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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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Good Morning.


Glad to hear that the AC is working again.


So sorry to hear about the migraines.  They can be brutal.  When I got them and had to go out, I wore the wrap around sun glasses in the darkest shade I could find.  They do help and believe it or not, the yellow ting ones are great.


Thank you all of the compliments on the wrap.  I did try it and it is warm.  The yarn is soft, but not sure I would use it again, because of the splitting.  I am, in a little while going to try and do it in crochet.


My ac has been running on and off last night and today and we keep it at 78 degrees.  When it gets to hot in the afternoon, we turn on the individual fans at our chairs.  The pool water is no help as it is up to about 90 degrees.  Give me a bar of soap and a wash rag.


Well off to see what the world has to offer.


Have fun today.

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Sandra I'm so. Sorry for your pain. Is there nothing that will help these migraines you are having I mean that is debilitating and devestating in that it rules your life like that I can't Imagine the pain yo go through on a daily level. Have you had an MRI I wonder if you should for that. My guess it's caused by high stress stress is a killer for your body and you have had a lot of stress for a long time. I hope you find long lasting relief soon.


Mj you will find a way to do it I. Crochet of that I am confident I think it could be modified too and having knit one first as you have I would think would make it easier. One would think?? Lol or not I dunno.


BGs yes on the iPad however after this no longer works I will not replace it with another apple for sure but a.windows op system for sure lol. But yes glad. To have the iPad.


My daughter wS saddened to hear of "Tree,s". Demise too. Asked if we were going to replace it and we told not now maybe after a respective mourning period. Besides it would take. Lot of years for a new one to grow that big. So probably not.

She too had a storm story as they lost power from almost the onset of the storm to the next day and a whole lot of trouble that involved bags of ice and their freezer. Lol all in the very early morning hours. At least we all know bags of ice are almost impossible to find in Omaha at 3am. Lesson learned lol




I slept like a rock last night. Was up at 830 feeling a lot more rested so will get my bed changed up early today and got a few other things to do as well. So I'll leave here now and. On my way! Back later to visit again. Have a pleasant day we have bright sunshine here but rain maybe later on. Hope you all have a relaxing and peaceful day today and have time to recharge your batteries for the days ahead . Some of you always stay so busy!!!! Take care!!

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Owlvamp so sorry for the migraine and hope it soon passes. I am thankful to not get one very often as its hard to function with one. I am wishing for something good to happen for you today.



Linda did your company get there and gone or is that something you are still "looking forward to"? Its gotten on the hotter than I like side again but not brain baking hot.


Niece's birthday was Fri so we took her and her mom to lunch today at Longhorn Steakhouse. Food was good and we had a pleasant time. Its nice to be able to take time to do a few things we enjoy but couldnt do the past couple of years.


I have been working on the mini stockings that are handed out to our military at Christmas



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Looks like everyone is getting along well.

Had a bad few days , sorry for not checking in just been so rough.


Hope all is well. Good night all!

Hope your days are getting better!


Here is the Japanese Weave Wrap.  I also posted in the experienced knitters section.




attachicon.gifJapanese Weave Wrap 001 (2).JPG

That is so pretty!


Love the Japanese Weave Wrap. I also love the colors you choose.


Things are what they are here. I just take one day at a time and plug forward as much as I can. I am going way slower than a turtle's pace.


I have been fighting a migraine for 4 days now. I can't even go outside for the light just triggers it something awful. I don't know why. I was getting better but now it has reversed much much much terrible. I keep my house like a cave and bedroom has black curtains and black bags on the Windows. I much rather walk around in the dark. When I have to go outside I know I am already doomed. Crazy but life I guess and no medicine so far has helped.

Hope you are able to get the migraine under control.


Not much happening here. But wanted to check in. Have a wonderful night all!

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Good Morning.


For the past 2 days I have been making Christmas Stockings, so today they will have their picture taken.


Lots of rain yesterday and it will be like that till maybe next Sat.  We have a tropical wave coming into the Gulf and it is suppose to turn and land in the pan handle.  We will get some of it in the form of rain, maybe some wind.  There is a storm in the Atlantic that bears watching, especially if you live on the outer banks of NC.  Be careful everyone.


So not much going on here.  Some cleaning in a little while and then back to my hooks.


Have a fun day.

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Hi all.

Bit of trouble getting on again on both or either devices. I'm going to shoot Amy another email after while. I don't know what the he. Is going on anymore. Sometimes the desk top works but I always have to sign. In. . And so times my iPad works but have to sign in and sometimes not I dunno something is screwy lol


Oh good it is brightening up out maybe the driveway people will come today. We'll see. OR the stump people maybe. We are both parked out of the drive just I. Case of either lol.


I saw the little Christmas stockings they are adorable. My Christmas yarn is put away but will be getting that out one of these days.

Looks like a great way to use up Christmas yarn scraps.


Here is my ghan I'm working on. I just jade the pink done last night so put a few more rows on today. So far so good I guess it's only about 15 inches square so far so more to go!!

Take care MJ as wind , is what took out "Tree".


I have sept bday girl, Jessica's squares ready to post so I will do that when the drive thing is done in the next few days or so.


Nothing much else right now I'm working off a couple balls of baby variegated yarn on a baby ghan see how far I get with that I just started it last night. It going to be a closed granny square in that varigated I am working off and maybe white if needed or pink. I have almost a full skein of the Caron pounder I. Pink to use up it seems to be thinner than reg 4 ply so am trying to get that gone too so we will see what it becomes lol.


All for now squares. Talk later.post-40621-0-64249200-1472504976_thumb.jpg

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Yep problems. I just got bumped out when I tried to post and told I do.nt have permission for that. So I had to sign back in then it wouldn't let me edit so I dunno. I'm headed to write Amy a mail right now.anyone else experiencing probs??

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you sure do have your problems with this site Kay,hope they get resolved soon

kind of blah today,don't know why,but this too shall pass

A sink hole is forming by the storm drain,hope they fix it soon,before school buses roll,they have to pass right over it to get to the stop sign for aa right turn,also don't want to be stuck in the driveway

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Yep problems. I just got bumped out when I tried to post and told I do.nt have permission for that. So I had to sign back in then it wouldn't let me edit so I dunno. I'm headed to write Amy a mail right now.anyone else experiencing probs??


I can't find any new posts unless I click on the actual post. I have always clicked "New Content" but that's not working for  me. 

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I can't find any new posts unless I click on the actual post. I have always clicked "New Content" but that's not working for  me. 


I've gotten this fixed. I guess I clicked something I wasn't supposed to. I seem to have lost my H hook in thin air somewhere. Of course, it's the one I need for my Tetris afghan I'm doing.

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Hi, everyone, Just drop in to say :waving  Hope everyone  is doing good. I am. Please pray for my Mother. She has her Bladder surgery tomorrow . It will take up to 3 to 4 hrs. She is 85 yrs old. Thanks. Love you all :hug

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Hey I just posted that my Mother is having surgery tomorrow. They called her and cancelled it. They have another person ahead of her. Don't know when now. Still keep her in your prayer, please. Thanks.

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Owlvamp so sorry for the migraine and hope it soon passes. I am thankful to not get one very often as its hard to function with one. I am wishing for something good to happen for you today.



Linda did your company get there and gone or is that something you are still "looking forward to"? Its gotten on the hotter than I like side again but not brain baking hot.


Niece's birthday was Fri so we took her and her mom to lunch today at Longhorn Steakhouse. Food was good and we had a pleasant time. Its nice to be able to take time to do a few things we enjoy but couldnt do the past couple of years.


I have been working on the mini stockings that are handed out to our military at Christmas





I didn't see this question last evening.NY relatives were here 13th to 17th of August.

Bill had an e mail from his cousin in Canada that he was looking to bring Mom's sister down 27 Aug.Bill  didn't see it till wednesday,of course wasn't happy with back to back visits,hey they usually come in Oct.Well It all went to heck in a hand basket up in Toronto,the sister is also being taken over by dementia,two incidents involved the police bringing her back home after she wandered off,when Bill called the cousin and then skyped the cousin couldn't believe how quickly things changed  in a matter of hours.

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Katy, I hope your computer issues get resolved. That has to be so frustrating!


Pineknott, sorry to hear about all that. My thoughts are with you and your family.



Not much going on here, working tonight and then I will be off for two nights. The cable guy showed up today at 1:20 to look at our cable, we've been having problems. Which means I got approximately 3 1/2 hours of sleep! I swear I am going to be falling out of my chair here at work tonight! Shew, the eyes are already heavy which is not a good thing.


Tomorrow going to go scout out a letterbox I adopted and see if I can locate it. Seems there's been no word on it since 2006, so if it is missing I will carve a new stamp and get a new box to replace this one. I have to see if maybe I should retire it and list a new box instead of just changing the information on this one. Going to do that once I leave here....



Other than that not got much planned for the next couple of days. Have a wonderful night.

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It's been our norm since our nephew moved in with us that about 30 minutes or so after we finish dinner, we go play basketball until dark. We just got back inside and I wouldn't be surprised if I don't have a bruised face tommorrow. lol. Nephew shot the ball and it bounced off the front of the rim and slammed right into my face. I caught my glasses, and thank goodness they didn't break! Already have a knot on my face, but it's a chance I take. I can't have my kids be active and then sit inside and do nothing!! Gotta lead by example :) 

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Waiting on the boys to go to school, and Rosalie to wake up, then I'm not sure what her and I are gonna be doing today. The game that hubby and I play, world of Warcraft, launched its new awaited expansion today so I'm gonna be checking that sometime today.

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Oh my Jessica. I sure hope you don't get black and blue poor thing. How is little Rosalie she must be a little doll. We have missed hearing about ther progress. We need to catch up with her lol. Sounds like a good form of exercise well except the part about getting hit in the face poor thing!!


Tampa I will go see the tote right after this post I know it will be a beauty!!

PIneknott sending you that paper when I get stamps this week for the German translation I think more that I look at it that it might be my grandparents on my dads side either a babtisism cert or a wedding license it is dated 1881 in the state of Fl I think. I recognize a name or two but have no clue what doc it might otherwise be. If you forward it on to was it your sil I would sure love to know what it is.


Keep track of postage it's just in a business envelope but I will reimburse any thing you have to post it out. Thanks.


Poor trib working so hard all the time. Those hours would be the death of me but I guess it is all I. What you get used to. Huh.


Sorry about your relative that is not well Linda and that they can't come.


Well got a few thing to do so am going to go scope out the new tote and then get hopping here. Take care all.

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