watching tv then the cat came in and we became on tangled mess in a water bed.

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Hmm, let's see...


I crochet while watching/listening to TV. During my break/lunch @ work, while listening to audiobooks or my Spanish lesson on my iPod. In the car while my DH drives. At my DD's basketball practices & games. While visiting friends/relatives. While waiting for our meal while dining out.


I keep small projects in a bag that I carry all the time. On my birthday last month I crocheted 1/2 of a preemie cap while in the chair @ the dentist's office during a root canal. :D Every time Dr. took a break, I stitched. I got 3 caps done the next day while waiting for my DDs while their teeth were cleaned. The ladies in the office were amazed.

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