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Disaster strikes

Jimmie Lu


I am so sick!!! My daughter was using sissors today and she cut into a shawl that was my grandmothers!!!:( I am sick!!! I do not think it can be repaired I do not know what pattern it is but I am really upset!!!!!! I do not have much from her so I am heart broken!!!

Do any of you have any ideas????

I love this because my daughter and I both use it and it makes us fell close to her!!

Please advise!!!!

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I am sure in time you will either think of someway to repair it or someone here wll be able to help.. Give it a bit and you just might be able to look at it and see a way to fix it.


:hug :hug

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I am so sorry. I felt a similar way when my husband accidently threw away a chair arm cover that my great grandma had made. I have thought about trying to make another, but I am not talented enough to match her. So now the once three piece set, now two, resides in my undie draw. I can see it every day and still admire her talent, even though I can't display it.



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If you have a specialty yarn store in your area (not a craft store like Michaels or JoAnn's) - take your piece in there and see if someone can fix it. The yarn shop I go to will do repairs on both crochet and knit pieces.


You can try it yourself, but if your skills aren't up to par, I'd let the experts deal with it.


Sorry to hear about the damage - it's heartbreaking!



(who has a lot of her grandmother's work)

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Ok now that a day has past I feel a little less bad and FYI daughter EB did not get in trouble as it was just an accident!

I am gonna post a photo soon

If all else fails I am going to frog it out to the damaged area(RIGHT IN TH MIDDLE) and finish off the shawl in a simmilar pattern or redo the pattern (EBS sugestion)

I guess the 2 of us working to repair it would make nana happy!!!

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I am sure in time you will either think of someway to repair it or someone here wll be able to help.. Give it a bit and you just might be able to look at it and see a way to fix it.


:hug :hug

I'm also sorry to hear that Jimmie Lu. I agree with Darlene, maybe you'll find a way to repair it, just wait and see.

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Jimmie Lu, I once had a fine knit sweater damaged and happened upon a local dry cleaning shop which did knit repairs. The person was an Oriental lady who repaired the sweater so you couldn't even see where the damage had been. If you can find a local Oriental repair shop owner, you may have some luck. I know that many Orientals, men as well as women, are extremely talented in the fiber arts. ( I hope I'm not stereotyping anyone here.:manyheart )

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:eek What a thing to happen but as Sarah Ban Breathnach says somewhere in her book The Simple Abundance, do not be sad that the item is damaged, be happy you ever had it in the first place and still have it.

I am assuming it is crochet.

The best thing to do is to make sure it does not pull out to a big hole so get a square of see-through organza or similar, bigger than the area of damage and sew a patch over the cut, on both sides of the shawl. Catch through the layers around the cuts.

Then just leave it.

I was watching the Antiques Road Show the other day and there was a very old piece of china which had been patched, just to keep the pieces together, not to hide the break. The Expert said this was a great way to repair as it was not hiding anything.

Of course, as it is your Grandmothers, it may be quite old, (my GM would be 120yrs old now) so maybe a good fabric conservator at your local museum would be the best place to take it.

Crochet is not really so easy to mend because of the way the stitches are formed. Knitting is a little easier because the stitches can look the same up and down.

Hope this is helpful for you.

Remember, I have the room ready for you if you need to get away from the stress.


Colleen:hug :hug :hug

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Those sites were very interesting i didn't know such info was on the web. I am still fumbling in the computer department. So i love to check out links you ladies put up here it still amazes me.

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Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. Your daughter must feel terrible, even though it was just an accident. I know what you mean - I have an old ratty sweater that my "Mimi" wore a lot. I don't wear it, but it gives me comfort to get it out once in a while. She's been gone over 30 years! Can you take a picture & post it? Maybe some of us here can offer some advice. Handle it very gently so it won't unravel even more. Hope you can get some help - I'm sure you can. I think we'll find a way to repair it - it won't look as good as new, but at least fix it so that it doesn't come apart. Here's a hug hope it helps! :hug:hook

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