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Boxing Day 2021 (any charity work!)


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As I should have predicted my dolls are now lost in the postal system.  They made it to my home town and then they sent them away.  Guessing I won't be getting them today.  Not really concerned about delivery date as I don't need them right away but I really do want them undamaged.

Edited by Bailey4
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Glad you got your dolls Bailey. Other people I know have said that they are just now getting Christmas cards but I (touch wood) have not had any problems getting the things that I am expecting. Lucky, I guess!

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Its weird you mentioned Christmas cards. My little sister doesn't usually send Christmas cards so I wasn't expecting one. Was very surprised to get one yesterday that had been mailed Dec 17th.

MIL just got Thanksgiving card from my niece this week.

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Can anyone tell me how to navigate this ridiculous upgrade on an older (2012) iPad?  I can't get enough room on my screen to open a reply.  The area for a reply is less than 1/4" high and tapping it doesn't open my keyboard, so I had to go to my big computer to post this.

Honestly, I don't need a sidebar showing me the most popular comments and thumbnails of pictures.  I swear people "upgrade" things for no reason.  Someone at the 'Ville has been hanging around the Apple folks for too long and are "innovating" for no reason.

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23 minutes ago, babypoohsmom said:

Can anyone tell me how to navigate this ridiculous upgrade on an older (2012) iPad?  I can't get enough room on my screen to open a reply.  The area for a reply is less than 1/4" high and tapping it doesn't open my keyboard, so I had to go to my big computer to post this.

Honestly, I don't need a sidebar showing me the most popular comments and thumbnails of pictures.  I swear people "upgrade" things for no reason.  Someone at the 'Ville has been hanging around the Apple folks for too long and are "innovating" for no reason.

Ask Donna here


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9 hours ago, babypoohsmom said:

Can anyone tell me how to navigate this ridiculous upgrade on an older (2012) iPad?  I can't get enough room on my screen to open a reply.  The area for a reply is less than 1/4" high and tapping it doesn't open my keyboard, so I had to go to my big computer to post this.

Honestly, I don't need a sidebar showing me the most popular comments and thumbnails of pictures.  I swear people "upgrade" things for no reason.  Someone at the 'Ville has been hanging around the Apple folks for too long and are "innovating" for no reason.

Another member has also contacted me regarding the unresponsive reply box on some mobile devices. I'm sorry that it's not working. I'm not able to replicate the problem on my own mobile devices, but I am looking into it and hope to have an answer soon.

These forum upgrades MUST be applied for security fixes and bug fixes. Without upgrades, software of any type cannot continue to function indefinitely. Also, the developers are continually incorporating new features that are requested by the customers (forum owners) who buy and pay for the forum software. Styles are often changed in the process of an upgrade, but I do not have a choice to selectively apply parts of upgrades – it all comes as one package. I know I haven't been actively posting on the forum and so it's easy to see me as the villain. The truth is that I keep this place running because I know how important it is in the daily lives of the members who are still here. I want to be clear that the ads on the forum (which are shown to non-members only) do NOT cover the bills that it costs to run this forum. So it's not like I'm sitting back raking in the dough and thinking up ways to inconvenience the very people that I know love this place and count on it being here.

Denise, I'm not sure if you thought I wouldn't see your comment or if you see me as an outsider and don't mind offending me, but I am truly doing the best I can.


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Hi to Donna, I wasn't trying to offend anyone or hide from you.  I actually had no idea that there was one person in charge of everything or that there were "forum owners" to whom a single person would answer.  Everyone in this CAL is super supportive of everyone else and I am sorry that I popped off a message that didn't seem very supportive, but my mood at the moment was irritated and unfortunately that is how my message came across.  I realize that "hey, can anyone else with an old ipad tell me how this works or who to ask"? would have been a better option.  I don't want anyone on this CAL to feel uncormfortable with me and will tap out if necessary so these lovley ladies can continue to show their amazing work!

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@babypoohsmom Thank you, Denise, I do appreciate and accept your apology. I don't want you to leave and I don't want there to be hard feelings between us. Most of the regulars here are Crochetville old-timers, so I thought everyone knew it was just me periodically popping in and doing the maintenance needed to keep the forum running. Co-owner Amy helps me occasionally behind the scenes, but these days she is quite busy with her fiber arts studio, so it's mostly me.

I can understand why you would think there's not a certain person in charge because many forums have sold out to bulk forum owners who buy up lots of little forums from exhausted individual forum owners, pack the place with as many annoying ads as possible and then disappear forever, never to be heard from again. Amy and I have had many of these offers over the years and we just laugh and laugh about them.

I wasn't terribly bothered by your calling it a ridiculous forum upgrade – I understand that kind of frustration, and I have been there myself in some situations. It was more the overall sentiment and the comment about hanging around the Apple folks and "innovating" for no reason that kind of hit me in the gut. I know everyone in this CAL appreciates your being here and hosting it and so do I, so please do stay and continue. You are welcome here.

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