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Menswear That Makes Men Swear

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those are to funny..... I was looking it with my husband sitting next to me (dualing laptops), and some were so bad, he looked up and commented.... THough, at first he thought it was the You Knit What ? Blog.... The blog is a bit, how should I say it, strong worded.... But, it has a collection of some pretty bad things that were knitted for men, women and childern... Some entries are better (or should I say worse) than others....

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I asked Al what colors he would choose for that sweater. :lol He thought I was serious. I've got him wrapped around my little finger now!:yay




:haha My favorite is that really hideous striped sweater at the very end :lol
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Those are so funny!


It reminded me that I have an old book with 'funnies' in them - these are my 'favorites'!


oh, now thats just ...WRONG!! i think i'm gonna poke my minds eye out with a stick. :scared:yuck:faint

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LOL. When my boyfriend makes me angry, I threaten to crochet him something fanciful like this: http://racerose.blogspot.com/2005/08/eric-has-made-me-angry-once-again-so-i.html


I come across that one online now and then and it makes me laugh every time. He looks so pissed off about his ugly mesh sweater vest. It's probably good that pic is in black and white. I'm afraid to know what color it was.


I like this one too. The sweater's not bad, but everything else is horrid. How did he get the sweater over his giant head?

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Those are so funny!


It reminded me that I have an old book with 'funnies' in them - these are my 'favorites'!


I just nearly chocked I laughed so hard when this pic loaded :lol Thanks for sharing.

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  • 1 month later...

Where's the Kleenex? I laughed so hard at the descriptions that I was crying.... what a great sense of humor to think up all that stuff!! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!! Loved it.... :U

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