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Do you listen to yarn-related podcasts?

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if yes: which one?


I LOVE to listen to podcasts (it helps me to improve my english,and french, italian and japanese :D) and I can hear it while I am breastfeeding my youngest child into sleep...


My favorites are:


CraftSanity - the interviews are so interesting, I really love to hear about creative people

The CraftyPod - Sister Diane is very inspiring.

CrochetCast - A very sympathic crocheter. Hope that she podcasts soon again.

Knitcentric's Podcast - an American Knitter in Japan. I like it, she is really passionate about yarn.

Pixie Purls - she is here in Crochetville. I like the garment she makes and the style she tells about it.

and Maschenkunst Strickmonolog (in german) The only german stitching podcast I know. I like her because she speaks so "real" you can hear the person behind the technique and because she comes from czech rep. (I like the czechs)


So now my question: do you listen? Which? Why?

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Podcasts are a new thing for me. I never even knew they existed. Unfortunately, on dial-up, they are very hard to listen to. I'll have to wait until I'm back in Florida in the winter where I have WiFi. Thanks for the info though.

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I only have one... The Dude's. I still have yet to listen to it, but it's saved to my hard drive. :hook

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I'm with Roli, dialup makes podcasts painful. I've written to one or two of the authors suggesting that they make their stuff available also as html (as I know some others in the tech field do) but so far I've been ignored.


Dialup users are somewhat discriminated against.

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I'm with Roli, dialup makes podcasts painful.


Have you tried SAVING the podcast(s) that you want to listen to to your hard drive? I have broadband, but sometimes if I find something I'm interested in, I'm also doing 15 million things at once and just don't have the time to sit there and listen. So I save it to listen to at a later date. Obviously if you have dial-up, it's going to take longer for YOU to save it than it is for ME to save it, but once it's SAVED, it won't be jumping around like it would if you just tried to listen to it straight from the site's server.


Just a thought. :D

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Oh wow craft pod cast... hmm the only one i download has been dave rasmey and my calls for a company that I am a distbuter for...

but dial up bites! I have to got to my other "home" to download... I only get to go about 1time a month... mowing yard and stuff so not much net time.

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Ok, for those who don't know about podcast:


a podcast is kind of a radio show, which is recorded and published via internet. It is free of charge and most of the times free of advertising. there are podcasts of every theme you can imagine. Whether you are interested in sports, music, ... you will sure find some podcasters who talk about this.


The thing I like most about podcasts is that the people who create it are absolutly passionate about their theme. They have to be, because podcasting is a labour of love at the moment, very few make money with this.


There are crafty podcasts out there, which are very very good.


You get them in your iTunes (if you have it on your computer) or a podcatcher. You can download iTunes for free from the Applesite (even if you got a PC) - I find it the easiest way to handle podcasts on computers.


The ones of you with dialup-modems are right: podcasts are often a little big, so it will be boring to download them. As I have broadband the last few years I don't think so often that it could be difficult for you. Sorry.


I start my own podcast in August. I will translate the famous knitting, crafty podcasts into german (I already got the permissions to do so) and make reviews what's going on in the english-speaking crafty world. There are many passionate stitchers in Germany and Austria, but for many of them it is to difficult to listen (and understand) english spoken podcasts or websites. I already made my blog for the podcast ready (sorry, also in german) - but tell me: do you like the style? http://myblog.de/susannemachtsachen

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Susanne, Der Blog ist so weit sehr shoen. Wirt er bald fertig sein? Haben Sie das Bild von Garn sebst gemacht? (Sorry, my German is very rusty!) Ich bin leider an dial-up und werde den podcast sicher nicht hoeren.

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Susanne, Der Blog ist so weit sehr shoen. Wirt er bald fertig sein? Haben Sie das Bild von Garn sebst gemacht? (Sorry, my German is very rusty!) Ich bin leider an dial-up und werde den podcast sicher nicht hoeren.


Dein Deutsch ist absolut gut verstaendlich. Ich habe das Bild selbst bearbeitet, es war ein einfaches Garnfoto.


I didn't want to advertise my podcast because it's in german and you can have the things I say easier by listening to the originals. I want to start when I have all the work for our move done, I guess it will be in August.

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  • 2 years later...

I listen to quite a few. I don't have my ipod with me, but some of the ones that I can think of off the top of my head are: Lime and Violet, Knitpicks podcast, Lionbrand. There are more knitting podcasts than crochet, but I find that the don't exclusivly talk about knitting. The interview people and talk about yarn a lot, so don't exclude the knitting podcasts....

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I listen to quite a few. I don't have my ipod with me, but some of the ones that I can think of off the top of my head are: Lime and Violet, Knitpicks podcast, Lionbrand. There are more knitting podcasts than crochet, but I find that the don't exclusivly talk about knitting. The interview people and talk about yarn a lot, so don't exclude the knitting podcasts....

I may have to check out some knitting ones. I noticed one was more yarn but had crochet & knitting and that was okay with me. I'm not against knitting, I just can't do it as well as crochet.

Thanks for the info on that.


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:clap:clap:cheer:cheerAmazing blog site Susanne! I love it! I never have listened to a podcast but I bet my dd has :lol

Do I need an iPod to do it??? Or just my laptop?? I will check it out soon!

Is your house done? I bet you are getting excited about the move?!

Were you in the process of building it when we were there? Or was it already built?

Glad to see your thread - sure is interesting!


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I can answer the iPod or no iPod, you do not need one. You can listen to them on your computer. Usually you just click on them. But you can also right click and save them (where they say "download") to listen to them later. You can also use any MP3 player, really, if you have one.


They are called "pod" casts because the popularity of iPods, but that's all.

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Ihr Blog sieht gut aus. Die Farben schauen zusammen gut. Ich bin traurig, dass ich vergaß, wie man wegen der Gehirn Operationen spricht! Mein Vater ist von einer Kleinstadt nahe dem Schwarzwald.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I listened to a podcast at work today instead of the radio and I loved it! I can only listen while I am running reports, not all day, so its perfect. I just plugged in my headphones to my speakers & I was in my own little crochet world and time just flew by as I got my normally mind-numbing reports done.


The one I listened to was:http://crochetcast.blogspot.com/


It was recorded last year, but I still enjoyed listening to the ladies chat about life & crochet & books. I hope to find other, UPDATED ones.


Tomorrow I plan to listen to the Crochetville podcast.:yes


I'd like to make a list of some others so my son can load them into iTunes to put on my iPod (I am not savvy with such things) ~ that way I can also listen when I go for walks, etc....so if you know of any I am interested!

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Well, I listen to all the English ones. :lol I am impressed you can understand so many languages! I usually store them up and put them on my MP3 player for when I travel. I also use them when I have a heavy cleaning day. I can work so much longer with something to listen to (it takes the "pain" out of the work.)

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  • 1 month later...
Well, I listen to all the English ones. :lol I am impressed you can understand so many languages! I usually store them up and put them on my MP3 player for when I travel. I also use them when I have a heavy cleaning day. I can work so much longer with something to listen to (it takes the "pain" out of the work.)

I found it's much less of a "pain" to drive and listen to podcasts:yes. I keep my attention on drivnig, but not all my attention so the crazy drivers out there don't get to me as much.

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