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photo bucket what's up?


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:think Does anyone know what's going on with photobucket? I keep getting a message "cannot find server". Is it just me, or is everyone else having trouble? Not so much fun looking at stuff when you can't see the pictures. :photo

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I've also had issues with images not showing up in posts on various forums I visit each day, and I think they're all images stored on photobucket... at least the two images that won't load on the front front page of crochetville are photobucket images... I'm heading out in a few minutes, so I don't have time to research others, but I would be willing to bet money they're also photobucket.


(I don't use photobucket myself)

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I'm so glad you posted this. I can't get the photobucket homepage to load either. None of the photobucket photos here or on blogs will display for me either. I deleted a bunch of tracking cookies from my computer yesterday and was startng to get worried that was why I was having problems.

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I'm hoping this is just a maintenance thing. I'd sure hate to have to reload all those pictures. :eek

I'm so glad you posted this. I can't get the photobucket homepage to load either. None of the photobucket photos here or on blogs will display for me either. I deleted a bunch of tracking cookies from my computer yesterday and was startng to get worried that was why I was having problems.
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That is strange! I got in and posted a new photo and then linked it to here a little earlier this evening, around 6:30 p.m. Hope it starts working for everyone who is having a problem and doesn't stop working for those of us aren't!



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Did you all know they have a blog? http://blog.photobucket.com/

I am subscribed to it through bloglines, usually if there is a problem they will post about it. They also post upcoming maintenance downtimes etc.

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Yeah it's linked from the first page under announcements.

Here's what it says:


October 05, 2005

Network Issue

It appears there is a peering issue with some of the network providers. We are looking into this.


It'a been fine for me too. Guess that's why. It's only of us, not all of us.

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Thanks Kari, I didn't know that. Unfortunately, I can't get into the blog either. I hope they get whatever is wrong fixed soon. I think I have a million pictures on my sites and they're all showing as red x boxes.

Did you all know they have a blog? http://blog.photobucket.com/

I am subscribed to it through bloglines, usually if there is a problem they will post about it. They also post upcoming maintenance downtimes etc.

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Today's post on their blog (which explains alot of the nets strange behaviour all over)



October 06, 2005


Photobucket Network Update


If you didn't know, yesterday two Tier 1 providers got into a feud and cut off traffic to eachothers network.


Read article here


Unfortunately Photobucket was one of the thousands of sites effected. We have talked with both Cogent and Level 3, but it doesn't look like it will be fixed anytime soon. Rather than sit back and wait for it to all get sorted out, we have taken some drastic steps to work towards our own resolution.


- Overnighted some additional network equipment as of yesterday

- Moved our dns over to Ultradns (which is used by amazon, myspace, etc) . This gives us some flexibility on how we handle traffic from the two networks.

- Working frantically on bringing up another carrier so we can start pushing 'non-resolvable' traffic that direction.


We believe this will solve many or all of the issues regardless of what happens with Cogent and Level 3.


Thanks for understanding, Photobucket got the worst of a bad situation that is totally out of our control.



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Jebus. It's so sad when geeks fight.




Isn't that the truth. Unfortunately, I am one of the ones effected.


Boys and their toys. It is a Mine is BIGGER than Yours syndrome.


I also appreciate the info. Was sitting here thinking it was just me.


Guess I will have to keep making up pictures in my head for what is ni show and tell.:lol

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