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Good Morning. Happy Memorial Day

It is a beautiful day in Florida today.

As you have your fun on the beach and bbq's, take time out to remember those who gave the greatest sacrifice so we can enjoy the freedoms we have.

So I raise my coffee/tea to all those men and woman who have made today and all days FREE.


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Hey all, we are still up and kickin, just not kickin as high...LOL

They had a nice Memorial services at the fairgrounds and this was the first year Baby Lance was able to plant the small flag with Lance Eakes name on it.  He was the fella who died in the IED attack when my son was wounded and Josh named his son after him, very touching.. very emotional, and of course the Princess was there, 

lance flag.jpg


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53 minutes ago, minwifeof4boys said:

Hey all, we are still up and kickin, just not kickin as high...LOL

They had a nice Memorial services at the fairgrounds and this was the first year Baby Lance was able to plant the small flag with Lance Eakes name on it.  He was the fella who died in the IED attack when my son was wounded and Josh named his son after him, very touching.. very emotional, and of course the Princess was there, 

lance flag.jpg


Very touching and love those photos!

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I think I may have that affliction also! 😬

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Brenda, I definitely have that affliction. Thanks for sharing the story, too.

Lea, great pictures.

Saturday, I went on a riverboat cruise with my older DS, DIL and some of her family. It was hot, but fun. Then a stop by the Bass Pro in the pyramid and on to supper at an Asian restaurant. I came home Sunday afternoon and visited with the younger DS and his family--kids swimming and DS grilling--again it was hot. I have been a couch potato today and haven't even dressed.

I have four of the grands tomorrow afternoon. Somewhere in the week will be a vet trip for the cat, my B12 shot and getting the yard mowed since I missed it because of rain last week. Luckily after tomorrow it's going to be back down into the 80's.

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Mona those riverboat cruises look like fun.  Boy its too early in the year to be saying looking forward to be down to the 80's.

Steve in that article is an amazing person.  He has worked here to get a veterans group going.  He started the Memorial Day service three years ago and is instrumental in setting up the Veterans Day reception.  He headed up a campaign to raise money to build a veteran's memorial on campus.  

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Brenda, to be advertised as a cruise it was a little disappointing. The two interstate bridges across the Mississippi at Memphis are in sight of each other with the docking area between. The very slow 90 minute cruise was down to one bridge, turn around, up to the other, turn around and back to the docking area. There was commentary for about half of it and music the rest. The man pointed out things of local interest and talked about several historical river events which was all interesting. Not really a trip that you would say, let's go do that again; they do have dinner and music cruises that would probably be fun in cool weather.

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Posted (edited)
42 minutes ago, greyhoundgrandma said:

Brenda, to be advertised as a cruise it was a little disappointing. The two interstate bridges across the Mississippi at Memphis are in sight of each other with the docking area between. The very slow 90 minute cruise was down to one bridge, turn around, up to the other, turn around and back to the docking area. There was commentary for about half of it and music the rest. The man pointed out things of local interest and talked about several historical river events which was all interesting. Not really a trip that you would say, let's go do that again; they do have dinner and music cruises that would probably be fun in cool weather.

Oh just a 90 minute boat ride!  That sounds like fun too.  Can probably charge more for a cruise than a boat ride

Edited by bgs
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When we were younger and lived in NJ.  We use to drive down to Cape May New Jersey.  They have a ferry down there that goes from Cape May to Lewis Delaware.  We use to park and go on the ferry, if for no other reason, but to see the dolphins that were all around the boat.  It was a fun 2 hours.

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45 minutes ago, Tampa Doll said:

When we were younger and lived in NJ.  We use to drive down to Cape May New Jersey.  They have a ferry down there that goes from Cape May to Lewis Delaware.  We use to park and go on the ferry, if for no other reason, but to see the dolphins that were all around the boat.  It was a fun 2 hours.

That sounds like fun!

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This is the segment that aired on the news last night Lee’s Summit in regard to article I posted earlier about.veteran secures medals for fallen soldier 54 years after his death.



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Lea, the grands are adorable.

Mona, it sounds like you had a fun and busy weekend.

Brenda, thank you for sharing that story, it's wonderful to see people who care about our veterans.

Not much going on here, I had a quiet weekend at home and back to work today.

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Just and FYI that I have found out about.

If you and DH have insurance, make sure you are on his insurance and he is on yours as someone they can talk to.  I did not know this little tidbit, so I had to call them from the Rehab, so DH could give them permission to talk to me.  It was only for the one day.  I am being sent papers to fill out for both of us to put us on each others insurance.  So being married, does not matter.

I just love insurance companies, don't you?

Well, off to pay some bills.

Have a fun night.

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Posted (edited)

Hi Everyone-  I hope all are well.

GD got back from No Carolina yesterday and was her dog ever happy. The look on her face was hilarious when she saw the GD come through the door. I wish I'd have videoed it. They were both ecstatic to see each other.

Memorial Day was very somber here. I couldn't get my flag hung for the first time ever. My 2 neighbors across the street hung their flags, so that helped to see Old Glory fly in honor of our fallen heroes.

Mary Jo- That's good advice about the insurance companies. It applies with doctors and hospitals here too. The same with credit cards. I have my DD listed on everything that I could think of, I hope.

Time to get dinner started so I'm not dining too late. Have a great evening!

Edited by ReniC
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Good Morning everyone.

Thought I would stop in, while I have some extra time this morning.

Sounds like everyone is doing ok.

Lea  I love the pictures of the kids.  The Princess is really getting big.

Off to get things together, before I leave.

Have a good day.

They said the Gulf is 81 degrees.  No chance of cooling off in there.

Hugs all around.

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Good Morning everyone.

Another beautiful day today in Florida.  Not a drop of rain in site till Maybe another week or so.

Off to make breakfast and get ready to go and face my day today.

Have fun everyone.

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Good morning! The rain got here yesterday--enough to make the plants/garden happy. Thank goodness I got the yard mowed Thursday. My new weedeating person has not worked out, so I'm back on the hunt for someone else.

I went to the chiro Wednesday, picked up flea medicine for the cat and got home in time to keep the grands while DIL went to Bible study.

The older DS is coming today; both DSs have a project to work on. I have leftovers for lunch so it'll be a quiet day for me except for a mound of laundry that I need to start on.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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Hi All!

It's been a bit stressful here as my just repaired auto sprinkler system broke again but in another place. It wasn't discovered of course until my water bill came and shocked me near to a stroke! The sprinkler system is off for good. I will hand-water my flowers and shrubs and with the help of family. A few other things happened around the house, so I've been busy getting things set up for repair. Ah, it's wonderful to be a homeowner! LOL.

Happy Sunday- Blessings!


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ok friends here is your opening im quitting this thread or i would like to reprase that passing it on  lol  

forgive me but thid seems to be getting too much for both threads anymore and i cant do my best at both anymore  ok so anyone want to continue it ca, and i will give it a bit for communications bttween you all before i puul shut it down and move on i guess  thanks to everyone for all, and to the many friends i will surley miss  I guess pineknot and snowbear and others hit me pretty hard, and well, yo know  

i wull still be online you reach me at my gmail or the other room lol  wish you all luck goowill and blesings for all yous abnd yours  love alway my friends  katie 

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, katyallen815 said:

ok friends here is your opening im quitting this thread or i would like to reprase that passing it on  lol  

forgive me but thid seems to be getting too much for both threads anymore and i cant do my best at both anymore  ok so anyone want to continue it ca, and i will give it a bit for communications bttween you all before i puul shut it down and move on i guess  thanks to everyone for all, and to the many friends i will surley miss  I guess pineknot and snowbear and others hit me pretty hard, and well, yo know  

i wull still be online you reach me at my gmail or the other room lol  wish you all luck goowill and blesings for all yous abnd yours  love alway my friends  katie 

Why shut it down?  Just let it run it's course and one of us will pick it up next January with a 2025 thread.  Some of Pineknotts last communications are in this thread and some of us would like to keep that for awhile.  You shut this down and none of us can go back and reminisce.

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\oh on a happy notr my daughter has one or more of her paintings in a an art  gallery here now  i want one it it is so yay  d bresth taking   she is so good  

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