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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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Holy cow :eek I have been so into my grandaughters shrug I haven't even posted here...anyway....my L/B is coming along pretty good...It is coming along slow but..I just had to take a short break and switch to something else. I just got some more of my carrot yarn I had ran out of but..since i'm done with the shrug and I put up a couple of hexes last night , I think im gonna go lace and bobble a bit today...I hope you are all doing good and hope to see more progress photos soon....mine will be up in a while ...have a nice day! ( or night, or afternoon):lol

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I had to put mine away to get a babyghan done. Now that I finished that (last night), I'm going to get out my L&B today and stitch on it. I missed it! :hook

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Oh man.....I finally got 2 more rows in there.....It's true when you say the further you get the longer it takes....these rows seem to take forever....lol but...i'm gettin there,slowwwwwly but surely:hook

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Hi again Julie....haha So I find you 2 times in one night...:lol Yeah....I am hangin on there ...I am alllllmost done..i'm in the 60's rows right now but i'm handling both at a time so....it's taking a little longer but thats ok...i will do this!!:hook

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ok well.. i have worked farther than this already but wanted to share an update.. this is at round 50.. got a little ruffley.. but the weight of the yarn has pulled it out ..









I am up to round 65.. will snap a pic later tonight for that update.. .. and yes .. it gets harder and harder to carry on cause it seemed like after round 50 its creeping along.. but really so worth it..

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actually.. its a gift.. for a very special some one in my life.. i was hoping to have it done this past week and it kind of didnt.... so its really ok it will be a better surprise being sent .. since they saw the start.. and thought it was gorgeous.. and i had to casually say "its a gift for a friend"


they have NO clue!! i cant wait to see the reaction

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Elizabeth ~

I don't know how some of you guys pull that off, when you're making a surprise for someone . I always let the cat out of the bag. I can't keep my big trap shut-- I get too excited about it and can't wait ~

You'll have to let us know the reaction when they get it ! :)

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trudging right along.. i am on round 72!!


i think i might actually get done today .. this pic is to round 70 and of course clickable..

the end is in sight.. and yes.. i think i will try another in wool so i can really show out the stitches.. but will take a break between .. i am just loving how this is looking !! and will look so much nicer once fluffed..



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OK, accountability time... I got derailed when I made a baby ghan and a bunch of squares for Drew, and I have neglected my first love, the L&B. I am MAJOR SLOW due to many small interuptions in my day, so I don't expect tihis to be done any time soon, but I think I'm gonna have to comit to working on this for the month of March. By the end of the month I should be able to post a pic- my birthday is coming, and I'm getting a dig cam!!



All of this to say... I'm back!

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Hey Elizabeth -- those last few rounds seem to take forever , don't they ?

Looking forward to seeing your finished pic !


Julie B - I'm still out here. I check in daily --- things have gotten pretty quiet in here. I hope everyone is still working on their projects.. Maybe they are all just busy now . Keep working , I'll answer you when you post !

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