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getting organized

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Since I have found this site, my crochet stuff is a mess. I have printed so many patterns, etc, and helpful information that I need to organize it all so I can find it again. How do you all do it. I just recently bought 2 huge plastic containers to keep yarn and thread in, that has helped with that, but what about all these patterns. <img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/ducky.gif" /> I love funny ducks.

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Well I bought a big three ring binders and a hole punch. I made holes in the pages and put them in binders, works out better than anything else I have tried.

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i hated the ring binder.. sorry for those of you that loved it.. it seemed to need maintainance alot and i would rather spend my time crocheting..


what i bought and absolutle love is an expandable flie.. you know the kind they use for bills(i bought the biggest one for room to grow) ...labeled each section for types of patterns

... the best part about this system is that you dont have to shuffle thru.. or reorganize too quickly..it expands as you do ..


and if you want to take a pattern with you all you have to do is pull it out.. not fuss with the binder... and if you want to take the whole box with you some where it has a handle.. pick it up and go .. no worries with a binder falling open etc...

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i use a 2 pocket school folder and just shove them into the pockets, also before I print them out I copy them and paste them into msworks and save them as the pattern name so I have the on the computer until i get ready to actually do them.

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Here's what I'm planning on doing (notice I'm not actually *doing* it....) is to get an expanding file and start printing out those "someday" patterns that catch my eye. I've got lots of things bookmarked, but if the pages go down, their lost.


Then, as I actually make something, if I like the results I will put the pattern in a page protector with any notes, maybe a picture of the item and a yarn sample/lable (if it's an interesting yarn). Kind of the best of both worlds, I don't put a lot of time fussing with patterns I may never do, but the ones that I love are safe & organized.



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I do the binder thing - first half is for completed projects and pix/thoughts/etc, and the second half is for those patterns i want to do. I keep them in those plastic page protectors (very cheap at Costco!) and can move them around or carry them with me at will, and they don't get damaged, plus I can add things to that pocket, like pieces of yarn I'm considering, etc. I don't have tabbed dividers yet, although I want to buy some!, but they are organized by category, i.e. blankets, ponchos, accessories, baby, and so on.

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I'm doing the binder thing too, I've filled a 3 inch binder already :blush I may have to go with the expandable file folder lol. I do use tabbed dividers in the binder for each section. The binder I have has a clear outside pocket like thing so I can take the pattern I'm working on and stuff it in there and not have to deal with a bulky open binder, plus it works as a protector too from coffee, tea and hairballs (the CATS not mine lmao)


For yarn... I use baskets, because I collect 'em. I have two good sized bedding baskets that we bought at bazzars after we moved over here, then I have a Currently working on basket, a basket to hold yarns that are just for me, a basket for yarns that I'd make things to sell out of, a drawer in the entertainemnt center with my very few baby yarns... oh and my ball basket. Ummm and a couple of plastic grocery sacks with sweaters to be frogged, and a few skeins stuffed in the blanket trunk.... and then of course there's my backpack that I take on the bus with me, and another basket here by the desk for my surfin project. Yeah I think that's everything....

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I used the 3 ring binder also, but now I am thinking that the expandable folder is a MUCH better idea. <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/idea.gif" /> My 3 ring binder is a mess at this point, there are patterns just stuck in there and I got one of those really big ones. I hate searching through it at this point, and I did have them tabbed by certain types of patterns, but my pattern collection is constantly growing. It would be much easier for me to get the expandable...what a great idea. I also like the sheet protectors for patterns I use quite often.

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Guest lillian1969

I have a walk in closet with lots of shelves.I put all my yarn in clear storage containers and place them on a shelf,I line all my crochet books and pamphlets up on a shelf. I keep all my completed projects in it as well .All my hooks are in crochet cases that I crocheted.I have a mesh hamper that i use to store my current project in.I have all the yarns and pattern for it in one place . My clothes that were in the closet are on a rack in a spare room.My crochet stuff is more organised than anything else

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Guest xxJessBezzxx

My printed out patterns are in a large three ring binder in page protectors.


My books and such are in expandable folders.


So far, this has been working pretty good.


My yarns are in random bags. I collect bags, so this at least puts the big bags to good use.


My scrap yarns are all in tins, and all like colors are together. I use the big tins that you usually find around christmas that come with a variety of popcorns or pretzels in.


My hardest problem is keeping my hooks and scissors "organized", or at least easily accessible and easy to find amongst the clutter. *chuckles*

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I really like Beth's idea of the expandable folder. I'm going to be trying that.


Up to this point, I have been stuffing the printed out patterns into a folder (no rings.. just a folder). This is not working very well. There isn't much organization in this method.


When I am using one of my printed out patterns, I've been putting them in a clear page protector. (this method IS working very well)


As for yarn organization? I have tried putting the yarn all in one place, spreading it out all over the house, dividing it up into like projects or like materials. ACK! :th nothing seems to work.


I think I need to reduce my stash of yarn! :spina

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I use a binder, though I just had to expand into a second one. I don't use page protectors, but anything near the front or back of the binder gets the punched holes protected with those little ring-shaped stickers they sell to protect looseleaf sheets so they won't get torn up from turning the pages.


I need to reorganize, I think. I have my patterns categorized and separated with tabs, but some of the categories have gotten so big that I need to subdivide them. I also think I need to rethink which categories should've gotten moved to the new binder--I have a big section with various instructions, tutorials, and reference charts that I've printed out, and that's probably better suited to being in its own binder.


An expandable folder is a good idea--I might give that a shot once I start outgrowing my binders. But I'm wondering, how do you keep the pattern from getting wrinkled/crumpled when you're transporting it around? Would page protectors do the trick? (Or is the answer to that to stop carrying half of my life around with me in a backpack like a turtle? :)) )

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I use a wodden trunk and keep my printed patterns there, as well as crochet magazines. There's no order to it, of course, but they're all there. I also e-mail myself patterns from on-line and keep it in a pattern folder in my mailbox. If I really need a pattern, and can't find it in my mess, I just print the e-mail.


I haven't used page protectors yet. Just make notes or changes on the pattern and to keep my place use check marks, which I scribble out. Not the most organized, but it works great for me.

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I have a 3 ring binder I keep patterns in, but it's over flowing! I'm getting ready to start using an accordian file folder, but I was also thinking of putting some of my patterns that are similar on a clip board so I can move them around and just keep them on it.

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I , too, do the 3 ring binder thing and it has worked GREAT for me. Of course, my pattern collection isn't nearly as big as some of yours. I only print things out that I think I'll do eventually :) I have it organized by type with the tabs. All my hooks are in cases either bought or crocheted. My yarn is another story. It's just sitting around, in boxes and bags and on chairs. There is no rhyme or reason to it and it's relaly frustrating me. I have GOT to buy me some bins!!!!

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