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What to do with Crochet Pattern-A-Day Calendar pages?

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Ok, I just got my Crochet-Patttern-A-Day-Calendar today and I was wondering, what do YOU do with the pages when the next day comes? I can't bring myself to throw them away :eek Too many great patterns! But they really don't seem to easily go behind the other pages either :think I guss because of the slipperyness... So what do YOU do with yesterdays pages?????



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I have my calendar on my desk at work. I have a manilla folder in one of my drawers. Some of the patterns I know I'll never make, and those, unfortunately go in the trash. The others go in the folder. It would be too much to keep all of them in there.


I, too, hate throwing them out. Even though some I'm pretty sure I'll never make.... I always think, "never say never!" As I write this, I think I'm going to turn my folder into a manilla envelope, and then it will be easier to keep all of them.

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When mine comes in the mail I plan to do what's mentioned above. I love using the 3 ring binders with the plastic sleeves as you get so much wear out of them that way. It's honestly just a matter of me actually organizing and putting everything in there. I have a stack of sleeves and 2 binders, but haven't actually sat down and filled them up yet. I wonder if I could get the "Clean Sweep" crew to come in and take care of this for me! LOL :lol

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I wish I could have gotten one of these. I looked all over the city for one, and no luck! Argh!!! I'm disappointed. I wonder if you can still order from calendars.com or whatever...


But, I think that I would keep them in a binder with page protectors too, or at least a box or something to keep them all together.

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I wish I could have gotten one of these. I looked all over the city for one, and no luck! Argh!!! I'm disappointed. I wonder if you can still order from calendars.com or whatever...


But, I think that I would keep them in a binder with page protectors too, or at least a box or something to keep them all together.


I saw some the other day on Ebay. But they cost more than the original price of like $13. I think these were $18.

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I stick them behind all the rest so at the end of the year I'll be on Jan 1 again. That's where I'll keep them, nice and neat in the box they came in. Any I use will go back in it's spot when I'm done. :)


You know you can get them at Amazon still. Only $13.99 and if you spend $25 in total on qualifing stuff, you get free shipping. That might be for only the US though.



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Like Empress, I am just sticking them to the back. At the end of the year, they are all nicely filed in their own little box. However, I did go through and pull out the ads and the little empty box, so I would have room to maneuver the papers around.

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I stick them behind all the rest so at the end of the year I'll be on Jan 1 again. That's where I'll keep them, nice and neat in the box they came in. Any I use will go back in it's spot when I'm done. :)


That's what I'm doing with mine, it fits perfectly in the box and would take up much less room than in a book! :hook

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I am also putting mine in the back. My 2 year old son was so sweet and dumped them everywhere so I had to reorder them. I weeded out the ads at that time (not that there were that many ;) )


There are a lot of patterns I don't see myself ever using, but you never know, right? :think

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I am also putting mine in the back. ...


There are a lot of patterns I don't see myself ever using, but you never know, right? :think


Ditto. And for the patterns that I *do* see myself doing one day, I'm flagging those on the top edge with a little Post-It tape flag; that way I don't have to flip through all those pages to find it.

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mine is sitting on the counter in my bathroom. i work so much and stay gone and rushed a lot of the time that i have not even been changing it. there are many patterns in there that i will never make. i started tonight going through and throwing those away. i am keeping any that i may try in the future...i think i have gone through it up to april. gonna throw most of them out. i have found more and way better patterns from friends, message boards, and internet. i would ONLY buy it if it were 75% off. i think i paid 13.00 for it. not worth it to me.

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:ideaIf I had the calendar (can't seem to find one around here) that's what I would do.


I found mine just last week at Barnes and Noble for 75% off!! I was so excited, paid $3.00 for it!! WOOHOO!! :clap



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i dismantled the whole calendar as soon as i got it (if you saw what passes for a desk for me you'd totally understand) and put it in page protectors in a binder all cateorgorized and neat.

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I keep meaning to buy a 3 ring binder and the page protectors to put 2 of them in.


I did this with mine as well as any printed patterns I have. Then I organized them into what they were (ex: afghan square, clothing, scarf, etc.) I don't keep them in order because I would never be able to keep up with the daily crochet amounts anyway...I just wanted the patterns for when I can do them.

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