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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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want to work more on the black around the blocks tonight. Wont get as many done today but thats okay. Its coming along quite well... I'm enjoying the piles I see and soon will start putting it together. Will be glad when this one is done. :)

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i am hanging in there, thanks guys. 


trying to get caught up on website stuff, got a new computer and had to move everything over, ugh. got all the motifs done for the african flower horse, now to put it together. trying to get some squares knocked out. need to get some cleaning done on the house. i so want to go through and declutter but just not up to snuff yet.


question on that... i went to the front page and the master list is gone. i know we are doing a birthday bash but Katie, is there anyway i could get a copy of the list of preferences as i like to make up and send out random when i have the colors? Would be great if possible.

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i am hanging in there, thanks guys. 


trying to get caught up on website stuff, got a new computer and had to move everything over, ugh. got all the motifs done for the african flower horse, now to put it together. trying to get some squares knocked out. need to get some cleaning done on the house. i so want to go through and declutter but just not up to snuff yet.


question on that... i went to the front page and the master list is gone. i know we are doing a birthday bash but Katie, is there anyway i could get a copy of the list of preferences as i like to make up and send out random when i have the colors? Would be great if possible.

I kind of thought we should leave the master list up too and highlight the birthday month girls like we did the queens.  If new people wanted to join and it was past their bd some of still might get around to sending them some squares.  I did make a list of our current participants before the master list was taken down if katy doesn't have hers. 

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Hi Everyone!  Happy New Year!  I already wished you all one, but it wasn't quite here yet, lol.  We stayed in as I thought and hubby was in bed by ten.  I did manage to make it to midnight by updating all my projects in Ravelry  (still not finished, lol) and I woke him up  for a New Year kiss and told him to go back to sleep, lol.  I was snoozing shortly there after.  Yeah, we're real party animals in this house! LOL!

Sopo, what a way to end/start the year!  Hope things turn around for you quickly (((hugs)))

dragnlady, congrats on the promotion!!!

I saw some beautiful blankets and a quilt but forgive me, I'm confused as to who made them.  I'm thinking Owl and Viking ?  Great job whomever!


We''ve been having nasty weather for the past 24 hours.  Yesterday it was snowing and then it switched to freezing rain.  It was supposed to warm up to the 50's but never got above 36 degrees.  They're talking temps in the single digits for a few days this week!  Boy do I ever wish that I didn't have drs appts this week, lol.  I'd like to hibernate until spring!

Oh, oh, oh!!!! I forgot to tell you guys what I got for Christmas!!!!  My dear sweet son #1 made me a yarn swift!  He knew I was looking for one and he so he made one.  It's wonderful.  I need to take a pic so that I can show it to you.  I only have one on my cell  phone at the moment.  Some of you may remember that a few years ago he made me a hook.  I'm a lucky mom. :manyheart 

Alrighty, gonna run for now.  Oh, that's right, I have to check out the birthday list, I'll do that next, then I'm out of here.  Have a great night all!

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Hello, everyone, and happy belated New Year!  I suddenly had more projects than usual to work on.  I went out for only a little while on New Year's Eve and then stayed home alone.  It was so peaceful!  My brother and his family came home a little before midnight, and we welcomed the new year together.  Other than that, I've crocheted and visited with a sister and crocheted some more.  Now I'm working on some transcripts so I can start the week with no pending jobs.  


I've lurked and mostly watched out for pictures because I can only check for short periods at a time.  I've missed a lot!  I hope everyone is doing well.  Congrats on your promotion, dragnlady5!  That's awesome!  Your year has already started on a great note :)


Off to work I go.  In the meantime, here are two amigurumis I just finished for a very good high school friend and her husband.  The white one is Baymax from Big Hero 6, and the blue one is Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro, a Japanese animated movie.  My friend is Japanese.  That's the only reason I have heard the name Totoro.






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ok all, the village pf Squaredom has spoken, I just posted the entire years worth  of the birthday squares, as it now stands, re inserted on the first post, I don't have the names hypelinked yet to their profile pm pages, but it's there, for your perusal.. Enjoy, and I will hyper link their names another day,lol me tired now.....


You all take care now,till tomorrow, and hoping you are all out of that crazy weather, either freezing and snow, or tonrados on the east coast, and south, and my goodness, such weather all over, stay in, stay safe. take care....Till tomorrow! :ty

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ha ha Lacey, so sorry,do  read your pm, and welcome to the Bruised Brain Club!


Hi everyonr. Sorry i was MIA for a few days. Blame it on my brain. It jumped out a window somewhere along tge the way. I have managed to completely mess up our bank account, figuring in money we didnt have, overspent, and now are trying to get all of our rent $ together. I think (using that loosely) we will be ok.

:hug to all

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Bgs I would love a copy of the list. katy said she doesn't have it and that's fine. :) As long as one person does. I'm sure you'll make a lot gals here happy. No big deal will go off the list we have now if you can't find it.


Thanks katy for all you do for each of us here. You are wonderful!

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Hello everyone. Hope all is well and the sick are mending. Not to much terribly new on this end. I did go to Winter Jam this weekend. IT WAS AWESOME.  ten christian music groups 3 hours of music for 10 bucks.  listend to Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Battistelli, Family Force 5, Building 429, NewSong, For King & Country, Tony Nolan, About A Mile, Blanca, Veridia. it was wonderful and moving. I cried 3 times

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BRR ITS COLD HERE!! im bout sick of this already, lol, after Christmas is over, I prefer winter gone too, ha!


nothing else much to report, trying to keep warmie, and that is hard as doggie seems to want in and out a  bunch, she usually hates cold weather, but whatever!


ill talk to you all later, till then, be warm, keep well, stay safe  We were going to a visitation this evening, but the streets are refroze from yesterday and overnight, and its just too cold  out.. You rememer the lady I know that was old, and was going into a nursing home and her daughter had the garage sale at the mom's house here, which is where my friend got all that yarn from for me, since I was down with the old ankle injury, so it was the mom's yarn, well, the mom died late last week, and her services are tomorrow, but visitation was to be tonight, but I won't be making it, I will however try to post on the site the daughter told me about for her mom, but It's just not feasible to go tonight. So,gotta go and post there, take care all, till later. RIP Louise

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Hi everyone!


Katy, thank you for posting all the birthdays and for everything else you do for our group.


It was back to work today, I think my students were all still on vacation time because they acted like they were half asleep most of the day. I have a sewing guild meeting tonight and then I will be more than ready for some sleep.


Have a great evening!

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:cheer :cheer  :cheer  and a big  :ty  to katy for putting the entire list back up.


angel you did a wonderful job on Totoro and Baymax


owlvamp, katy's new list is actually better than what I have.........I never copied the list as it was but made myself a chart to work off of.

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and on a brighter note, you are all welcome, i really didn't think much about it, as no one objected to the list changing at the time, but I aim to please, anything to keep you all happy, and hooking!! lol The list posted is really the same as the one that was up, minus one or two, that didn't answer my emails for months, so I coulnd't confirm, if they wanted on the list, and the good news is, two new members have joined, or re joined, so, we are at full capacity, always room for more though.


Please check the first post, look and see if your entry is correct, concerning the birthday month, and preferences, if something needs changing, lemme know, ill fix it pronto! Thanks all for the imput, it's always appreciated!!

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thank you for your thoughts and prayers. She was 88, but sharp as a tack, till just recently, and her kidneys started to fail .

It happens like that, unfortunately.  I would want to go suddenly, not after a prolonged, painful illness.  It doesn't matter the age of the person.  When we love someone, we don't want them to go.  The world is a sadder place for you, and even though you tell yourself that it shouldn't come as a surprise, your heart doesn't want to listen.  I'm reaching across cyberspace to give you a huge hug.  That's all one can do in times like these.  Do what she would want you to do.  May she rest in peace.

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thank you angel. and you are right, her love lives in so many ways, to many people. In that way, she will always live on. I will think of her often.



did you read the tote post of Mary Jo;s, one of our own, YARNMONEY, received the latest gorgeous tote from Mary Jo!! Congrats Nikii!!!!!!!!!

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Yes, how exciting!  I would want to fly home tomorrow instead of driving home!  It's another beautiful bag :)


Well, today I got a call from the Division of Workers' Compensation.  I have an interview a week from Tuesday!!  I'm nervous, but I'm really looking forward to it.  I hope it all goes well :)

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did you read the tote post of Mary Jo;s, one of our own, YARNMONEY, received the latest gorgeous tote from Mary Jo!! Congrats Nikii!!!!!!!!!


Yay!!!! That is so awesome! I love seeing the bags that Mary Jo makes, hope I get lucky one month!!!  :c9

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Congrats Yarnmonkey. It is beautiful. Welcome to the club. 
Katie, thank you again for the list and sorry about your friend. 


I should've had this horse put together but it's not. :/ I did get A square done. smh


Angelroselite has me wanting to make my first cardigan. lol


I really need to get back to work. Trying.


Everyone have a great day.

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katy sorry for the loss of your friend :hug  :hug  and I really feel for the family having to have the services during this brutally cold spell as it probably stops some from attending.    


A big congrats to yarn_monkey on her tote.  That's another one of "us" that's been added to the group.


JustAddGlitter my best advice is to keep actively participating here at the 'ville.  Mary Jo is always watching, be it posts to her tote threads, show and tell posts, swaps, etc. and it is totally okay to "wish" for one when the RAOK wish lists go up.  


Angel that was a beautiful cardigan.  Which size did you wind up making for your sister?  I know you said she was acting  silly but I thought she just looked like she was having a good time modeling it.  Good luck on your interview.  

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Congrats Yarnmonkey. It is beautiful. Welcome to the club.

Katie, thank you again for the list and sorry about your friend.


I should've had this horse put together but it's not. :/ I did get A square done. smh


Angelroselite has me wanting to make my first cardigan. lol


I really need to get back to work. Trying.


Everyone have a great day.

Make it! It's so easy and looks great. You will love it :)

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