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Hilarious "Knitters vs. Crocheters" video


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:rofl Toooooooo tooooo funny. My sides ache from laughing. You made my day! Thanks for sharing that great find.:clap


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is it me or what... but didn't those knitting needles seems dangerous? lololol. too funny. thanks for sharing!


Oh yeah, if we really got in a fight with knitters, we'd be in trouble. I mean, look, they have 2 sharp pointed needles. And what do we have? 1 dull blunt hook. I'm not messing with nobody who carries around 2 pointed sticks.

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She's Wearing My Shawl!!!!

Amie! Your shawl is so beatiful, I made two of them, and may continue :)

But until you mentioned it here, I did not realize it is the same shawl sold on your website! I checked, and after careful consideration, found it there. Although it is beatiful there, too, but it is pink against white, and it does not show the beauty of stitches used, and so looks like any other shawl and does not do the justice. The version printed in the book just pops right into your eyes and begs to be crocheted :) Maybe you could use more contrast in pictures, especially because you have quite small pictures on the website, so people could really appreciate your work? I would vote for bigger pictures, too!

Thank you for all your work, your patterns are really good and stylish!:clap

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Haha, wasn't that guy the bartender on Friends? Cute link, thanks for sharing! Now this book has caught my eye...

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Thanks for putting that link out.

Reminds me of the first Stitch 'n Bitch meeting I went to. The lone crocheter in a sea of knitters.

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That was so funny!!!

Hey, I just noticed that I finally am able to get the color and text stuff to work. I haven't been able to do that in a very long time. Yee Haw!! :clap

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