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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Good morning squares!


Dragon - congrats on the great package! BGS is very generous!


Katie, yeah hope things will calm down .......... both at work and at home!


Homespun yarn - tried using it once and threw away the skein! I can not work with it at all! Good luck to you Katie!


Have a great day!


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Hi Squares!  I've missed you.  It's been a rough week.  Seems I now have an infection in my abdomen around the feeding tube area, talk about painful, lol.  Well, to make matters worse, I'm allergic to most antibiotics so they have decided that for now it's best to "watch and wait". Hopefully it will heal on it own. Prayers welcome!


Dragnlady, I see that you have rec'd your squares.  I'm glad that you like them.  I'm so sorry that you don't really need the 12" any more, if I would have known I would have sent more 6"s. I believe someone was asking about the 12", it's a free pattern on Ravelry called September Flower by Jessica Phillips. :king


Welcome to all the new squares!!! I'll have to get everyone's info when I'm feeling a bit better.


Take care everyone and keep on making those squares :hook

Grannyannie, Prayers are being said for quick healing.


Grannie your 12 in was the last one going in the "ghan. So all the hard will be there.  

Prayers for all my lovely square friends that need it. And for those that don't think they do HAHA. 


Well..... I have exciting news...............................

Orleans Band Regiment Scored a Gold Rating and we are Semi State bound.  :clap  :cheer  :yay  :cheer

Next Saturday we will be in Franklin IN to perform.  (can i put a link in here to a video of the bands performance)


I love the small community we live in. I was almost in tears last night. We came into town and at the edge of town we had a District 2 (the dept me and hubby are on) fire truck waiting on us with light and sirens. and when we hit town limits there was a town fire truck and police cars waiting. we were escorted thru town, around the square, all the way to the school. the Square full of pround parents and friends rooting our children on.

Dragnlady5, Congratulations to all of you!


Got these Wonderful Squares and a cute towel topper and towel in the mail yesterday. I love the tags and almost hate to take them off but this 'ghan is gonna be used so if I dont they will be torn off.  Thank you BGS. I love them. 


Those are all soooo nice!


katyallen, I have used Homespun for ponchos and afghans but I too gave them away so I'm not sure how they hold up in washing either.


Pretty typical Monday here, I have to leave work a little early today to go for a biometric screening that our insurance is requiring for the the high end HMO that the school district offers. And then home to hopefully finish  :sew  the angel wings that have been the focus of most of my crafting time, I made a big mistake times 24 on the wings on Saturday and had to take out 24 long seams and re-do the work :bang . 


Hope everyone has a great day.

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Yucky, cshort! I don't think there's any more disappointing crafting moment for me than having to rip out seams. Even running out of material doesn't feel as painful! Unless it's one I can't get anymore, and then it's pretty painful.


I love using Homespun, Katie! I've given away a lot of the things I've done with it, but I kept the first afghan I ever made with it. As much as I love it, I will say that it is not really a good yarn choice for a first project...! ;) Anyway, that afghan has double-duty as a winter couch slipcover for several years, and it's held up pretty well through the wash. Some pilling sometimes, but not really a ton. I usually clean a lot of fibers off the couch cushions/out of the dryer vent, but that's probably because, well, we sit on it all winter long! The afghan did stretch since it's a heavier yarn, but that was all during working really. No stretching that I can tell since; if it shrank at all I wouldn't be able to tell either since it's so darn big! It was an afghan pattern... that I decided to make longer to account for my then-boyfriend's 6'3"... and then did with two strands of bulky yarn held together... and who *knows* what I did when calculating the stitch changes! I think I was still using worsted numbers. ;P This thing covers a queen-size bed!


I am having a cranky grouchy day today. I think I must still be worn out from the weekend. I slept last night, at least, and got a nap yesterday afternoon, but still... it was a busy weekend! My husband had arranged for the day off since he knew he'd be beat... said he napped this morning and was icing when he called to remind me about something. Wish I'd taken the day off, too!  :reyes

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Wonder surprise in the mail today...... Thank you CShort for the Lovely squares.


Oh my 10 more days... :cry

Checking the mail just wont be the same anymore :no

I'm glad they arrived safely.

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Oh loverly eye candy, yum yum yum wanna eat um all up!!


I hope ann is feeling better today, and owlvamp, you are accomplishing more than you did a few short weeks ago, so although progress may seem slow, it is happening!!


Viking you should have taken a day off to "Ice" too, lol


Kuddles, ran across a couple yards of pretty red cotton material, with a small pattern on it, do you  want it, for your purses and totes or whatever, I don't sew, I know I bought it for something, can't remember what, oh well, if you want it, holla at me!!


Poor cshort, ripping out all those seams, but you are a perfectionist, and wouldn't be happy if you didn't  lol


how is angelroselite, and mandymae, and all those I missed commenting on earlier?? I am looking forward to seeing your ghan DONE Dragnlady!!! it's going to be lovely!!!!!!!!!


Well, i have a run to make tomorrow, two deliveries to chairtys i contribute to often, and then have a lunch date with a friend, sooo that is about all for my Tuesday... Then i will be back, and have the rest of the day to do whatever, lol might stop at the Dollar Tree, look at their halloweenie stuff maybe, for my giftee bags, oh and buy candy somewhere before Thursday, lol


Ok, well, Im off for now, will see you all soon enough so keep on hookin', to keep on coping!

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It's coming katy. Still need a lot of hats and scarves, mittens and slippers. But whatever I make and receive will have to do as long as everyone gets.

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Hi pineknott,

I received your squares today. They are beautiful! I have posted earlier about receiving them, but I discovered that I posted in the wrong topic, so I posting here. 


Question: what color should I go around the squares with? I thought a cream or an eggshell would be pretty. 

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Good morning my chatty squares! Didn't get back on here yesterday so was tickled to see so many posts!


Great squares received!!!


Katie, I will take any and all cotton fabric from anyone! What can I send you in return?


It became winter overnite here! In the 20s overnite, frost this morning and a high of only 40 today!!! What??? Back to the upper 50s by Sunday but wow! I am not ready for this!!! Sure made Lucky frisky for his walk yesterday though....


Gotta get Kiddles moving.......not an easy task!


Have a great day Squares!



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Hi pineknott,

I received your squares today. They are beautiful! I have posted earlier about receiving them, but I discovered that I posted in the wrong topic, so I posting here. 


Question: what color should I go around the squares with? I thought a cream or an eggshell would be pretty. 

glad you liked the squares,cream or eggshell sounds lovely

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I'm just loving this crisp Fall weather

saw a nice big plump woolie worm last week,so maybe just maybe we will have some decent accumulations of SNOW this year

I sure miss  that.ducking and running,I know some don't like that S word.

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Can someone send me a little fall weather? The news reported a cold front coming which will drop our temps from the 90s to the 80s, some cold front. It seems that summer temps have hung around a little longer than usual this year, I don't like it cold but a little cooler would be nice. I finished the angel wings last night :clap . Now I have Tinkerbell fabric for an outfit for my granddaughter and then on to Christmas outfits and pajamas. In between that I'm finishing a preemie afghan and starting a shawl for myself.

Dragnlady, I didn't realize I sent you the same square, sorry, guess I should check my pics of squares before I send them.

Hope everyone is having a good day and feeling good.

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hi ya all...


Kuddles, I will send it to you next week, and absolutely don't  have to send me anything, I was just going to pack it in a goodwill box,but thought maybe someone here could use it, and thought of you, and your bags, lol (im not sure where i put it, but it's here, somewhere, ill look) Idon't know much about fabric, but I think its cotton......


Cool here too, maybe some snow tomorrow, does anyone else have the tradition of lighting a candle or two on the first snow of the season, like me, it's supposed to bring good luck for the entire winter season!!! might be a throw back from my grandma, she was english, does anyone know if they do that in England, or if maybe they at least have heard of it, lol


I will be sure lighting one!!


I remember a Halloween, when my daughter was young, and the mayor postponed it, cause of a blizzardly ice storm....It didn't cover the burb we lived in, but all of Greater Omaha ! So we still went that week in our area, and then the next week, I took her to grandma's Omaha neighborhood, and did it again!!!!! No complaints! lol


Yep, fall is not to be outdone by the great summer we have had, and fall we WERE enjoying, so expecting this to be the year of the SNOW!! Seems Kuddles beat us all again, on first snow...........lol


Nothing much else happening here, I guess, thought I had more to say, he he, but, if i think of it, I will come on back, and finish!!

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I really don't miss snow. I love seeing it and can enjoy it for a day but then want it gone .. So we can send it to Florida.

It's starting to get colder here and I much rather the heat. Can't stand being cold all the time ..

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