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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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back from my appt.5 vials of blood later.

Received a white,pink and burgundy from cshort,thank you so much,it will work well

Rene' also received a puffy from cshort,which she'll be so tickled to receive,with all thats been going on with her hubby

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welcome to those that recieved squares from me, my pleasure! Also, name is chosen, will pm the JULY Biggest Square of the Month, and let her know!! I hope she answers my pm before the first, he he he, but then, Ill have to sit on the name till the first, but I could do clues or something fun,,,,,in that time, hummmm.....:think:hook

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Hope you days went well, no snags, snafoos, or yarn throwup :yuck to deal with, I hate that, a brand new skein, and the whole center comes out all tangled! Grrr.....

:laughroll:laughrollYarn throwup thats the funniest thing I've ever heard. It's not funny when it happens though, but I had never heard it called that.

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:laughroll:laughrollYarn throwup thats the funniest thing I've ever heard. It's not funny when it happens though, but I had never heard it called that.

well, that is what is reminds me of, and I didn't wanna say, you know, Puke, lol :lol

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july's Biggest Square has been tagged, and pm'd........now we await her reply........then I can give clues, until it is posted on the first! Good we are winding up June', I know Cindy has gotten quite a few so far, and more on thier way, Im very pleased with the first run of BIggest Square, and so happy she is so happy!

Well off to find something to occupy a couple hours, he he, oh, I think i will take a pic of my baby round ripple i finished today, and post that a bit later, it turned out really pretty!

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FYI: Mady-girl only needs 1 more square for her Frindship Pillow ghan!!!. She is so excited. Ty again to everyone who has sent Her a square!!!.I"m sure there are squares I got in the mail for her over the past few months and I'm sure I"ve forgotten to say TY.. so a big TY to every single person who's sent her a square :)

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FYI: Mady-girl only needs 1 more square for her Frindship Pillow ghan!!!. She is so excited. Ty again to everyone who has sent Her a square!!!.I"m sure there are squares I got in the mail for her over the past few months and I'm sure I"ve forgotten to say TY.. so a big TY to every single person who's sent her a square :)


So.......Who's gunna send Mady her last square? :cheer I'm sure she'll be stoked to have her pillowghan done!

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whoever it is, should post it, so we don't duplicate,huh?? im thinkin, would be cool if mom made it?? nice thought, up to you all though!


I think it would be a great idea for the person who decides to make the last square to post about it. I dunno about mom making it. There is just something really special about a stranger thinking about you and getting a lovely puffy in the mail and being surprised by the square's pattern and colors.



I'm so sad! I can't find my USB cable for my camera! Dh says he saw it when he was hooking the computer back up after it was with the Geek Squad. Hmm...I think the baby walked off with it. That means it could be anywhere! I took the pics, I just have no way of uploading them. Sigh....

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I will make Maddy's square!! I think it will be extra special coming all the way from Australia with some Aussie goodies. How old is Maddy? I will get my 10 yr old daughter to write her a letter too.

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I will make Maddy's square!! I think it will be extra special coming all the way from Australia with some Aussie goodies. How old is Maddy? I will get my 10 yr old daughter to write her a letter too.
Mady is 10 :). and she would love that!!.. I'm working on connecting the squares. and it comming all the way from Australia will be awsome! Ty !!!. and she would love a pen pal


whoever it is, should post it, so we don't duplicate,huh?? im thinkin, would be cool if mom made it?? nice thought, up to you all though!


I"ve made her one already :). but yes she's super excited to finaly have all her squares. the only one she is missing is the other one for the "pilow pocket". ..

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Shai would also love a pen pal :D Just a warning! My Shailee is totally obsessed with Harry Potter at the moment.She managed to convert every single one of her friends into obsessive fans and got her whole class to read the series this past term LOL.

If it is for a pocket,what size would you like?

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july's Biggest Square has been tagged, and pm'd........now we await her reply........then I can give clues, until it is posted on the first! Good we are winding up June', I know Cindy has gotten quite a few so far, and more on thier way, Im very pleased with the first run of BIggest Square, and so happy she is so happy!

Well off to find something to occupy a couple hours, he he, oh, I think i will take a pic of my baby round ripple i finished today, and post that a bit later, it turned out really pretty!


OH YAY!!!!:cheer


My apologies for being MIA. When we moved last Nov we thought our old house would sell...well it's still on the market and it's hard for us having two mortgages. But the market is dead here. Anywho....we've had a toilet leak going on over there for who knows how long, mildew in the basement playroom, and now some funky stink going on.


I tell ya...it's always something getting in the way of my crochet!:lol


I got 2 squares done and hoping to get some more crochet in this week....if nothing else breaks!

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welcome to those that recieved squares from me, my pleasure! Also, name is chosen, will pm the JULY Biggest Square of the Month, and let her know!! I hope she answers my pm before the first, he he he, but then, Ill have to sit on the name till the first, but I could do clues or something fun,,,,,in that time, hummmm.....:think:hook


Woot! Not me since no PM waiting but can't wait to hear who it is!


well, that is what is reminds me of, and I didn't wanna say, you know, Puke, lol :lol


I've always called it Yarn Barf.



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OH YAY!!!!:cheer


My apologies for being MIA. When we moved last Nov we thought our old house would sell...well it's still on the market and it's hard for us having two mortgages. But the market is dead here. Anywho....we've had a toilet leak going on over there for who knows how long, mildew in the basement playroom, and now some funky stink going on.


I tell ya...it's always something getting in the way of my crochet!:lol


I got 2 squares done and hoping to get some more crochet in this week....if nothing else breaks!


Welcome back from being MIA! And thank you for the squares you sent! If you want to send to me in the future though, pm me for my new addy. I moved 5 weeks ago. I know all about the slow moving market! Our house didn't sell until 7.5 mos after we put it on the market.

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hi all,

well I see our brains are overworking, eliminating slowly who it is NOT, lol I haven't heard yet, but thats fine, we have time on this one! I will give you a tiny hint or two, when and if she answers the pm in due time!


Yep, moving ain't fun, said it before, saying it again! I know the market here is slow, but still moving; Home sales, who knows where it goes from here, is anyones guess, much like gas prices at the pump, too much fluctuation to call from day to day, lol.


They are doing something, over sealing or something our street today, so we were told about it last week if we wanted out, get out early before 8, and don't try to come back till after 5, so I am sorta house bound for the day, but that's ok, a dandy excuse to sit back, sip my diet soda, eat a few crackers and chese, and do a little hookin!!


Oh, I can't wait to post the new name and open the pledges! I do hope Cindy gets more than enough to finish one ghan, that is my hope anyway!! When the month closes, we will ask you dear cindy to post your NEW needs, and let us know how well you did!!



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Hello everyone.....I guess its not me either.....lol


Been a little MIA lately due birthday lasting almost a week lmao

Im back now....


Have a great day!

what! How did we miss you birthday!!!!!!!!! darn , well anyway, Happy Late BIrthday then Kim!!!!!!!!! :manyheart

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its not me or piscescrocheter

I guess from all the blood they took yesterday- 5 vials, today I have a case of the slows,I went for my walk and not much else,sil should be released tomorrow from the hospital.

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Happy belated BD!


Oh and Cindy, your squares mailed out today! Hope they get there soon, first class so should be in the next week!


I'm ready for the next person! Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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I would like to say thank you to cshort for the very pretty pink and white square I received today. It is very pretty.


You're welcome and I'm glad you like it.

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