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Join the Crochet Olympics

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Well day one is over for me, I posted my progress on the Flicker site. I am going have to do some serious crocheting to get this done. Though I am very pleased with my start.

http://flickr.com/groups/knittingolympics/ Glad to hear how everyone is doing. I am cheering for each and everyone to make their personal goals.

Go Team Go.........


I cannot open this site ...it's a blocked site. Is there anyother way I can get to see the pictures?


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I don't have any kind of site blocking tools and I can't see any of katchkan's photos. :( I get this message every time I click on her name:


There aren't any photos in the Fiber Olympics pool.

Anyone else having trouble viewing? I do see other photo's there just not katchkan's. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? :think



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Time for my day 2 update. So far I have 38 rows out of 105 done. But they are growing and growing. I am going to have to work very steady to get this done. I am very pleased with it so far though. It's actually starting to look like something.

I have pictures posted on the flicker site. ( link in my signature)

Hope everyone is doing well on their projects. I haven't had the chance to sit and read today as much as normal. I had a hook attached to my hand most of the evening.

:cheer............. Go Team Go............:cheer


I wish I could see it!! For some reason I can see everyone else's photos but not yours!! I see Katchkan shown on the left but when I click it says no photos!


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Update...I am wearing the romantic cardigan...It's looking better all the time and fits perfectly. I did add a couple of inches to the main body, and I still having the edging on the sleeves to do yet...but it feels great...

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Well, before my "event" starts today, I thought I'd check in with a progress report. I have had to work and had an unexpected visit from a friend last night, so I've had a slow start and am now panicked about finishing. :eek



Life, cats, children, work (including housework):thair , and friends interfere in the life of an Olympic yarn-lete in ways that Winter Olympic athletes in televised events can't imagine. Participating is truly a challenge. My husband has been a gem, though, especially now - he's :sleep .


Now for my report...

My challenge was to complete my Olympic projects while continuing to work on UFOs so... here is my progress:


Floral table runner - 3 flower motifs. (a really slow start):blush

Lace scarf/stole thing - 8 rows:2blush


I did finish a UFO though.:hook


Today is my first full day home, so I hope to accomplish more. Good luck juggling everything to finish fellow Yarn-letes, and



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WOO HOO! I'm finished!!!! I actually stayed up til after midnight working on this thing and finished the 2nd sleeve and edging this morning!!! It's much smaller than I imagined even though my gauge swatch was right on. That's ok though as I didn't make it for myself but for one of my nieces who I am certain it will fit!


I decided in the end not to do the picots all the way around. After doing several I didn't like the look of them so I just did SC's around. I will post a pic tomorrow!


I think I'm going to start on a bolero for me this time. Maybe I can add that to the "Olympics" as that will motivate me to finish quickly!


Go team wearables!!!!

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I didn't realize not everyone could see the photos. :( So for those that are interested here's a picture. I will post another one here when I get to the half way point.



The name of the piece is Butterflies and Roses as you see there are not butterflies yet. I have long ways to go yet.

Today work will be on and off. typical for Sundays around here.

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Progress update....i got the diffrent yarn yesterday, Bernat Super Value in Black and a Dk. Plum, which my husband is very happy with, i told him he might be getting a really 'girly' purple because i've never seen one this dark until yesterday. I'm still doing the same ripple i planned on, i'm doing 3 rows black and 3 rows purple and last night i have 3 sets of each done so far :)

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You all are doing such a great job! Keep it up!


I managed to get to approximately 7 1/2 inches up the back of my cardigan last night, driving back from Mississauga. Its pretty difficult to crochet in near darkness, but we bought book lights for the kids for Christmas that fit over your head like headsets. The light fixture is adjustable so I look like some Star Trek/Brittany Spears/Miner hybrid. But it works great. We got them at Chapters and their great for crafting, because they don't clip onto anything, so I've got both hand free and the light goes where I look.


Anyway, the cardigan is looking wonderful. The weight of the cotton is perfect; my mom's going to love it!

Keep it up!!!!:cheer

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Olympic update from the desert venue: my Olympic event will start today, as I had to finish a present for a coworker whose wife is having their first baby in two weeks. All I need to do is decide whether to put a snap on the bib or make tie straps to close it. I've made bibs before, but for some reason the neck looks pretty small on this one, so I may forego the snaps and crochet some ties instead. I also made a small blanket for baby. So I should be starting on my felted tote tonight! I still have quite a bit of yarn that needs to be dyed, but hopefully I can multitask and dye while doing other things this afternoon. I am totally impressed by everyone's progress!! :cheer Go teams!



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I'm impressed with how much progress everybody is making! Keep up the good work, guys 'n' gals!


Progress update: I've finished the front of my top, and I'm about 8 rows into the back. The pattern is turning out to being pretty simple, other than it having some silly mistakes in it. Anyhoo, there are more details and a picture on my blog.


Go Team Wearables! :cheer

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The Romantic Cardigan is done!!!!! I have to have my hubby take a picture...but I look terrible to model it (it looks good on me, just that my hair's tied back and I have no make up on...) This really did turn out better than I expected...and my husband insists that I look beautiful wearing it...I love the man...what can I say...


Well Donna...you go girl!!! Congratulations and finishing...


One thing I didn't do on the cardigan was the ties. I don't think it really needs the ties...


So, sometime tonight I'll post pics...

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Update...I am wearing the romantic cardigan...It's looking better all the time and fits perfectly. I did add a couple of inches to the main body, and I still having the edging on the sleeves to do yet...but it feels great...


Ooooh let's see let's see!!


:clapGo Team Wearables:cheer

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WOO HOO! I'm finished!!!! I actually stayed up til after midnight working on this thing and finished the 2nd sleeve and edging this morning!!! It's much smaller than I imagined even though my gauge swatch was right on. That's ok though as I didn't make it for myself but for one of my nieces who I am certain it will fit!


I decided in the end not to do the picots all the way around. After doing several I didn't like the look of them so I just did SC's around. I will post a pic tomorrow!


I think I'm going to start on a bolero for me this time. Maybe I can add that to the "Olympics" as that will motivate me to finish quickly!


Go team wearables!!!!


Congrats!! Funny, you dropped the picots. I was planning onmaking it for myself, without the picots! I'll have to remember to watch the size when I make it. Can't wait to see pictures.

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I didn't realize not everyone could see the photos. :( So for those that are interested here's a picture. I will post another one here when I get to the half way point.



The name of the piece is Butterflies and Roses as you see there are not butterflies yet. I have long ways to go yet.

Today work will be on and off. typical for Sundays around here.


Wow!! Thanks for posting the pic here... Gorgeous

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Ooooh let's see let's see!!


:clapGo Team Wearables:cheer


Your wish is my command. I hope you all don't mind, but in the interest of being sure that everyone can see the pics I'm going to post my pics here. I don't give a blog...I do have an online journal, but access is limited...


But here you go: The Lion Brand Vintage Patterns for Today Romantic Cardigan:






Done up in pastal yellow Lion Brand Baby Soft yarn with H hook. Started Friday at 8:00 p.m. CET at the beginning of the Opening Ceremonies...finished approximately 6:00 p.m. CET Sunday (today...)


I hope you all like...my husband loves it...and he was making funny faces to make me smile...

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Thank you...I'm not sure I'm going to continue with the the Crochet Olympics or be a member on this site anymore...I just got dressed down by a couple of other members and I really don't feel all that wanted around here...half the time I feel ignored (save for this tread) and the other half the time I guess I just don't really fit in...I thought I did, but I guess I don't...

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Wow! Great job ladies. I can't believe how quickly some of you crochet! I'm in awe of your abilities to crochet and burn the midnight oil. :nworthy


eurolyons~ Love your cardigan. It's very pretty!


Kathy~ Your work is beautiful (as always :) . I can't wait to see it finished.


Donna~ Great job! I'm sure your niece will love it.


All the other ladies, keep up the good work!


My progress has been slow but steady. I've finished one scarf (minus the fringe) and am almost done with the second one. They are not very challenging to make, but I wanted to make something that I could donate after the Olympics are over. :hook

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Eurolyons - your cardigan looks lovely! And you're finished already! I'm so impressed. Please don't leave. I don't know what was said, but this site is inclusive - rise above it, ignore it, be happy. :manyheart


Donnalyn - you're finished too! Wow! Congrats. Can't wait to see photos.


Looks like everybody else is going along pretty smoothly. I'm going to start back up on mine in an hour or so. Have to do family interaction stuff. Plus, I have to find the Olympic coverage - NBC seems to be showing Nascar stuff right now. :angry

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