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200 Crochet Blocks Crochet Along


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Vik, that's tragic! You're going to have to make the sacrifice and....


visit the yarn store again!


I wish I could feel your pain!



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Vik that is annoying but I bet you will enjoy the trip.


Here is where I am at: img75965xd.jpg


Originally I was going to do some plain brown blocks like the green, but they looked a bit heavy so I tried the striped granny one. At first I did it with a green centre row, but I have decided to go with the brown centre row as it adds more oomph. The block 3 rows down and 2 from the left will need to be redone with a brown strip. I liked this block cos the horizontals will frame the centre 9. My plan is to put the same cente block which has the 9 mini squares joined in each of the corners, and then join the thing up with the chocolate brown. I am now wondering if the lemon is too lemon ( doh) but I didnt want a sunny yellow and I couldnt find a nice gold colour. Cos I am mad on variegations I like the look of the orange variegated one and the green one. My plan was for the lemon to tie the theme together.


What do you think?

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Good morning (or evening) Cupcake!


I like the lemon, I think it works to tie the center pieces together. Putting the center square in the corners will work well, too. Are you going to put more striped squares along the side of the center 9? I think it would be neat to join the center nine with yellow, then join the rest with the chocolate brown so that the center stands out as a single element. But the chocolate for all would work, too!


Woman, you are a crocheting machine!

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Thanks for that. I hadn't thought of using 2 different joiner colours.


My plan was to alternate the stripe one with the boxy one with the small yellow centre.


Today I managed to get a few more done and am up to 32. It is starting to take shape however son number three says the colours look like "puke" :eek .


He can't understand why I would do a rug with 6 different patterns in 6 different yarns, and they are all "crap" :blush . Son number 1 really likes it and thinks it looks "citrusy" or gum trees and sunset. Son number 2 and hub just want me to finish the thing and get it up off the floor ! Meanwhile it has become the cats favourite resting place. My cleaner comes on Tuesday so I will have to have it advanced enough to know what pattern I am doing by then so I can pick it up! I suppose she could always vacume arround it, however she is not the sharpest tool in the shed and I am likely to lose a few squares up the vacume tube! :D


Interestingly I asked number 3 son (14yo) to check out the book and tell me what he did like... not much except a really basic grannie :lol Four of block 123 joined in a sqaure.


I ended up with the colours as I had a bit of orange and brown left over from a rug I did for my daughter about 2 years ago. She requested brown and orange to match her lifeline styled cheapo student digs furniture.


In a moment of sheer stupidity, I started on a mile a minute as I thought this might use up the leftover yarn. What I learnt from this is to never again do mile a minute. It is boring and the bits are too long and flap arround in the breeze in the great outdoors. I frogged the thing last weekend. It was cathartic. :D


Now cos I cant get my quantities right, I reckon I will use up the brown and orange and be left with a few balls of yellow and green. Ahhhh does it ever end??? :think

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Is number three son a teenager? That sounds like a teenager comment, around 15, I'd say. You can never make them happy! I've been thinking of doing a mile-a-minute. I gave one a start, but it was the wrong gauge, seemed like it would be way too short, so I frogged it and haven't been back to it, though I really would like to. But that's for after 200 Blocks. Yes, the circle of yarn never ends. It just goes on and on and on!

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Hello! :manyheart


Cupcacke, how nice your squares are growing!!! I love the colors you chose! You know, when I saw the pic I thought about something, and then reading your post you wrote the same I was thinking: to put the block with the 9 mini squares in every corner of the ghan! About the joining, Claire's idea is original, to use different colors to join.

Be careful on Tuesday, please, your blocks in the vacum tube would be a TRAGEDY!!! :lol


Claire, what about a picture of your blocks? ;)

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Here are a representative sample of my blocks plunked down on my kitchen table in no particular order. They were in order earlier, but I was too lazy to put them back in order. Sorry!



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Claire what a fabulous assortment. And how I love the variegated in there! I cant wait to see how this is going to turn out for you. Am I right in that there is about 8 different blocks that you have made?

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Yes, probably more like nine or ten. I'm going to do an alternating pattern, per request of his royal highness, the 9yo whose 'ghan it will be. I wanted a random assortment, alternating by light and dark, not by pattern block. Oh well!It is going to be (if all goes well) 7 x 8 blocks to fit his twin sized bed.

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Vik, thanky!


Some are a bit wonky though. I just can't shake the wonkiness somehow....


They look pretty good to me ! Some of mine are a slightly different size, despite using the same yarn and hook. I am hoping that when I join them up they will even out. I did another 4 squares tonight watching the grand final of "Dancing with the Stars" . It is starting to get cooler here so it is becoming easier to crochet at night.

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Road trip to Vik's house! And to her friendly neighborhood LYS! Wow! If I jump in my car and start now, I might just make it by next Christmas!


Vik, maybe you should go into the yarn shop tourism business!


I love that yarn you bought!


Oooh, I'd do a road trip! All that yarn, I'd have to ship it home.

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No worries, Renee, we'd take a big 18 wheeler with us to haul all that yarn in! Or a Class A RV with a trailer!


Okay, then, I'm in! Because of course, I really need more yarn! :lol

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All right, then I'll have to rent a cargo ship when we hit the Panama canal and take a right turn to get to cupcake's house!

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ahh lets dream on.....


hey I am gonna start joining mine up. Vik where is yours up to???

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Hi, Am I too late to join your C-A-L? I purchased the book a few weeks ago and I am making a baby blanket for my friend who is due to give birth at the end of May. My squares are made from Debbie Bliss Cashmerino in a teal blue, lemon, green and pinky-red colour.

So far I have about 7 or 8 squares and you can see some pictures on my blog here: http://rooknittting.blogspot.com/2006/05/horay-it-is-may.html

(you will have to scroll down a little bit to see them).



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It's never too late. Welcome to the CAL, Rooxxx!


Nice squares, nice yarn, nice colors! Is that Edwardian Fancy on the top? That's going to be a beautiful 'ghan when it's done!

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Hi Angelfire, welcome to the CAL!


Rooxxx, Tell me more about your decision making process! I've been temporarily off of making squares because some other project came up, but as soon as I'm done with it, I'll be back to square making. That should be sometime this weekend.

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Hello everyboy!

:welcome here Rooxxx and Angelfire!

Hi Claire and Cupcake! I was having some problems :help that`s why I didn´t come here... the joining stoped too, but as soon as I can I will continue it!

Cupcake, you are with the joining now too! Take it easy! :manyheart


Can you imagine, all of you coming together to the yarn district in Buenos Aires!!! :cheer

Hugs and happy crocheting :hook

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Well I didn't feel like going through all 35 pages to see if I posted this already or not.... :think (I don't think I did, but who knows...) I did finish one square, but it ended up being nine inches!!! :eek It's this one:



I guess I'll have to get me some sport weight yarn, eh? :P I have been doing plain old granny squares, though, so I'm still CAL-ing... so far I have five...


Thank goodness someone at CFAC takes oddball squares! (That seems to be all I can come up with besides grannies lately...)


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