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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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BGS, I agree. Fall is my FAVORITE season, so I'm happy that the temps are getting cooler! The boys wanted thin jackets to wear to school today. That's not like them. Normally they're okay with no jackets until upper 40 to lower 50's

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Hello everyone!


I thought I would drop in and let you all know that I'm still around. I've just been busy with work and exhausted when I get home.


Mary Jo, I hope the storm passes quickly without any major damage. We've had a lot of rain the past couple of days because of it and today has been pretty breezy.


I hope everyone else is doing well.

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Woke up this morning to a Chilly 59º. It has since raised to 62º. I slept horribly last night. I tossed and turned all night and I don't know why. I don't have a whole lot planned today. I think I'm going to try to get quite a few things planned for craft fairs, I have been invited to have a booth at one in October and another in December. My first choice was to have a booth for It Works, since it's my main money maker business, however, the lady already had a distributor, so I said, SURE! I can always do Crochet! I've just got to pay the booth fees and get some stock made.

Which craft fairs? I make it to a few. SantaCaligon is this weekend but its gotten too big. The craft tents there are so crowded I dont enjoy looking through them anymore.

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Wow Bgs. But sure am glad you can laugh a bit now you are on the way my friend to some serious healing!!


Tampa stay safe owlvamp glad you are feeling a bit more social lol. And feeling a bit better too.


Carol sounds like school is kicking your keester this season. Hope it eases up a bit for you.


JEss and Bgs I used to do the craft fair thing and did ok but was a whole lot of hauling heavy bi s I. And out and the setting up and then all the sitting lol I tell ya they sure have some cute things at those shows though.


Sounds like Bgs and Tampa are crocheting up a storm lately. No pun intended lol.


Well dang I feel as if I did so much today and am tired now but I. Reality I really haven't accomplished too much that is besides the reg daily things. I did clean out a basket shaped like a mini house where I store some table linen and stuff. It always acts as a cath all lol so there was more I. There than what should be but not anymore!!! I cleaned it all out and washed things like cloth table cloths and cloth napkins and put that all in the cub bards above the washer and dryer as I sure don't use those daily. So that helped thin it out too plus now every thing is freshened up too.

So I'm ready to work on the baby ghan this eve. I think I am at about I dunno 19 or 20 inches square and half a big ball left of the varigated so will go till I run Out of that!, then it's off to cruise the bins again to see what I can use up next. Bigger question, is on what??? All your little stockings are on their way huh Bgs so what you gonna work on next???

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Thinking of all the folks in the storm path... if it stays east we will just get tons of rain,  if it goes a bit west I have my headlamp and crochet things ready LOL


  sandra...the map looked like ya'll could get a bit more rain....


be safe all!

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The storm is starting to move pretty good.  At 5 pm it was 120 miles west of us, it is now north, but we are still getting the feeder bands of rain and wind.  Tomorrow is trash, so I will wait till then to put mine out.  Good luck and be careful to all those in the path in Florida and up the Atlantic coast.  We will still feel effects from this storm till Sunday, it is that big.


I am shutting down for the night, so I will say good night.


Good idea with the headlamp. :rofl

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Sounds pretty serious guys so do take precautions and monitor that storm.

AI have one of those head lights too runs on batteries. Handyman got both of us one cause he knew I would use his if I did t have o e too. Never had to use it yet though. Our elec. lines are u der ground so pretty much only a direct hit to a substation would take it out for us. Good luck to all and make sure to pop in and let us know you are all ok tomorrow.

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Tribble and Jessicali-  How are kiddies doing?  Are they liking their teachers?

Snowbear- I will say a prayer for your mom. 



Little Tribble was glad to be back in school and does like his teacher - she is very nice. He has already been in trouble and had to go talk to the principle yesterday. He is such a headstrong child.



Poor trib working so hard all the time. Those hours would be the death of me but I guess it is all I. What you get used to. Huh.




ahhh, tis okay. I just wish I had more time to do my crafty things. I have so many things I want to do that I never seem to get done. This is in addition to all the things I want to crochet!


lovely colors crochet fan, and cute baby too jessica, lol..  not raining here, and my drive has a big pink X in it, so IM THINKING, LO.  they are going to re blacktop it tomorrow, then one more dayof not parking in drive while it hardens, and wala we have our driveway back, and i can re call the stump removal people so its progress anyway.... Didnt work to mudh on the baby ghan today,had some other mundane  things to do, so, tomorrow, i can work on it more..  lol a laxy day of doing something i wanna do not something i should, or have to you know.. 


all for now, but if the ville wills it to be so, i will be back????  good luck all with the storms andsuch..  hope al is well..  :D  :ghug


I really hate doing mundane things (or as I call them muggle [harry potter reference to normal people] things).


Have a nice night all, must get back to work ;)

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Carol glad you checked in. I figured you were busy and tired.


Katy I have never set up at a craft fair. I just shop them. I would never know what to make that would sell or get enough made ahead. I just give my stuff away. I dont know what to work on next. I think I have a baby afghan started and some scarves that didnt get finished. I might keep making stockings. Maybe go for another 50. Its a good cause. I love seeing how many are pitching in to make them. I am going to have to stop at a Dollar Tree and hope they still have those huge puffies. I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. sm is no longer my worry on any level and I dont think she can hurt us anymore.


Lea hope you dont have to use the headlamp.


I hope you all come through the storm safe and ok.

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Which craft fairs? I make it to a few. SantaCaligon is this weekend but its gotten too big. The craft tents there are so crowded I dont enjoy looking through them anymore.


They're both going to be in Independence. I believe the one in October is going to be the 22nd at Main Event. I'm not sure if I'm going to have enough done by then to have a booth, however the booth is only a 5 foot round table and there isn't any room for anything extra, everything HAS to fit on the table. The one in December is at Stony Creek over by Bass Pro and it's a 6 foot long table, but still everything has to fit on the table. I'll have to set up a table at home to figure out how to fit everything on the tables. 

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They're both going to be in Independence. I believe the one in October is going to be the 22nd at Main Event. I'm not sure if I'm going to have enough done by then to have a booth, however the booth is only a 5 foot round table and there isn't any room for anything extra, everything HAS to fit on the table. The one in December is at Stony Creek over by Bass Pro and it's a 6 foot long table, but still everything has to fit on the table. I'll have to set up a table at home to figure out how to fit everything on the tables.

I will have to keep the dates in mind. We go by both places quite a bit but its usually on Sun. There is so much going on that time of year its hard to get to all the things we would like to do. I can see where the table layout would be challenging. I hope you can figure out to use some vertical space so you can work in more things and its usually more visually appealing.


AND wishing you a Happy Birthday!

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Morning all. Good day here bout right in the Temps so far!! I did get that ms.Jessica's puffy off today and I sent off finally a puffy for someone on the old wish list. It was loose In The back of my hatch must have fallen out of my mail satchel last time I went to the po but it is out and gone now sheesh I'm such a scatter brain . Sometimes!! . Lol. So happy bday to Jessica this month!!



Well still wondering on The driveway I see them in the area and several others have pink X's so I'm sure I am on the list but not sure where lol. And am waiting to reset appt for stump removal till said blacktop-ing is done so I'm done for. Now oh one call I gotta make to handy mans doc doc and then I will be done. Meant to do that when I paid the bills Oh well so I will be back later.

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I will have to keep the dates in mind. We go by both places quite a bit but its usually on Sun. There is so much going on that time of year its hard to get to all the things we would like to do. I can see where the table layout would be challenging. I hope you can figure out to use some vertical space so you can work in more things and its usually more visually appealing.


AND wishing you a Happy Birthday!


I'll definitely post here if I end up doing them, so if you do stop by make sure you say hi! Thank you for the birthday wishes.


Morning all. Good day here bout right in the Temps so far!! I did get that ms.Jessica's puffy off today and I sent off finally a puffy for someone on the old wish list. It was loose In The back of my hatch must have fallen out of my mail satchel last time I went to the po but it is out and gone now sheesh I'm such a scatter brain . Sometimes!! . Lol. So happy bday to Jessica this month!!



Well still wondering o. The driveway I see them in the area and several others have pink X's so I'm sure I am on the list but not sure where lol. And am waiting to reset appt for stump removal till said blacktop-ing is done solo I'm done dor. Ow oh one call I gotta make yo handy so doc and then I will be done. Meant to do that when I paid the bills Oh well so I will


Be back later.


Thank you!

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when all that reading pays off

off of the free shelf at the library,I picked up what is known as a coffee table book,this was the 100th yr.commenrative book from 1995

of the Biltmore Estate in NC.

I'm reading along,and up pops a name that I'm thinking I've heard before,Olmsted,but didn't remember why or how I knew it,quick search and it was made clear to me.He was the one who did up the plan for Central Park in NYC,Bill always says I'm a fountain of useless trivia,and yes thats why I always used to beat him at Trivial Pursuit,also found out for all tea drinkers of Earl Grey tea,its named after a real person,Earl de Grey

I love History

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History is awesome... have you ever been to the Biltomore?  We went a few years ago at Christmas and it was beautiful!


 Hope everyone is Hurricane safe... we are just now getting the outer bands.. I am watching a bit of TV and crocheting stockings...


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Hi all. SNowbear good to see you post!,


PIneknott that paper will post out sometime tomorrow ss I left it on the counter for handy to put in the box for me if h heads out in th am. Tell sil thank you so much I sure am grateful to both of your help translating that for me.


Well kids are bringing over pizza and bread sticks tomorrow so we will see them for a while tomorrow. MAxie is fine with daughter but still a bit Leary of son I law lol. He will so day get used to hi. Though. Since the tree fell any loud noise and Max hides now. I think it freaked him out. Freaked us all out lol.


Hail and heavy rain too make him hide. Thunder made the doggie hide that and fireworks too.


I don't like hail much either or thunder either.

How are all of you doing with the storms going on it looks huge and threatening on the news for sure. Tampa I heard this is the first in quite a few years that a hurricane has hit Florida and that was Wilma they said.


Do we have any members from Ga?? Hitting there hard too and the carolinas too!!

Well it's somewhat early still might put a couple more rows on that ghan yet and then hopefully that everlasting ball of varigated will be used all up lol. So take care through the wild weather and stay safe all of you. We will talk again in the am!!!

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History is awesome... have you ever been to the Biltomore?  We went a few years ago at Christmas and it was beautiful!


 Hope everyone is Hurricane safe... we are just now getting the outer bands.. I am watching a bit of TV and crocheting stockings...


No,I have never been there,friends of ours that we met in Sicily,live in Charlotte now went there laast year,and said it was really something to see.Not quite on that scale,I've been to the mansions of Newport R.I.

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Good Morning.


I hope everyone in Hermine's path is staying safe and dry.


I'm spending the holiday weekend at my oldest daughter's house. We're planning to go shopping for t-shirts and supplies to decorate them for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party that we will be attending in a couple of weeks. I told them we could go out to lunch while we're out too, so it should be a fun day. 


Enjoy the weekend everyone.

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Good Morning.


I hope everyone in Hermine's path is staying safe and dry.


I'm spending the holiday weekend at my oldest daughter's house. We're planning to go shopping for t-shirts and supplies to decorate them for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party that we will be attending in a couple of weeks. I told them we could go out to lunch while we're out too, so it should be a fun day. 


Enjoy the weekend everyone.

what a neat event to look forward to,do you ever bump into your students when you visit Disney?

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Good Morning everyone


Sorry for not getting on, but until today, we were still in the tail of that storm that is now on the east coast.  We did not lose power, but the thunder and lightning kept me pretty much off the internet.  We got lots of rain and some high winds between Thursday and Friday.  No damage and no trees or limbs down.  Further south, north and close to the coast is a different story.  One of the islands below us was covered in water.  Above us they lost power and were flooded.  They closed part of the main road thru our county due to flooding.  Right now we are getting our regular thunder storms and rain.  :think   How the heck can you tell the difference. :think 


So all should be well and you all on the East Coast, do not take this storm for granted.  It packs a lot of rain and winds.  Of course Tampa Guy says it ran out of rain, cause it left it all here. :rofl 


You on the East Coast be careful.  This is not a storm to take for granted.


Well, today we are still getting rain, but it is the first day I have felt like doing any crocheting or anything.  First is the table, then the tree and finally to sit down and do some crocheting.


Just wanted to drop in and see how everyone was.


Sorry, but I had to laugh this morning, as the weather people said "Well Hermine has left the state"  Not our problem anymore.

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