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summer kerchiefs


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Ooh - those are so colorful and pretty! I like! Wow, and you made ALL THOSE in ONE DAY??? :eek:nworthy


It's funny, I just got done frogging a kerchief I had made the other day because I mistranslated what size hook the pattern said to use and it came out tiny. :huh I made my chain and am about to redo it with the RIGHT sized hook now. I need these kerchiefs to keep my hair from blowing in my eyes when driving around in my car with open windows (no a/c).


So, ya gonna share those patterns, huh huh? :hyper I would love to add those to my collection of summer headgear! :hook:hug

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Wow Jackie you work fast! What stitch did you use? Can you share the pattern? Is it on your Blog?


Blackpurl, Debbie and Goldi....the pattern for those is called the Basic Delta Mesh. The pattern can be found here. The stitch is worked from the bottom point upwards until it is the size you want. I was able to make all of them in one day because I used a bigger hook......a Tulip size 3/0. :D


Goldi....I can just imagine all your curly red hair flying while driving! :lol:hug Should you ladies have difficulties with the pattern just let me know and I'll gladly help!


I'm glad you all liked them, ladies! My sister was very happy with them. I got 3 younger sisters so they'll be sharing those kerchiefs. ;)

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Blackpurl, Debbie and Goldi....the pattern for those is called the Basic Delta Mesh. The pattern can be found here.


Oh, THANK you Jackie - I have saved it to my "to print" folder for my next trip to the library. This looks like a neat technique!


Goldi....I can just imagine all your curly red hair flying while driving!


:lol Yup, it's a real mess if I let it loose, lol! Having my hair blowing in my eyes is a distraction I don't need while driving, I'm sure the other drivers on the road appreciate my efforts to tame the wild mane! These scarves should work very nicely for that. Thanks for that link! :hook

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Thank you, ladies! My sisters loved them.....it's so seldom that I see them and when I do, I always bring them something I made myself. Also, they usually ask for whatever accessory I'm wearing so I always go home bare other than my outfit. LOL!!!!!

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Awesome, inspiring job! Thanks for posting the pattern. I've never tried thread crochet before (no patience!), but I am definitely going to try your kerchiefs for my two youngest daughters.

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