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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Katie, I hadn't seen the picture of your hat on my phone.  I love it!  


I'm liking the blanket so much that I may make a big one for my queen-sized bed.  Since it's double sided, the blanket is pretty thick and warm.  


My SIL surprised us with a miniature Christmas tree yesterday from... the 99 Cents store!  At a deposition just two streets away from my house, the attorney's son (also an attorney and young) set up their "tree" before we started.  It took all of maybe 10 minutes.  It was the Charlie Brown Christmas tree complete with one ornament and Linus's blanket.  It was so cute!


A quick hello :thair did ya'all know we just got back from upstate NY,well me neither,thats where her mind is today

also Bill is just back from Germany( not) boy, :yell  everything is in a jumble today :?  :?

Poor pineknott.  It seems to have been getting worse lately, or maybe it's always been like that.  I hope you are doing well, all things considered :hug


Owlvamp, I hope you get to see your grandkids this weekend.


Everyone have a wonderful day.  It's raining in sunny SoCal :)

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Hi gals!


Hugs all around!


Next up is putting up the tree! And the director where I work has a daughter 2 years older than kiddles and she brought me in a ton of clothes and some unopened toys I can give her! There are only a couple I will give her but how generous! She said whatever we don't want, donate. Which I will totally do, Goodwill knows us quite well!


Have a good nite all!


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wow all, you are sure being busy!! Tomorrow is friday, and I have a couple of things to do, but other than that, most o f the day oh, just remembered, CenturyLink is coming tomorrow to connec my new modem, for more speed at same life long price I pay for internet now, soooo why would'nt in do it lol. For all i know about it which is next to nothing, but daughter said it was a good deal, and I would notice the difference in the speed, so on her humble but knowedgable opinion, anyway, they are coming in the am, i think from 9 to 1, so we'll see how that goes, and if I get my errands in sometime in the day, alwaysn something....


Brunch was delish, most of us, and we voted, in fact all of us, decided to go to the hostess's choice of restaurant each brunch, or have the option of having it at her house, and we all but one of us, voted YES!


For me, less stress, and more room, and I can enjoy the brunch better, when Im not hopping up and down, pouring teas, and coffees, etc......


The hold out agreed, as she is one that goes to much trouble, her apt, is three floors up,,,,,stairs, and we have several handicapped somewhat in our group that can't make the climb, so she hauls everything for brunch down from her 3 floor apt, to the clubhouse across the courtyard, on her hosting turn, and then commences to either warm up, or microwave whatever she is having, and at the end, much stuff to cart back up three flights, in a laundry basket or two, so not sure why she was holding o ut on agreeing, but glad we all now  have the  option of picking somewhere to have it, or having it at our homes when we host it....


And actually, in the long run, it's cheaper and easier to just everyone pay for their own, instead of trying to fix something that will serve 6-10 people...least it should be, lol Next month, is going to be same place as today was, Village Inn, was good, and fairly inexpensive, and the waitress treated us so nicely......


I cued her before we all got started, that when I ask her if Santa has come to Village inn yet, she would then call me by name, and say, soemthing like, yes, katie, and he left you a bag! Then she would go and get it, and I made a production out of it by asking if so and so was good, or naughty, lol The last one chosen, we decided was naughty! But she got her gift bag anyway, lol


They all loved the scarves, and wore them, right there at the table, lol


I love playing santa!

Did the few neighbors that live within walking distance, and then figured, Id do the other couple in the car, tomorrow, lol


haven't heard yet from daughter, as to weather they canceled the flight out tomorrow back home, or what, But Im sure she will let me know, when she knows......


Got some squares all ready, just got to find a forever home for them but after Christmas please, lol....


Kuddles, have fun with the tree, and angel glad you have one, lol. Pineknott, so sorry, is it getting worse with mil??


Carol, thank goodness half day, and you are outta there for a while!
Whomever else I missed, my apologies, take care all till tomorrow, at least!!!!!!!

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Been quite busy today but need to post and go to bed and get right back up and start the day again.


My husband needed a gift for work and being were tight on money I made eight corn hole bags for his person. They were fun making them too. I had most the supply's on hand. What a relief. Just needed corn. It took half the day to dig out my sewing machine. But it's out and sewed daughters pants too. She thought she was funny.


Good night all.


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Good VERY early morning! Was awake fully at 1:30, laid till 3 then said, good grief get up! So quietly did, carefully closed kiddles door and jumped on here. I have to say I enjoy the quiet......


Good job owlvamp! I often make things as gifts and uses what is on hand. Well since I have so much, that isn't hard to do! Speaking of, I'm now posting destash fabrics to my etsy shop, pass the word if you know anyone that might like some. Tons more to post but got it started at least!


Well, pulled out the tree box and kiddles squealed! So glad we did it! Made her VERY happy! Put on lights and just her ornaments (ones she has made and ones given to just her) and then we sang our made up 'oh christmas tree' song. So glad I made her happy! Now Santa won't have any trouble figuring out where to put the gifts!


A friend from long ago connected with me on facebook recently. He posted an old picture of me and him in Michigan (JUST a friend, trust me). This is from about 23 years ago! Thought I'd share. I wasn't half bad looking back then! But Gene, really, a mullet!?





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Been quite busy today but need to post and go to bed and get right back up and start the day again.


My husband needed a gift for work and being were tight on money I made eight corn hole bags for his person. They were fun making them too. I had most the supply's on hand. What a relief. Just needed corn. It took half the day to dig out my sewing machine. But it's out and sewed daughters pants too. She thought she was funny.


Good night all.

You're so crafty and ingenious!  I love when I can just make gifts out of what my stash.  What is a corn hole bag?


Good VERY early morning! Was awake fully at 1:30, laid till 3 then said, good grief get up! So quietly did, carefully closed kiddles door and jumped on here. I have to say I enjoy the quiet......


Good job owlvamp! I often make things as gifts and uses what is on hand. Well since I have so much, that isn't hard to do! Speaking of, I'm now posting destash fabrics to my etsy shop, pass the word if you know anyone that might like some. Tons more to post but got it started at least!


Well, pulled out the tree box and kiddles squealed! So glad we did it! Made her VERY happy! Put on lights and just her ornaments (ones she has made and ones given to just her) and then we sang our made up 'oh christmas tree' song. So glad I made her happy! Now Santa won't have any trouble figuring out where to put the gifts!


A friend from long ago connected with me on facebook recently. He posted an old picture of me and him in Michigan (JUST a friend, trust me). This is from about 23 years ago! Thought I'd share. I wasn't half bad looking back then! But Gene, really, a mullet!?




Yay, your tree is up!  Another great memory for you and Kiddles.  I love that picture.  You look great :)

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kuddles good for you to put the tree up. Mines up just need to get the lights on and decorate it.

Glad you made some wonderful memories with kiddles. She will be okay. It takes just some time. Yep and Santa will know where to put the presents. :)

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Morning all. Been a busy few days. The Latest,,,, my SIL moved to montana. Her husband, Once he got her away from everyone, turned into a sex fiend and abusive. So she left him and arrived at our hous at 2 am today. With a cat, guiene pig and rotwieler..... Which of course is driving my 2 dogs and cat insane. we bunked my boys in the same room. Moved my daughter to the empty boys room and the SIL and her animals are in the daughters room.  My cat usually sleeps in there and this morning she was down here trying to tell DAD Something was wrong....  I don't know how long we will have company. We will see how well this works.


Got to go buy stocking stuffers today on my day off. Finished all my stockings. Made 5. have on slipper to make and will have made 4 sets of them. and I made a sock monkey baby hat and diaper cover (tail included) for a friend who is taking some pictures of a 3 month old.


Hope all is well and ready to enjoy thieir Christmas break. Kids last day of school is today.  I am off, for the most part, (an hour here and an hour there) Till Monday then I will work 8 hours off and on and then off Tues and WED.

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hello there. Well century link, has come and gone quickly and effciently, and I should notice some diff in speed, all for the same life time cost, so Im happy....so far. lol Thinking seriously of switching over to century link;s tv, Prism, sounds like we'd get more bang for our buck, cheaper than the cable co. we now have. So more channels, less money, no brainer or what?? I said, after Christmas, we will look into it, as I don't feel like messing with any techy stuff before the holidays, lol Does anyone have Prism, and can enlighten



WEll, gotta do up a couple more sashay scarves, so gotta make a run to michaels today, Oh darn, lol they are on sale there, least they were, hope they still are!


Never heard of corn bags, or the game, but nice little bags you made!


Well gang, im off, see ya when i return!!!!!!

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A lot of people haven't heard of it. I didn't either until a few years ago at my sons barbecue . I played with grandson and it's fun.

So I wanted to make my own bags for a long time now instead gave them as a gift.:)

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Thanks.....I know it will just take time. And she is super excited now about Santa!

kuddles good for you to put the tree up. Mines up just need to get the lights on and decorate it.
Glad you made some wonderful memories with kiddles. She will be okay. It takes just some time. Yep and Santa will know where to put the presents. :)


Thanks, and I have so much more coming to post! Yikes!

I went ant looked at your fabric. It's really pretty!


Hugs to you honey!

Morning all. Been a busy few days. The Latest,,,, my SIL moved to montana. Her husband, Once he got her away from everyone, turned into a sex fiend and abusive. So she left him and arrived at our hous at 2 am today. With a cat, guiene pig and rotwieler..... Which of course is driving my 2 dogs and cat insane. we bunked my boys in the same room. Moved my daughter to the empty boys room and the SIL and her animals are in the daughters room.  My cat usually sleeps in there and this morning she was down here trying to tell DAD Something was wrong....  I don't know how long we will have company. We will see how well this works.


Got to go buy stocking stuffers today on my day off. Finished all my stockings. Made 5. have on slipper to make and will have made 4 sets of them. and I made a sock monkey baby hat and diaper cover (tail included) for a friend who is taking some pictures of a 3 month old.


Hope all is well and ready to enjoy thieir Christmas break. Kids last day of school is today.  I am off, for the most part, (an hour here and an hour there) Till Monday then I will work 8 hours off and on and then off Tues and WED.

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HAHA.. We love COrnhole around here. Our town even holds a corn hole tourney during the farmers market.  LOL  My brother lives in Germany and when we wee growing up we didnt know what Cornhole was. So we played while he was visiting. He won and we laughed about getting him a corn hole trophy. Him and his wife have some good guys friends that are gay. Jim didnt wanna take a cornhole trophy home for them to see. lol He said he would never live it down.

A lot of people haven't heard of it. I didn't either until a few years ago at my sons barbecue . I played with grandson and it's fun.
So I wanted to make my own bags for a long time now instead gave them as a gift. :)

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hi ya all, well, Im quite sure if they have it here, I don't know of it, but I am absolutely certain, here in the Cornhusker state, if they had it, they too, would surly use corn, woulnd't they, he he he


Oh, deep breath, it's friday all!! now a quickie weekend, and then a few more days till the big jolly man in the red and white suit, tramples snowly sooty boots through the front sitting room, with white carpet, ho ho ho, he says,,,,,,,,,,hrmph!! lol


I for one, am looking forward of course to Christmas but once it's gone, then I want the snow, and  ice, and cold to go too, no more winter for me, once Christmas is over!!!!!


ohhh here's what I was going to say, getting close to picking a new queen for a new year!! January!!  Who will get the honor of our first new queen in the new year!!! Previously it was, Lil_mama02, with a total of 22 squares received!


A few stats for you all, as we are heading into the end of this year, and a new one soon....


Our first ever Biggest Square was of course, Cindyssweetthings, in June, 2012 ,the month after I took over the thread... she raked in 72, count um. 72 squares all total for the month!!!!!!!!

I too have been a queen, in the month of June, 2013, with a wonderful and generous 46 squares total!


and since June, 2012,the beginning of the Biggest Square iup to now,  the one that has been queen collecting the grandest total of squares, was our own Lacey, Immafreek, with a grand total, all sizes counted, of 99 Squares!!!




And closing out this year, of course is our current queen, angelroselite!! Her count is still pending, as her reign isn't quite yet over!!


OUr next Queen, will have the honor of escorting in the New Year but we won't make her wear a big white diaper, with a giant pin in it!!! Just a crown!!


I have had the most fun with this group, it goes beyond words, and  you all past and present have been so giving, and supportive, and generous making the Yarn Hill Square-flag soar higher than any other.....


We have become a sort of family, least in my eyes, sharing our lives, our problems our joys, and our accomplishments with  someone who shares back. Someone to converse with, be it your problems, your questions, your jokes, and truley enjoys hearing from you....That to me, is priceless. I am forever grateful for getting to know you all, and enjoying your company, albeit, via a computer screen. So, I look forward to the next year, and to continuing this relationship with all of you and anyone else that is lucky enough to join, and be a part of this great group of talented, and generous people. .


Well, with that said, we have no place to go squares,,,,,,,But up! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, or insert here ______________ the holiday of your chosing to all, and to all, my best, for the rest of the rest! Now off I go, to pm the upcoming new queen, earlier than I usually do i but might not have time during Christmas week, sooooooo im off, now who will wear that January crown!!!!!!!!!

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and i forgot to add, as a Christmas gift to all of you, i have changed the first post.......If you see a member's name underlined, and in blue, it means you can now click on it, it will take y ou directly to her page and then all you have to do, is click on the send message button, to pm her, no more hunting up names to get to their profile page, I did them all for you, to make it easier to access a member, and on the same page, get to her pm page! Let me know if you like it ladies, I will await your decision!!!!!!!!!!

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That's a wonderful idea, and thank you for going through the trouble of hyperlinking everyone's PM page, Katie.  I'll give you my square count as soon as my reign is over.  Oh, how sad that it seemed to have blinked by.  Thank you, everyone :)


I have a little story I've been saving for about a couple of weeks.  I was so embarrassed, but now I can laugh about it.  It may not seem so funny, but you really had to be there.  I was getting over a cough at that time.  It was one of those that suddenly attack at the most inopportune moments, you know what I mean?  I was perfectly fine until we would go on the record.  As a reminder, let me tell you that I'm a stenographer, commonly referred to as a court reporter.  Let's just say I report everything outside of court, hence my preference for the terms deposition reporter or stenographer.  

Anyway, I digress.  Once we go back on the record, I have to type what everyone says, of course.  We reporters have to have powerful bladders, no hunger, no sneezing reflex... nothing that will interrupt testimony.  HOWEVER... I had a cough that liked to attack only when I was writing.  It was frustrating!  And it was painful at times when I tried my best to hold back a cough.  Then the hacking started.  I had room-temperature water with me, cough drops, and napkins to muffle everything the best that I could.  We reporters develop lightning-fast reflexes to reach for Kleenex, water, et cetera, during pauses.  


I had been sneaking in sips of water.  I had just sipped more water.  I hadn't had time to swallow it.  I don't know where it came from, but it seemed like I had a geyser in the back of my throat that decided to go active right at that moment.  I didn't even feel it happen!  It was so sudden that I froze.  We all froze because I had squirted a powerful burst of water all the way to the attorney to my left and the witness to my right.  I couldn't run fast enough to grab napkins and start drying documents, my laptop, my machine, and everything else I had reached.  I have never been so embarrassed!  I think the attorney was even more shocked than I was.  I don't know how I later kept myself from hysterically laughing.  The moment was on an endless loop in my mind.  I really hope I never work with that attorney again.  He was nice as can be, but I can't see him in the eye again after that :lol


Sorry for that long narrative.  You really had to be there.  


Everyone have a wonderful weekend :hug

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OMG Maria, this was hysterical reading about it! i KNOW it wasn't when it happened, but oh my, thanks for the giggles, I too worked in courtrooms, and that was my worst nightmare!!!!!!! or tripping! LOL         SO glad you can see the humor in it now, lol!!!!!

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