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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Pay for my flight and I'll take one and love it!



:lol  According to Google, Newcastle to where I live is about 4.5 hours drive!! Shame though as they spotted at least 4 inside her and I want to give them to people I trust to look after them!! 

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wow such news from everyone!! I don't think I can catch up either!!

Welcome back, and congratz go out to Cristel (crsheridan)!! SO wonderful to see your posts again, bet it feels good to get home!!!

Kiddles I presume is improving in her moods, with more sleep, least Im hoping, little sleep sure takes a toll on all of us, especially the little ones......


Skoggy, didn't know baby was feeling bad, so sorry to hear that, keep us informed on her health!


Yes, a new heir, how exciting. That poor couple, add a baby to already all they have to do, sheesh....


Granny annie, muggy but cooler here too, and that elephant, is always tough to get off, take a stick and poke it a bit!!


Fanny pack, don't know what that reference was in reference too, so I withold comments for now, lol


Oh Becca, lovely kitty, we went through that once with a stray doggie that wandered in once, and we kept her, a german shephard, anyway, I digress, she was found out to be with puppies when we took her in to get spayed as well, so we nixed the spaying till after, she had nine! I love the pic of your mama to be, lying in with the yarns I see!! LOVE IT!


Who have I forgotten, i apologize missing anyone.. Yes, a new queen, in a short week, Im aghast too, I thought MY RULE went fast!! THis month has flown!


Before I forget this, I posted a pic of my finished ghan, on the show and tell thread, here is that post, It turned out so pretty, I absolutely adore it, and thank you all that contributed time, talent, and love to help this come together for me!!!!!!!!

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Oh Katie how gorgeous it turned out! Woot!


And Kiddles mood....well come on she just turned nine so ....and she IS a princess you know! I told her the new prince was born on her birthday! She squealed! LOL


Quiet for the moment, puppy is going to town on a chew bone thingy, after taking a walk. He is getting better at that, guess he figured out I wouldn't quit until he learned how!


Cooler today.............ahhhhhhhhh no air on today! And supposed to be decent for several more days! Yippee!


Have a great nite all!  Or morning Becca and Skoggy if you are reading this after getting up in the am!



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I only missed 3 days and there is so much to catch up on. 


:hug  :hug for Skoggy. 


Becca glad joined us.  Your expecting kitty is adorable.


Pineknott I am glad you officially have the largest stash.  I am kind of afraid I might unofficially have the largest.  I had a lot already and last year inherited several tubs.  It can't be the largest if it is stored in multiple places right?


Katie, Rainbow Brightest is so bright and cheerful.  Just looking at it should brighten anyones day. 


Kuddles, please wish Kiddles a Happy Belated Birthday. Hope Kiddles and the puppy become the best of friends.


Its been hot here too and we need some rain. 

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Well - no keys today, mainly because they don't know where they're going to put me.  There is a new building being built at the school and if it isn't finished before school starts, then we'll have to change rooms mid-year.  They know where I'm moving TO but not where I'll start the year.  Hopefully I'll know something by the end of the week.


Thank you all for your Congratulations!  I'm so excited.  I loved seeing the picture of the new member of the Royal family!  He's a cutie - and the three of them make a sweet looking family.

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Before I forget this, I posted a pic of my finished ghan, on the show and tell thread, here is that post, It turned out so pretty, I absolutely adore it, and thank you all that contributed time, talent, and love to help this come together for me!!!!!!!!


Your ghan turned out SO beautiful! I love the rainbow colors together! :)

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Katy...I love the afghan!! 


I"m not going anywhere on vacation  :no  dh is going to school and working so we have not time to go away. I will be deep cleaning and organizing my craft things! Boy doesn't that sound exciting! LOL! On a sad note, my mom would have been 76 today but she passed away in 1990 from natural causes. On a good note... dh scored tickets to Kid Rock and Uncle Cracker!!! Who could pass up free tickets??? I'm so excited for tomorrow night!! 

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oooh thank you, it did turn out nicely!!!

and kid rock, warm cool, but Uncle Cracker, wow! hot ticketk! lol

crsheridan, patience is a virtue, lol wish it would hurry up though!! lol


kuddles, at the risk of sounding map-challenged, are you anywhere near Lake Michigan, as I see they are having quite high waves and rip currents in the lake!!!!!


Yay Pineknot, Unofficial Stash Hoarder!!!!


Bgs, good to see you back, all is well with you i trust??


I used my ghan this eveing for a bit, just had to lie down, had the ceiling fan on, and the ac, and got a bit chilly, lol so threw it over me, felt so warm and comfy, liking being wrapped in a hug!!!!!!!!!!

I plan on keeping it folded on the bottom of the bed, as sometimes the ac gets it pretty chily in here, lol I like sleeping a bit chilly actually, as long as I can throw on another cover!!


Many wishes of happy returns to Kiddles on her big number 9!!

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I believe my name will be picked this month. Just thinking positive .LOL


Can't wait to see the kittens when they are born. Your kitty is cute.


Afghan is beautiful. I know I can't catch up and really tired tonight.


In a couple weeks will have surgery so will get ready for all that. Go to the doctors on Thursday to get blood work and work out the details..

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Katy...I love the afghan!! 


I"m not going anywhere on vacation  :no  dh is going to school and working so we have not time to go away. I will be deep cleaning and organizing my craft things! Boy doesn't that sound exciting! LOL! On a sad note, my mom would have been 76 today but she passed away in 1990 from natural causes. On a good note... dh scored tickets to Kid Rock and Uncle Cracker!!! Who could pass up free tickets??? I'm so excited for tomorrow night!! 

Yay for the tickets!  I hope you guys have fun!


Sending hugs as you remember your mom.  My grandfather would have turned 95 on Monday were he still alive.  He passed away in 1997 only a little over a month after DH and I got married.  His mind had left us years before, though.  We never stop missing them...

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Good morning all!


Katie, you are sooooo cute! Yes I live a mere 10 or so minutes from Lake Michigan! I rarely go downtown (afraid to drive down there, I'm from a small town originally!) but will go with a friend if she drives! LOL


Have a great day, will check in later!



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:waving Hi Everyone!

I've been busy working on outfits for the grandkids, a baby afghan for a friend and a shawl for myself. Time seems to get away from me lately but I'll try to check in more often.

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ya never know, haven't randomly chosen one yet, but will do that shortly, Good Luck Owlvamp, and so sorry to hear of your upcoming surgery! Do keep us updated.

I believe my name will be picked this month. Just thinking positive .LOL

Can't wait to see the kittens when they are born. Your kitty is cute.

Afghan is beautiful. I know I can't catch up and really tired tonight.

In a couple weeks will have surgery so will get ready for all that. Go to the doctors on Thursday to get blood work and work out the details..



Good morning all!


Katie, you are sooooo cute! Yes I live a mere 10 or so minutes from Lake Michigan! I rarely go downtown (afraid to drive down there, I'm from a small town originally!) but will go with a friend if she drives! LOL


Have a great day, will check in later!



ah, like me here, i never go into Omaha, everything I need is within a few miles of home, here in the suburbs, lol I hate Omaha downtown, all those one way streets,and beggars on the corners with their signs, scares me a bit! I don't even have to go there for licences and plate renewels, as they have a branch in Millard here,Only the zip code relfects the "Omaha" reference....well, lost most of my nails in the last few days, i don't know why, just kept snagging them but that is normal for me, I use my hands a lot, and hate to have too long nails, as they get in the way lol






:waving Hi Everyone!

I've been busy working on outfits for the grandkids, a baby afghan for a friend and a shawl for myself. Time seems to get away from me lately but I'll try to check in more often.

sounds like you are keeping busy at least!!!! My last project was the trim on my friendship ghan, so now I am free of projects, uh oh, hate it when that happens!! Ill have to get one going here, working on a couple squares though so hope to get those out tomorrow, I promised our new Queenie a couple more at the end of the month! Might only be one, we'll see how it goes!!


Ok, had a whopper a bit ago, as I had to make a run out so stopped and got a whopper, I haven't had one in years, just felt like one, lol it was ok, not used to a lot of fast food though, but we'll see, lol


HandyDandyMan is out doing someone's bathroom floor,,,,soooo it's quiet in here, no tv, no noise, Im enjoying that, lol ok all, you all have a great day, you are all near to me, as I have your stitches of love on my bed!

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Hey squares! 


Katy - I laughed so much when I read about your 'whopper'! I am assuming this is a burger of some kind?! At first I thought 'had a whopper a bit ago' meant you'd said or done something really silly/funny! Like when (many years ago when I was young and naive I would like to say) I said to a young and round tummied lady 'when's it due?' And she replied 'I had it 6 months ago' - Now that was a whopper!! 

I love how funny the most innocent of things can become when read across the pond!!


Hi cshort  :waving  Wow sounds as though you are being kept very busy! Would love to see the outfits for the grandkids when they're finished, I love little one's crochet clothes! 


Owlvamp - hope the docs goes well tomorrow and best of luck for the surgery, I've sent you a PM, I'd love to make some squares for you to brighten up your recovery period :) 


An ok day for me here today, trying to stay positive and setting myself little achievable targets each day. Have also started on some Christmas present and am currently working on a scarf for my S-I-L. Been having a look through Ravelry as I want an easy hat pattern for the mens' christmas pressies. If anyone has any recommendations that would be great!


Also, what do you you guys do with the little bits of scrap leftover from making squares and other things? I have a pile of them ranging from approx 5" to 12" and I really don't want to throw them out but just don't know what to use them for?


Later squares! 

Becca x

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Yes a whopper here is a hamburger. I think they keep making them bigger. Or double stackers. I love whoppers!


Is it really wrong that 'double stackers' makes me think of over-sized ladies chests?!!! 


*crawls off in shame to the corner...* !!  :lol 

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and you in turn made me giggle when I read you post, both of them, the whopper is a BIG hamburger, see link here for a pic, so sorry, sometimes I forget we have international members too... and yes, we say that too when we do a silly thing, we have made a whopper of a mistake, or judgemet, or something. As for asking the pregnant lady, that is so funny, i hope she took it well!! Some are so sensitive!

Hey squares! 


Katy - I laughed so much when I read about your 'whopper'! I am assuming this is a burger of some kind?! At first I thought 'had a whopper a bit ago' meant you'd said or done something really silly/funny! Like when (many years ago when I was young and naive I would like to say) I said to a young and round tummied lady 'when's it due?' And she replied 'I had it 6 months ago' - Now that was a whopper!! 

I love how funny the most innocent of things can become when read across the pond!!


Hi cshort  :waving  Wow sounds as though you are being kept very busy! Would love to see the outfits for the grandkids when they're finished, I love little one's crochet clothes! 


Owlvamp - hope the docs goes well tomorrow and best of luck for the surgery, I've sent you a PM, I'd love to make some squares for you to brighten up your recovery period :)


An ok day for me here today, trying to stay positive and setting myself little achievable targets each day. Have also started on some Christmas present and am currently working on a scarf for my S-I-L. Been having a look through Ravelry as I want an easy hat pattern for the mens' christmas pressies. If anyone has any recommendations that would be great!


Also, what do you you guys do with the little bits of scrap leftover from making squares and other things? I have a pile of them ranging from approx 5" to 12" and I really don't want to throw them out but just don't know what to use them for?


Later squares! 

Becca x

about the scraps, some save them up to stuff something with, I don't know whom I read that does that, someone here I think, for stuffing amigurumi or such.  hat patterns, ravelvry has some good ones.....


Yes a whopper here is a hamburger. I think they keep making them bigger. Or double stackers. I love whoppers!


Double stackers, not tried, but now i read that they have a Double Whopper, sheesh, can't get my mouth open wide enough for the reg. whoppers!

Is it really wrong that 'double stackers' makes me think of over-sized ladies chests?!!! 


*crawls off in shame to the corner...* !!  :lol 

humm, that is so totally wrong, but I see you have punished yourself enough now, you may crawl back out of the corner now if y ou like, poor thing, you have suffered enough!

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ohhhh yeah, almost forgot. I emailed our potential Aug Queen......I have a reply, she said no way does she want squares rained upon her in August!!! Hey..........just kidding, just kidding, had you though, huh!!!!

She would love to accpet, and will be making an appt soon for her crown fitting!!!!! Till that time, Aug. 1, rain or shine, next thursday, , on that day, she will be announced with her preferences!! I will open the pledging at that time!!!!!!!!!


Meanwhile back at the royal yarn palace, how's it going Smith! Hope you are keeping track of your puffys, and how many, cause at the end of your reign I will ask you for the total dearie!!! Be advised, some come in later, so we will just have that tentative total, and will alter it if necessary....


Becca, Smith was and is our July Queen, and those of us that can have rained squares on her this month, the quickest way to finish those ghans!!!! At the end of this month, she will pass her crown, and septor I might add, to the incoming Aug. Queen, that I referred to above, her identity not to be known, till the first of Aug........ all potential queens are chosen by a random number generator, so check in often, maybe you will be queen one of these months!! you may still send to whomever you chose during the month, as any other time, or you may chose to send a puffy full for just the queen, it's up  to you..Her preferences will be on the first post of this thread, and also announced when I tell you all whom the next queen is.....


Its nice to have Queens.....We on Yarn Hill, love our Queens!!!!!!! coincidently, i am quite fond of Queen, the british group, always have been, always will be..cause the are the champions, my friends, RIP Freddy...

but i digress.............lol

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I was waiting for Kuddles comments on whoppers, and queens, and such, lol   and she only hee hee's, she must be busy at work!! lol tsk tsk tsk......work is not more important than this!! i should say! Im properly aghast!

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I found some ice cream while I was away in my corner!! So obviously I partook of a HUGE bowl of it before I came back!! Incidentally I don't know why I bother buy neapolitan ice cream, because I inevitably just stir it all together to make a sloppy light pink/brown mush! Tastes delicious though! 


Oooooh a new Queen, how very exciting!! I shall start practicing my curtsies! I don't think I'd get any 'puffys' (love this name!) over to the US in time for this month, so I shall restrain myself and hang on for the next Queen. Will give me a chance to get some more of those Christmas pressies done in the meantime, as well as a couple of other swapsies on my list :) 


OH has just brought me a cup of tea upstairs and informed me he will be requiring the use of his side of the bed very soon. He has to give me warning so that I can clear away all the yarn, books, scissors, hooks etc that I seem to spread all over the bed every evening. It is very annoying though as its only 11pm and I am not ready to put down my hook for the night. Hmmmm to move it all downstairs and carry on for a while or not... decisions decisions... I did suggest he just slept in the spare room, oddly he was not impressed with my suggestion - just trying to be helpful love! haha

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