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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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wow half way through my LONG post, I lost it somehow, i don't know if I hit a wrong key, or what!!


ANyway, wanted to say hi to everyone, and hoping your holiday goes perfectly!!  We will have a nice dinner with the dd and hubster, and settle in to watch our favorite Christmas movie, which is A Christmas Story, lol. With mugs of hot chocolate, and a tray full of cookies, no doubt!! 


As for decoration this year, i decided to go with "simple elegance"lol, and put out a few of my favortie pieces, a pot or two of poinsettias, (fake, poisonous to pets) some bulbs brightley arranged in a basket, sprinkled in a few red and green wrapped mints, cards, and a wreath on the door inside, wreath on the outside, a snow globe that is the size of someone's head, ha ha, and a foot tall crystal Christmas tree, with lights on the table, a few other touches, i have the crocheted ornaments you all made hanging from the toppers of the curtains, a table cloth that is Christmassy, and a platter of cookies (ok,I didn't make these!) sprinkled with colored wrapped mints, and besides a couple other staples, that is bout it for me this year... I do have red candles in the holders for the table, and on the counter in the kitchen, dinner is a HUGE YUMMY TURKEY CASSEROLE , one of dd's special orders, lol, and broiled topped english muffins, and for desert a yummy strawberry jello cake, so all in all,nothing really fancy, the four of us, don't need no stinking fancy, lol


ok, the next Christmas question,is this,        My favorite Christmas movie, is A Christmas Story, as is our family's so we will be watching that this evening, after we eat, and open presents, it's on like 24 hours this  year, so you can always catch it all, lol  I do usually have popcorn and pretzels with dip on hand too, cause I like the salty snacks better too Brenda, lol


what do you think your favorite Christmas Movie would be?? I have watched White Christmas a few times this season, Holiday Inn, Home ALone, miracle on 34th st. Yes Virginia there is a Santa, and a few more staples, but ralphie and family, steal our hearts above all else!! anything I haven't seen yet ladies?? what's your fav!!

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Christmas songs my daughters have been glued to this years the little drummer boy and Mary did you know. Wonderful songs. I love a lot of Christmas songs you all mentioned but with being sick and this headache well not much here.

For movies I love the grinch.. One of my favorites.


Okay pumpkin bread is in the oven, I made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies topped with a Hershey kiss. Next I have gingerbread waiting to go in the oven. Then on to Reese's cookies daughter loves them then some sugar cookies. Daughter will make some banana bread and then will get muffins made for breakfast. Plus cleaning the house.. So everyone has there jobs right now.

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Hello everyone and Merry Christmas!


I think I'm ready. The baking is done, gifts are wrapped, stockings are ready, I've set up the tables for tomorrow and prepared what I could in advance. So tomorrow I will be up early cooking for brunch at 10.

My favorite Christmas songs are," Mary Did You Know" and "Do You Hear What I Hear".

Favorite Christmas movie," It's a Wonderful Life."


I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas!

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I have watched Christmas Vacation every year since that one was released.  I actually wore out my VHS copy.and it had to be replaced. I always related to finding that special tree.  When you saw it you knew it was perfect until you got it home only to realize it was kind of big. I finally went artificial.  Then the frustration with the Chrismas lights.  Those blasted lights.  This year I had a devil of a time with the ones on the tree.  It's a prelit tree and at first everything was fine so I decorated the tree.  Turned them on Thanksgivinig day and after my company left the top 2/3 went out.  I have worked with them  and got them working and then they would quit. This went on multiple times.  I finally bypassed the problem string. ( I think its the plug) and got the top part lit up.  Then I carefully  laid a new string in to compensate for the string that doesn't work. This year before I put it away I need to pull all the strings off and replace them.   The next movie we always watch is Ernest Saves Christmas.  We usually watch The Santa Clause (at least one of the 3).  I try to catch the tv broadcasts of A Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolf, Santa Clause is Coming to Town, and Frosty.  I still have them on VHS if I miss them.  Others that don't get watched every year are The Grinch,Chrstmas with the Kranks, Deck the Halls, White Christmas , Holiday Inn, Home Alone, Elf. and the Santa Buddies.  

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ok, one more thing to stress about,

what is y ou very favorite Christmas song??????


MIne is probably well it's hard to pick just one, but one of my favoites is Oh Holy Night. And I like Silent Night, too.


ok,your turn!!


I'm not too picky about my Christmas music... I pretty much like them all as long as I start hearing them after Thanksgiving! Lol! Sister and I were in Bath & Body Works a couple weeks before Halloween and they had the store all decorated for Christmas and the music playing loud. I felt so sorry for the employee, I'd be crazy by the time Christmas actually came that I'd probably have been committed to an asylum!!  :2spin


Good morning!


It's here! Christmas Eve came whether we like it or not. Whether we are ready or not. It is here all the same. I know personally I could of had a few more months not just hours.

Today we will do some baking and preparing for tomorrow. If it wasn't for the girls I would of cancelled christmas this year. I couldn't of done it without them.

I feel a tad better this morning so will get up and get medicine and Hopfully feel even better as the day goes.


Hope everyone is happy and staying dry. It's been raining here all day yesterday and through the night. Just looked out the window and it's still raining..


I could have at least used a few more weeks, but what can you do? Like you said, ready or not, it's here! I'm mostly ready so it'll have to do!  :)


wow half way through my LONG post, I lost it somehow, i don't know if I hit a wrong key, or what!!


ANyway, wanted to say hi to everyone, and hoping your holiday goes perfectly!!  We will have a nice dinner with the dd and hubster, and settle in to watch our favorite Christmas movie, which is A Christmas Story, lol. With mugs of hot chocolate, and a tray full of cookies, no doubt!! 


As for decoration this year, i decided to go with "simple elegance"lol, and put out a few of my favortie pieces, a pot or two of poinsettias, (fake, poisonous to pets) some bulbs brightley arranged in a basket, sprinkled in a few red and green wrapped mints, cards, and a wreath on the door inside, wreath on the outside, a snow globe that is the size of someone's head, ha ha, and a foot tall crystal Christmas tree, with lights on the table, a few other touches, i have the crocheted ornaments you all made hanging from the toppers of the curtains, a table cloth that is Christmassy, and a platter of cookies (ok,I didn't make these!) sprinkled with colored wrapped mints, and besides a couple other staples, that is bout it for me this year... I do have red candles in the holders for the table, and on the counter in the kitchen, dinner is a HUGE YUMMY TURKEY CASSEROLE , one of dd's special orders, lol, and broiled topped english muffins, and for desert a yummy strawberry jello cake, so all in all,nothing really fancy, the four of us, don't need no stinking fancy, lol


ok, the next Christmas question,is this,        My favorite Christmas movie, is A Christmas Story, as is our family's so we will be watching that this evening, after we eat, and open presents, it's on like 24 hours this  year, so you can always catch it all, lol  I do usually have popcorn and pretzels with dip on hand too, cause I like the salty snacks better too Brenda, lol


what do you think your favorite Christmas Movie would be?? I have watched White Christmas a few times this season, Holiday Inn, Home ALone, miracle on 34th st. Yes Virginia there is a Santa, and a few more staples, but ralphie and family, steal our hearts above all else!! anything I haven't seen yet ladies?? what's your fav!!



I have so many favorite Christmas movies... It's a Wonderful Life we used to watch every year with my family so I love that one... Plus Home Alone and Charlie Brown, Christmas Story I love and we watched that tonight as part of their 24 hour marathon and I love White Christmas! My mom wanted Sister and I to learn the words and dance to the Sisters song that the girls do so we could do it for a talent show. We never did it, but I still know the words and sing along like my life depends on it!  :yes


Sister and Peanut came this morning so we OFFICIALLY AND FOR REAL got the living room cleaned up! We carted a bunch of stuff upstairs and into storage and DH vacuumed the whole downstairs while Sister and I went to Walmart with Peanut. It was awful. I needed crushed pineapple and wound up having to buy tidbits because they were out, so I'll put them in the food chopper and crush them myself. I also needed cranberries for a party on Saturday and never did find those, so I guess I'll go to the store after our Christmas dinner on Friday. Fingers crossed they'll have some then! 


I still need to mop the floor and get the kitchen all cleaned but I didn't want to do that until after my baking tomorrow because I know I'll make a ridiculous mess during that process. I didn't get quite as much done today as I wanted to because Sister fed Peanut and then passed him off to me so she could make the mint iced tea my grandmother loves so much and Peanut fought sleep and fought sleep and the one second he's flailing around and babbling and then the next his head thunked over on my chest and he was out.  :sleep  I've never seen anything fall asleep so fast in my life! I think he slept for about an hour on me and Sister offered to take him several times but I couldn't stand the thought of bothering him. When we woke up we left for Walmart, he charmed everyone and then talked to himself the whole way home!  :blah  It was better than when he usually rides in the car... he usually screams and cries until he spits up! A huge improvement! Lol! 


Seriously, how can you disturb this sweet face?? He fell asleep leaned back on my chest, then he fell over face down, and this was when he sat up and fell over sideways... That's how he got all the lines down his face! Lol 



Tomorrow will be quiet... DH and I will exchange our presents and open the gifts his grandmother sent up with his mom and we'll have a small dinner and get ready for Friday. 


I'm in no way prepared, but I do love Christmas!  :manyheart


In case you don't check in tomorrow, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!  :ctree  :sheepxmas  

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Merry Christmas!


All the baking got finished and that was one heck of a chore. But it's done or what I'm going to do. I end up making a pumpkin pie and a Razzle Berry Pie. Daughter made a cheese cake.

All the wrapping and stockings are finished. I'm happy it all came together and the house looks great. Need to knit pick it tomorrow before everyone comes but heck I'm good and im exhausted.


So I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and today I should say goes well.

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Merry Christmas everyone. I dont have a favorite song or movie. i like them all.  We have opend gifts, had breakfast and we are now getting ready to go to Evansville to see the kids dad. Wish you all the best today and always. Love ya and God Bless

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Merry Christmas every one. I prayed for each of you as I read through the posts. May God bless each of you and answer your needs. 


I had my Christmas yesterday with my friend. We were to go do his shopping, eat a lunch and then whatever. It changed a bit as I got there at 7:15, we grabbed a breakfast burrito on the way to the city. By the time he made his way around Walmart, he was just so beat, I told him, let's skip lunch and head home. So back to his house, I wrapped his grandkids gifts and we just laid around visiting for a long while. I had gotten him a photo blanket with 15 pics of him on our different rides this past 2 years. He LOVED it. Made me so happy. Then he asked me to take him to look at some land he's been wanting and dreaming of building a house on for years so we did that, then back to the house for more rest. So 10 hours with him made it a wonderful Christmas for me. He has 1 months left of his treatment so please keep him in your prayers. The meds and his liver are really whooping up on him. 


Today, I'm home alone, but that's ok. I have 11 more motifs to finish my nephew's dinosaur and then tomorrow I head to Arkansas to see my brother and his family and spend the night. 


Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Love ya all. 

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I love it here! It's amazing how we are all apart but come find time to come here. I love you all and Merry Christmas!


Enjoy your day I am going too. Turkey is done and ham is almost done.

I loved our morning with the boys and girls plus my fur babies.


Now sense we are family here don't laugh. I didn't do my hair yet but oh well here is three of my babies.

Tank(white and black) Bruster is the brown one and Hercules is the other one. They are the love of my life:)


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I had a fantastic day! Everyone was here for brunch and ate lots of food. We opened gifts and played with the kids' toys.

Then almost everyone headed off to their next destination. I cleaned up and used the ham bone to make some split pea soup, it's cooking now and smells yummy. I am exhausted but feel so blessed. I think tomorrow will be a quiet, relaxing day. Have a great night everyone.

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hi all! SOunds like every one had a good day, and Christmas eve too I know we did, and the pics of the baby, and the canine babies, are adorable too!!


We had a quiet restful day, then ham for dinner, and tossed a coin as to whom would put away the food, so we could both rest, lol I lost, of course, lol...


thinking bout a ham sandwich before I go to bed, it was so good, i wanted to eat more at dinner, but knew i would suffer for it later, lol.


tomorrow back to routine, lots are still off work though, are you all that work, working tomorow, I know my daughter isnt', but some are I guess. The weather today, was warmish, for this time of the year, and Brenda, we had sun, all day long!!! My cat follows the sun as well, just sort of rolls over into it, lol silly cats, what a life, huh!!

well, im off for the evening, and will see you all again tomorrow,so till then, take care all, and enjoy your holidays!!

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Midnight here, so I guess Christmas is technically over, but we have a whole extra day of it in my house tomorrow! My grandmother, uncle, Sister and Peanut will be here for our dinner and I'm so excited! 


I got up this morning and got DH's favorite cinnamon rolls in the oven as a surprise. He got up and I drank my coffee and we opened presents and played with all our toys lol before I had to get started getting things ready for tomorrow. I started my cupcakes, which were mainly for DH because he doesn't like anything involving pumpkin and Sister texted me in a panic because she couldn't figure out how she was going to load her car with the turkey and fixings and rolls and the baby and get here in the morning without her boyfriend coming to help her. We had decided she would just come early and make the turkey here so she didn't have to try to get a cooked turkey here and that started out fine, but she was in a whole new panic. So we decided that after DH finished making dinner and we ate, we'd go to her house and pick up everything she needed to bring so she would only need to worry with the baby. Got back and had to finish the cupcakes, make the chocolate mousse tarts and I had big plans to get the stuffing together but there's no space in the fridge, so I just chopped the veggies and the ham for it and stuck them in baggies so they just need to cook. Whew! 


I'm definitely ready for bed now! I can't wait to see Peanut tomorrow opening his presents. Sister got some good pictures of him with his presents today and they were just too adorable! DH got me a camera for Christmas, one of those presents that I didn't think I wanted and then realized he knew better than I did! So hopefully I'll get some good pictures.  :yes


Off to bed now, I hope everyone had a great day!!  :manyheart  :hug

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I've had a long day and as yarn_monkey said Christmas is technically over.  Love the Peanut photo.  There's nothng better than holding a sleeping baby.  I loved rocking them to sleep.  


We had a quiet Christmas eve.  We got up this morning and went to my sister's house.  We go early to help set up and stay late to clean up.  Dad seemed to have a good day .  All my family was there except for one niece.  We had an extra though, my stepmom's 94 year old uncle.  My sister had told my stepmom that she could invite her kids and uncle.  Her kids wanted to spend Christmas with their kids and grandkids (they all live anywhere from 2 to 8 hours away so none of them came which was a huge relief. We already had 16 peope there. I think we were able to get some good family photos like my dad with his grandson and great grandson. I handed out 6 afghans to nieces and nephews and they all seemed happy.  They also liked the potholders and ornaments.  I hope  my aunt is smiling down from heaven happy that I have put together so many of her squares and assigned them homes,  There were the 3 super large ones that I put together for my sisters two years ago, 4 smaller ones that I put together this year and then the ripple on she had made and I worked in all the ends.  Now I need to review and figure out what to do with some of the other ones she started.  Thats going to be a problem because she was left handed and I am right handed.  It got late enough that I started wishing one sis and her family would leave because I wanted to get things cleaned up and head home.  All in all it was a good day.  The sun was even out and it was on the warmer side for Christmas in Kansas City.  And for a change I don't think anyone was sick this year which was very good because Dad shouldn't be around sick people.  


owlvamp, I love the photo with you and your babies.  I thought your hair was pretty.  And I love you all too

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Good Morning Everyone!


Nikki, enjoy your family celebration today.


Brenda, those afghans sound like wonderful gifts.


Katie, it sounds like you had an enjoyable day too. I also had clean up duty since everybody had to go to round 2 with their other family.


I was asleep before 9:30 last night and slept for a solid 6 hours :clap  and then another hour before my bladder decided it was time to

get up :lol . So I feel rested but I will probably still enjoy a relaxing day today. I plan to take my Christmas tree down tomorrow since I will be heading to my daughter's for a couple of days. The cats seem to think the tree is a giant toy for them, I don't want to have to worry about what they'll do to it while I'm gone. 


Any one doing after Christmas shopping today?


Have a great day!

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Good morning!

Here I plan on cleaning up and then taking the day off.

You won't believe what I had to do yesterday. Everyone was suppose to be here by one and the boys mom didn't call till one to say she wasn't going to be able to make it. She was crying and the boys were upset. It makes me so darn mad that every holiday she seems so make it about her. So I continued and got lunch ready for all of us and then we opened gifts with daughter and son in law.. The oldest grandson walked out of the room crying because he thought his mom would be here and it hit him she wouldn't. So we packed up the car with some food and her presents and drove 1 and. A half hours a way to see her.. Stayed about an hour and got home after nine last night. I was totally drained. I made the boys happy and that is what matters. But it was our christmas and we wanted to watched a movie with the girls and boys and that was shot.. We will do that today with them.


I don't understand how one person can take advantage of everyone and not even meet them somewheres to make it easier on them.

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A Belated Merry Christmas to All!  Sorry that I didn't get to stop in yesterday. I was just so exhausted from christmas eve that I couldn't think straight yesterday, lol.  Good news is that the grands all loved their dolls and the outfits that I made :)

I did have a nice surprise yesterday though!  Hubby had not picked up the mail on christmas eve, so he went out to the mail box and came back in with two christmas cards!  One was from my godson with two lottery tickets in it (no I didn't win, but it was fun wishing, lol) and the other was from Sopo!  Thank you so much sopo!  Inside she had these beautiful stitch markers.....

post-16860-0-66549400-1419624835_thumb.jpg   I love them!  I am truly blessed to have such wonderful friends as you ladies here on the 'ville. (((hugs))) to all of you.

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