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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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What a happy afghan! Looks like it would be fun to make, too. My guess is tcs with chain spaces between in the first ring, then dcs forming the hexagon shape.


Thinking of kids at the tire shop reminded me of when I worked at the auto store and one day this little boy whose mom was waiting for her car wandered to one of our end caps and started moving all the cans of refrigerant from the upper shelves down to the bottom shelf. He was probably about two, I'd guess, and he was just so earnest about his reorganization, he was very focused. His mom was all "oh my gosh I'm sorry!" and we were like "naw, he's fine, it'll take us five minutes to put the shelf back and he's not hurting anything." He really was cute.


Went to the memorial service for my great-uncle yesterday and it was very nice. Sentimental. I was trying to explain to Little Viking what we were doing and why, and he asked if Uncle Bill died because of monsters.

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I rescued this lovely from the local Salvation Army for $1.98 I know its not a "block" persay but I thought you all would appreciate it.



Does anyone know how to make this "not block"? I have some scraps that could be used up in this manner. :)

That's a really pretty afghan.  You could actually use any hexagon motif pattern that you can find and arrange it like that.




a.creative.mrs, that is a beautiful afghan, what a great find.


Kuddles, wish kiddles a happy birthday for me.


It's "quiet time" after 45 minutes at the park and 1.5 hours in the pool, I think we were all ready for a little down time. The grandkids are stretched out on blankets and pillows in the living room watching Frozen. So I thought I would pop in to say hi.

Glad you had time to check in.  It sounds like you are all having a good time.


What a happy afghan! Looks like it would be fun to make, too. My guess is tcs with chain spaces between in the first ring, then dcs forming the hexagon shape.


Thinking of kids at the tire shop reminded me of when I worked at the auto store and one day this little boy whose mom was waiting for her car wandered to one of our end caps and started moving all the cans of refrigerant from the upper shelves down to the bottom shelf. He was probably about two, I'd guess, and he was just so earnest about his reorganization, he was very focused. His mom was all "oh my gosh I'm sorry!" and we were like "naw, he's fine, it'll take us five minutes to put the shelf back and he's not hurting anything." He really was cute.


Went to the memorial service for my great-uncle yesterday and it was very nice. Sentimental. I was trying to explain to Little Viking what we were doing and why, and he asked if Uncle Bill died because of monsters.

Sorry about your Uncle Bill.   :hug  :hug  

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Hi Brenda, yep, thought of that, there are 12 pair, i kept one, the other 11, I will never use, lol figured it might come in handy for tags!!

katy, I keep one pair of my fancy scissors with my wrapping things because I use them to cut out tags to go on packages.  


that is gorgeous, i think if you did a flower hexagon search on google, maybe it would come up as a free pattern!!

I rescued this lovely from the local Salvation Army for $1.98 I know its not a "block" persay but I thought you all would appreciate it.



Does anyone know how to make this "not block"? I have some scraps that could be used up in this manner. :)

Hi Carol, sounds like you are having a whirl of a time, lol glad you have time still to check in!!




a.creative.mrs, that is a beautiful afghan, what a great find.


Kuddles, wish kiddles a happy birthday for me.


It's "quiet time" after 45 minutes at the park and 1.5 hours in the pool, I think we were all ready for a little down time. The grandkids are stretched out on blankets and pillows in the living room watching Frozen. So I thought I would pop in to say hi.

Good guess viking, you must be a whiz at reverse engineering things!! that is a cute story, I would have let him do it too, lol

RIP Uncle Bill....

What a happy afghan! Looks like it would be fun to make, too. My guess is tcs with chain spaces between in the first ring, then dcs forming the hexagon shape.

Thinking of kids at the tire shop reminded me of when I worked at the auto store and one day this little boy whose mom was waiting for her car wandered to one of our end caps and started moving all the cans of refrigerant from the upper shelves down to the bottom shelf. He was probably about two, I'd guess, and he was just so earnest about his reorganization, he was very focused. His mom was all "oh my gosh I'm sorry!" and we were like "naw, he's fine, it'll take us five minutes to put the shelf back and he's not hurting anything." He really was cute.

Went to the memorial service for my great-uncle yesterday and it was very nice. Sentimental. I was trying to explain to Little Viking what we were doing and why, and he asked if Uncle Bill died because of monsters.


Um,not often,but it has happened......I don't think they make Italica anymore, nor snow something, by lion brand, sniff sniff.....

Anyone ever find a yarn that they fall in love with just to find you cannot locate anymore? :(

Ha, hey, its all part of the charm of crocheting, right girls!@


too many times to count

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kay, found a page with what looks very similar to your hexagon ghan, here is a link, towards the bottom of the page, and in purple




and actually, could be done with lots of different kinds of hex's as well, like viking said up there...pick one you like.....I googled, and there is a whole page of places to look at for hex's......

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Katie, I think you might be right about that. They looked a little odd shaped to be tcs, but I didn't know if there were stitches longer than that! And the ration looked sorta close for tc to dc... But no, I think you're right on that. I don't know a bullion stitch in crochet, but I know one in embroidery, and it looks pretty much like that!

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Hi everybody,

Katie, I am checking in today.  Rusty and I have paws crossed and fingers crossed that we hear soon re the problem with the e mail. I will hang on and check in this week. I love it here. I hope that the problem with my e mail is soon solved. 


I am going to have a go at the housework tomorrow. I am fixing to get rid of a cleaning lady that I don't need any more.  I phoned my brother re a problem with Mama's phone. When I phoned her last night, I got the message "this number has been temporarily disconnected." I decided to let David know as he will find out what is going on.  I told David that I was going to have a go at the housework tomorrow and he misunderstood and thought that I had already done the work today, but I said that I would start this tomorrow. I am planning to throw out the old mail (several days' worth) and also I will wash the dishes and clean out and organize the drawers in the kitchen. 


I wish Kiddles a belated 10th birthday! I hope that it was happy.  Welcome to our new member.  I love it here.  I know that you will too. 


That is all for today. I will leave and go into the kitchen and put a chicken pot pie into the microwave for my supper.  I'll check in tomorrow sometime.



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Hey guys, How is everyone? Not been posting much but have been lurking and trying to keep up. Been busy between work and WIPs. trying to get some things done.  Heading to bed but wanted to pop in and Say hey.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIDDLES  :birthday  :bday  :cake

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Good morning everyone and thanks for the birthday wishes for kiddles! I think she enjoyed her day.......of course now that she is 10, she is too cool to show it! LOL


Hope you all have a GREAT day!



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Good morning. I fell yesterday in a parking lot carrying my 19month old..so just taking it easy and icing my knee (which took the brunt of the fall) thankfully the baby was just scared not hurt.


Does anyone do any corner to corner squares? I am definitely going to try. I have found love making c2c blankets.

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I'm here for a few. I actually have the grand-boys for a few more days and I hope longer. She is finally going to get rid of the boyfriend and his mom. It's her fault and I hope and pray she doesn't let it happen anymore. Unfortunately her crotch is more important than a lot of things. She stayed here the last three night for when she goes home they just mentally abuse her. She went to the court to file papers. The landlord is going to do the same today and they should be gone in a couple weeks. But the good note is the boys are extremely happy they are here as well as I. It's a shame how they treated the oldest. No wonder they think he has anger issues. Get rid of the problem and he won't. He is wonderful here and now I can lay my head down in peace. It's been a challenge with her and her dogs but at least the boys are safe. The youngest has a terrible terrible cold . He coughs horrible and I'm going to try to see if I can get him into the doctors.


Good morning everyone!


Happy Birthday to kiddles! I know I'm late just been so busy..

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Sorry to hear about your fall and hope you are okay.. Just take it easy today and hopefully the soreness will go away..


The judge granted her papers she filed. The sheriff escorted both boyfriend and mother off the premises and called her and escorted her back to her home. It's only good for one week and she has to go to court next week to finalize it. I hope she sticks with it too but rarely does she stick with anything. But we will see. Hopefully the boys can stay here longer for I feel so much better when I know they are safe. She is about drama and herself. When she called she was more worried about her dog than the boys... It frustrates me. I'm taking her dog back to her today and going to a meeting with her.

I will also help her pack up some of their things too.


Youngest grandson has two ear infections. Left side is worse and swollen some plus fluid in both ears. No swimming for him last night ... He also has bronchitis and wheezes some.. In the office he had to do a breathing treatment and we were sent over to the hospital for chest X-rays .. Stopped and got his medicine . Which I won't get my money back. I couldn't buy the one for it was way over a hundred dollars. I will call the doctor today to see what he can do or maybe get some samples. I ll see what I can do before I have to this afternoon.

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I am making another bear! I finished two of them and now on the third. I want to make one for each of my grandsons. So while sitting at the doctors I was working on the head. Almost finished with it.

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a.creative.mrs sorry about the knee and thank goodness the baby wasn't hurt.  katy posted a couple of c2c squares she made and I posted a c2c pet mat just a few pages back.  Mine was from the Red Heart site and was a more solid block.  I enjoyed doing it.


owlvamp, glad you have the boys.  I hope there is some way you can get the medicine he needs, sounds like he is one sick kid and probably wasn't far from having to be hospitalized.   :xfin that she grew up a little bit from this experience and that things will get better for the boys.  And that bear you did a while back was so cute.

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