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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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Julie - I hope your feeling better


I feel for you ladies who have had to frog the whole thing. I think I would scream. I'm trying to be really careful so I don't have to frog too much. I made it through row 15 last night. Also thanks for the well wishes. I'm trying really hard not to stess. I have an ultrasound today (pre surgery stuff) so I'm hoping that goes well.

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LOL...I just have to....I can't let this little sucker get away with it...i'm doin alittle better with it...lol...perseverence!:lol:hook



Olga... I can't believe how you are keeping at the Taz ghan... I would be going bonkers! You'll do fine of this one...


Everyone have a great day!



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Hi girls,

I haven't been able to work on mine since that first night. I'm still on round 20. Hubby had surgery on his hand, so I have to drive, and that cuts into a lot of crochet time. Also, I have to finish DGS sweater in 2 weeks. I love to see pics of your progress. I'll be able to work more on it after the sweater is done.

Patty in MI

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Ok ,so I put Taz down for a while and now i'm gonna see if I can get a couple of rows put back in my laces and bobbles..so..i'll come around again soon and I just hope it doesnt start to twist again..:hook

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Keep plugging along, Olga-- you'll get it done ,you'll see . I forget what colors you are using for this ?




I just started the first row of bobbles... geez louise.... those things take forever . I hope there aren't 7000 more of them before it's done ! :eek

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Well I have a little bit of carrot ...i have aran.....cilantro....aspen print...lol...a whole circus of colors..lol:hook


Keep plugging along, Olga-- you'll get it done ,you'll see . I forget what colors you are using for this ?




I just started the first row of bobbles... geez louise.... those things take forever . I hope there aren't 7000 more of them before it's done ! :eek

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I'm working on 19. I showed my mom tonight and she was shocked how much I have gotten done in 2 days while taking care of a 2 year old, being sick and keeping our house clean. Although I feel like its not much at all. If my stupid arm didnt hurt so bad it would be a lot easier.


Oh and I didn't get a pic :blush I will make sure I do tommarow. Tommarow is my day to relax so I should get a chance :D

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I'm hoping it will be julie ....i'm much more calm now...lol..and thanks for the compliments!:hook ..you do beautiful work yourself.:clap


It'll be pretty, Olga. All of your finished afghans have been ! You'll do great with this one too, you'll see !
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I'm on row 33. Slow going this week as I went back to work. But I'm off for the next 3 days and since I have to be home cause I'm getting work done in my house my goal is to put a big dent in this project. I'd like to say finish it but I know better.:P



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Here's a pic of my L&B. Its my second attemp, the first one wouldnt lie flat in the center. (still don't know what I did wrong :think ) I'm not following the pattern with color placement. I'm just using whatever I have enough of, I hope the color combo doesnt start to hurt my eyes:eek . You'll have to excuse my unmade bed. One of my little dogs was still sleeping under the covers (notice the lump above and to the right of my ghan), she cops a "tude" if I wake her before she's ready.



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Kathy -


That is just bee-ooo---teee--full ! I love it ! The colors actually seem to match your bedspread colors. Did you intend for it to be used in your bedroom, or was that just a coincidence ?


It sure is turning out to be a pretty pattern, isn't it ?


I'm on row 41 now. I keep telling myself I'm halfway done, although I'm lying to myself . Each round gets bigger and bigger, so I'm not actually halfway done, just half done with the number of rounds !


Keep up the great work ,you're doing a really nice job .



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No, its not for me :( actually I planned to give it to my FIL for Fathers Day. It matches my living room furniture better much better than my bed. I'm not sure which round I'm on, its the one after the first round of bobbles (I hope there isnt another row of those)



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Kathy -


You and me are both almost at the same place then. I know what you mean about the bobbles-- pain in the rump .


I bet there will be more though ! :angry


Well, maybe if you like the pattern enough and want to , you could make yourself one next !

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Just an early morning wake up call

For those of you that are on the ball. :sun



Up and At 'em , it's time to crochet

What a better way to start the day ? :hook



On the East coast or the West

Wake up early, it's for the best ! :D



Look at all you can do early in the day !

You can put on enough make-up to look like Tammy Faye ! :eek



You can have some eggs and read a book ,

Come on now, don't give me that look ! :book



You can make a scarf or gloves or hat !

I bet you know someone who needs something like that ! :wgrin



It's COLD here where I am , anything handmade would be nice

So someone's hands won't feel cold as ice . :wbrr



Like Mr. Rogers always used to sing, It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood "

Use your crochet talent today and DO SOME GOOD .:manyheart

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WOW Kathy that is gorgeous, what lovely colors! So far striking without being overwhelming!


I can't wait to get started on mine! I hope my mailman brings my book today! I supposed it's good that it isn't here yet though since I have several hug-ghans to do - I'm really going to have to pace myself with the L&B so my other projects don't get neglected! :lol

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Oh my gosh, Julie!

You crack me up! This is soooo cute. :rofl

I wish I was one at home deciding what to do rather than here at work deciding what to do.

I'd be working on my L&B for sure!! I'm getting very inspired by everyone who is so much further along than I! Keep up the GREAT work, ladies!! :hug

Happy Friday!!



Just an early morning wake up call

For those of you that are on the ball. :sun



Up and At 'em , it's time to crochet

What a better way to start the day ? :hook



On the East coast or the West

Wake up early, it's for the best ! :D



Look at all you can do early in the day !

You can put on enough make-up to look like Tammy Faye ! :eek



You can have some eggs and read a book ,

Come on now, don't give me that look ! :book



You can make a scarf or gloves or hat !

I bet you know someone who needs something like that ! :wgrin



It's COLD here where I am , anything handmade would be nice

So someone's hands won't feel cold as ice . :wbrr



Like Mr. Rogers always used to sing, It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood "

Use your crochet talent today and DO SOME GOOD .:manyheart

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Here's a pic of my L&B. Its my second attemp, the first one wouldnt lie flat in the center. (still don't know what I did wrong :think ) I'm not following the pattern with color placement. I'm just using whatever I have enough of, I hope the color combo doesnt start to hurt my eyes:eek . You'll have to excuse my unmade bed. One of my little dogs was still sleeping under the covers (notice the lump above and to the right of my ghan), she cops a "tude" if I wake her before she's ready.




Wow, Kathy! That is gorgeous! That's how I envision mine to look if I ever get to it. I only have 1 or 2 hours a day (If I'm lucky) to crochet and I have other things going on. I'm dying to start this, though!


I have a pooch that sleeps in the bed, too. I know what you mean about copping a tude! Mine gives me the big stink eye when I have to drag her out of bed at 6 am so I can leave for the day. Thankfully, it's been in the 80's here and only getting into the high 50's at night so she won't freeze!

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Good morning, Cristin !


Glad to hear you're up and moving and you enjoyed my little poem .


Have a great day !




and Mare-


Now STINK EYE .... That's a NEW one ! I learn so MUCH from you guys ! I live a pretty sheltered life , I think .

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I am so excited I could BUST

I hits 1000 posts ~~~


Wooo hooo


I feel like having a party ! :cake


Who wants some cake ?


Pass me a piece! :hug :hug :hug Congrats!

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Oh my gosh, Julie!

You crack me up! This is soooo cute. :rofl

I wish I was one at home deciding what to do rather than here at work deciding what to do.

I'd be working on my L&B for sure!! I'm getting very inspired by everyone who is so much further along than I! Keep up the GREAT work, ladies!! :hug

Happy Friday!!


You and me both, Cristin!

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