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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Hi everyone.  I'm hanging in there.  It's very hot and humid, still no water.  I feel icky, and probably smell that way too,ewww, stay away! lol.Have a great night!

grannieyannie.... :hug  hope things clear up fast!! Do you have a neighbor that would help? 


Busy few days, I ended up with a 13 hour shift yesterday and came home to a BBQ and house full of people. It's was a very good day, tired but very good! It's crochet time tonight!!

Thanks, one of our neighbors is letting us use the outdoor spigot to fill buckets so we have water to flush the toilet.  Hubby took our huge beverage cooler to work and filled it with drinking water.  We're getting by.  I sure am glad I didn't have a party going on here. We'd be in big trouble, lol.  Glad you had a good day!


no water, what is this, first bgs, now grannyannie...with water probs! Hope it gets fixed soon, good luck, someone will call ann, don't worry..   

I know!  Hope no one else gets hit with this problem!  We're still waiting for someone to call us back, but nothing yet.  I think all the plumbers have left the state for a long weekend!


woo-hooo!!! I finished 2, count them 2 WIPs this week and need to get the 3rd one done in a week!!!  :yay  This is my weekend off and dh is out golfing....so it's time to run up to Joann's, get home just in time to hide my finds before dh returns. I"ve got to organize my stashes so it looks more respectable tomorrow and get some puffy's ready to send out next Thursday.

WTG! Hope you get those new goodies/finds stashed in time.  That's one of the drawbacks of being disabled, hubby is with me all the time.  Can't hide anything any more, lol.


just a quick pop in to say HI

Hello to you too!


Just popping in to say hello!  I'm going to go ahead and pledge 2 squares to our Square Queen.  I'm getting back into the groove of things - and it will help me to pass the time until I can go pick up DH, DD, and younger DS in Arkansas on the 20th.  Let me tell ya - that day couldn't get here fast enough.  I'm looking forward to the 20th more than I look forward to Christmas!  :)

Here's to the time flying by for you! :hug


Good evening everyone.

Hi there!

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Hello all.. Been a busy couple of days for me too, doing a partial kitchen remodel job, and Im the runner, lol get this, get that, go out and find this or that, etc... I don't mind, he's doing all the major work, lol


Appliances were already replaced, months ago, now we are putting in a new deeper stainless steel double  sink set,( i had stainless before,but they were only about 5 inches deep!!)  new flooring, and painting the kitchen a very very light slate- ish, blue, which we completed today and it looks good so far, today the sink, tomorrow the flooring,,,,next week, the back splash! Onward!!


I chose a nice woodgrain vynal, and let me tell ya, the cushioned free floating is not cheap but is impact resistant, and very cushy and will match the color of my cupboards, or close enough.....So, exhausted here today, not much else done, worked on the baby afg, in between go-for jobs, lol  Have a nice evening, and will talk to you tomorrow!! mY WATER is off at the moment too, lol!!! but temporary thank goodness!

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Good Morning!


grannyannie, I hope you have water soon.

katyallen, sounds like you're working hard but your kitchen is going to be so pretty, maybe to pretty to cook in :lol

I'm heading out to church soon and then the grandkids will be here for the afternoon.

Have a great day everyone!

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:cry  my weekend is almost over with, I won't have another two days off in a row for two more weeks! .....working with some turquoise yarn today between washing the dogs, going to the store and tucking ends in various items that need to go out this week. GREAT NEWS....I am down a total of 10 pounds!!! I'm 30 from my goal! I bought some videos from amazon yesterday and we are  to get a treadmill this week!! I was hoping this weekend but things didn't work out. 


grannieannie....I hope running water is in the near future! sounds like you've got some great neighbors there! 

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:cry  my weekend is almost over with, I won't have another two days off in a row for two more weeks! .....working with some turquoise yarn today between washing the dogs, going to the store and tucking ends in various items that need to go out this week. GREAT NEWS....I am down a total of 10 pounds!!! I'm 30 from my goal! I bought some videos from amazon yesterday and we are  to get a treadmill this week!! I was hoping this weekend but things didn't work out. 


grannieannie....I hope running water is in the near future! sounds like you've got some great neighbors there! 


Wootie Woot Wootington on your weight loss! You go girl!



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Im on a high, just bought 10 full 8 oz skiens of Hershners 4 ply acry. yarn from a gal here on the ville, in destashing, GO there, lol good deal, fair price, nice yarn, I hope as I have never worked with it before, so time to try it. Check out her post in destashing,

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Congratulations on your weight loss, smith!  


Honex and mandymae, I hope you're both faring well.  Praying for you :hug


Grannyannie and bgs, I hope your water issues are resolved very soon.  I'll add Katie in even though her water issues were artificially created ;)  It's all for decor's sake!  lol


It's another gorgeous day in the L.A. area albeit humid.  I'm stuck at home all day.  I have work to do, laundry to wash, making a car seat canopy for the fair (one of eight entries), and another something I'm crocheting as well.  Phew!  Well, I suppose I'd better get back to all of that.


Have a relaxing Sunday, everyone :)

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Hello all..


Just to let you know I am hanging in there.  Waaaaay tired.  Not too much pain, but when I take the pain meds I am out.  Would really like to use this free time knitting/crocheting, but just can't seem get up the interest.  

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Good job smith. Keep going you can do it !


Almost finished my mat for the dogs. They will love laying on it. I think I made it to long oh well not tearing it out. Just will make it a little wider ..LOL

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Honex99 glad you are doing better. I hope you feel better soon.i was way tired after surgery and would crochet 10 stitches and fall a sleep. Didn't get much done for a few weeks.

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Honex99, hang in there! You'll get there!


All of us must have busy over the weekend, not as much chit chat!


Well it is back to reality and work for me and the first full day that Lucky will be alone all day. So glad I have a pen and not just the crate so he isn't as 'stuck'. Chance of storms today so I'll be thinking about him!


Have a great day all!


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Ugh, I am trying to catch up with everything, but to no avail!! LOL.  I am currently out of my place, they are spraying my new one.  I have been getting eaten up and thought it was mosquito's (cause yall know that Louisiana's state "bird" is the mosquitos!! lol).  But, it turns out there are fleas in the home from the people's dog.  They sprayed it before I moved in, but they didn't die!  I got home from walking (I walked 7 miles today, and my body feels it!) and was sitting on my couch and one jumped on my knee.  I though, oh no, that's it!  So, here I am at the church working as well as doing church work!


I still have my squares, I haven't unpacked, so Katie I will be sending them hopefully this weekend to you for last month.  I will definitely make sure they are washed!!!!  Got some more squares that I will be washing and blocking, not sure who they will be going to.  I didn't end up getting storage.  I ended up giving my living room and kitchen set away to another of the ladies here at the church.  She had given hers to her daughter when she moved out and was just going to wait until she saved some money to buy more.  What is so awesome is when we went to her home to unload, the people across the street asked if she wanted the frame and headboard for a king size bed, they were just throwing it out.  The frame was wooden and heavy, so they brought it over to her.  All she has to do is get the mattress for them!  God is good!!!


Hope everyone is doing well!

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Not been on much. Hubby has a new job he is gone sunday eve till thursday morning. so been spending as much time with him when he is home as possible. . I got a suprise in the mail today


Thank you Cshort. Love them. My daughter grabbed the neon one out of my hand before i got it completely out of the puffy.  She loves that one. 

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Hi Everyone!  I have water again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The plumber that actually returned our call and said he would be here at 8am was here at 8am!  We had water by 11am and my Health Aide called to see how things were going and she could fit me in, so I even got a shower!  I'm in heaven, lol. Oh yeah, one other thing...hubby went to the PO for me this morning.  Five puffies are on their way across the country! I have a couple more that need to go out, but they will have to wait until next weeks paycheck, lol.

Hello all.. Been a busy couple of days for me too, doing a partial kitchen remodel job, and Im the runner, lol get this, get that, go out and find this or that, etc... I don't mind, he's doing all the major work, lol


Appliances were already replaced, months ago, now we are putting in a new deeper stainless steel double  sink set,( i had stainless before,but they were only about 5 inches deep!!)  new flooring, and painting the kitchen a very very light slate- ish, blue, which we completed today and it looks good so far, today the sink, tomorrow the flooring,,,,next week, the back splash! Onward!!


I chose a nice woodgrain vynal, and let me tell ya, the cushioned free floating is not cheap but is impact resistant, and very cushy and will match the color of my cupboards, or close enough.....So, exhausted here today, not much else done, worked on the baby afg, in between go-for jobs, lol  Have a nice evening, and will talk to you tomorrow!! mY WATER is off at the moment too, lol!!! but temporary thank goodness!

Oh, your kitchen is going to be so pretty!  Be glad your water troubles are only temp,lol.


:cry  my weekend is almost over with, I won't have another two days off in a row for two more weeks! .....working with some turquoise yarn today between washing the dogs, going to the store and tucking ends in various items that need to go out this week. GREAT NEWS....I am down a total of 10 pounds!!! I'm 30 from my goal! I bought some videos from amazon yesterday and we are  to get a treadmill this week!! I was hoping this weekend but things didn't work out. 


grannieannie....I hope running water is in the near future! sounds like you've got some great neighbors there! 

Congrats on the weight loss!!! You're doing great!  Yes, I do have good neighbors. We don't get together much, but we all look out for one another.


Im on a high, just bought 10 full 8 oz skiens of Hershners 4 ply acry. yarn from a gal here on the ville, in destashing, GO there, lol good deal, fair price, nice yarn, I hope as I have never worked with it before, so time to try it. Check out her post in destashing,

Woo Hoo!  Sounds like a good deal.


Congratulations on your weight loss, smith!  


Honex and mandymae, I hope you're both faring well.  Praying for you :hug


Grannyannie and bgs, I hope your water issues are resolved very soon.  I'll add Katie in even though her water issues were artificially created ;)  It's all for decor's sake!  lol


It's another gorgeous day in the L.A. area albeit humid.  I'm stuck at home all day.  I have work to do, laundry to wash, making a car seat canopy for the fair (one of eight entries), and another something I'm crocheting as well.  Phew!  Well, I suppose I'd better get back to all of that.


Have a relaxing Sunday, everyone :)

Glad you're having nice weather!  We've coled down a bit, but it's still humid, bleck.


Hello all..


Just to let you know I am hanging in there.  Waaaaay tired.  Not too much pain, but when I take the pain meds I am out.  Would really like to use this free time knitting/crocheting, but just can't seem get up the interest.  

Good to hear from you.  Listen to your body and don't overdo.


Good job smith. Keep going you can do it !

Almost finished my mat for the dogs. They will love laying on it. I think I made it to long oh well not tearing it out. Just will make it a little wider ..LOL

Awww, you're doggies are going to be so happy.  I keep meaning to make another blankie for Juno.


Ugh, I am trying to catch up with everything, but to no avail!! LOL.  I am currently out of my place, they are spraying my new one.  I have been getting eaten up and thought it was mosquito's (cause yall know that Louisiana's state "bird" is the mosquitos!! lol).  But, it turns out there are fleas in the home from the people's dog.  They sprayed it before I moved in, but they didn't die!  I got home from walking (I walked 7 miles today, and my body feels it!) and was sitting on my couch and one jumped on my knee.  I though, oh no, that's it!  So, here I am at the church working as well as doing church work!


I still have my squares, I haven't unpacked, so Katie I will be sending them hopefully this weekend to you for last month.  I will definitely make sure they are washed!!!!  Got some more squares that I will be washing and blocking, not sure who they will be going to.  I didn't end up getting storage.  I ended up giving my living room and kitchen set away to another of the ladies here at the church.  She had given hers to her daughter when she moved out and was just going to wait until she saved some money to buy more.  What is so awesome is when we went to her home to unload, the people across the street asked if she wanted the frame and headboard for a king size bed, they were just throwing it out.  The frame was wooden and heavy, so they brought it over to her.  All she has to do is get the mattress for them!  God is good!!!


Hope everyone is doing well!

It's amazing how things always work out, isn't it.  I sure hope you get rid of those nasty fleas though. Eeee, I want to scratch just thinking of them, lol.


Not been on much. Hubby has a new job he is gone sunday eve till thursday morning. so been spending as much time with him when he is home as possible. . I got a suprise in the mail today


Thank you Cshort. Love them. My daughter grabbed the neon one out of my hand before i got it completely out of the puffy.  She loves that one. 

Very pretty!

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Not been on much. Hubby has a new job he is gone sunday eve till thursday morning. so been spending as much time with him when he is home as possible. . I got a suprise in the mail today


Thank you Cshort. Love them. My daughter grabbed the neon one out of my hand before i got it completely out of the puffy.  She loves that one. 

oh i love them!! Cshort does really pretty work!


Hello all..


Just to let you know I am hanging in there.  Waaaaay tired.  Not too much pain, but when I take the pain meds I am out.  Would really like to use this free time knitting/crocheting, but just can't seem get up the interest.  

Good to hear it, and try not to despair, recovery seems slow, but it is for the best.


Good job smith. Keep going you can do it !


Almost finished my mat for the dogs. They will love laying on it. I think I made it to long oh well not tearing it out. Just will make it a little wider ..LOL

oh how cute, I bet they will love it!!


Honex99, hang in there! You'll get there!


All of us must have busy over the weekend, not as much chit chat!


Well it is back to reality and work for me and the first full day that Lucky will be alone all day. So glad I have a pen and not just the crate so he isn't as 'stuck'. Chance of storms today so I'll be thinking about him!


Have a great day all!


oh busy, lol laid the flooring in the kitchen yesterday, let it "float" overnight, got it trimmed and in this aft......Got my living room back, fridge was sitting on cardboard in the living room, as was the chest freezer, kitchen table, and stove for a while yesterday and today! Glad to have use of both rooms, furniture is all back in place, flooring is looking good, and the paint dried on the walls, so can tomorrow put things back where they go....Everything is so dusty though, so doing that in smaller batches, lol


Finsihed the baby ghan, and yes, 3 and a haif inch squares kuddles, I was certainly crazy, lol I finally got tired of those and just joined what I had, and trimmed in serveral rows then of pink and white......whew, Ill snap it when I can locate that camera, lol


Floor moulding will go down next week, we did behind the appliances, but pooped out today, so in the next few days, we will finish up putting that down as well.


I had at least 20 pounds of fridge mags on the fride, so took those all down before we moved it, and will sort through, and be very choosy as to what goes back on, I sort of like the "bare and natural " look of it now, with nothing on it, lol


I found something Max and Precious the resident cats hate more than the "vacuum Machine".. Air compressor....(To expediate


putting the trim along the floor)  they both scattered every which way and we didn't see um again, till that little job was complete!

 I will snap a pic of that later too!!!!!!!!! gonna eat something pretty soon!! and relax a bit!

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Ugh, I am trying to catch up with everything, but to no avail!! LOL.  I am currently out of my place, they are spraying my new one.  I have been getting eaten up and thought it was mosquito's (cause yall know that Louisiana's state "bird" is the mosquitos!! lol).  But, it turns out there are fleas in the home from the people's dog.  They sprayed it before I moved in, but they didn't die!  I got home from walking (I walked 7 miles today, and my body feels it!) and was sitting on my couch and one jumped on my knee.  I though, oh no, that's it!  So, here I am at the church working as well as doing church work!


I still have my squares, I haven't unpacked, so Katie I will be sending them hopefully this weekend to you for last month.  I will definitely make sure they are washed!!!!  Got some more squares that I will be washing and blocking, not sure who they will be going to.  I didn't end up getting storage.  I ended up giving my living room and kitchen set away to another of the ladies here at the church.  She had given hers to her daughter when she moved out and was just going to wait until she saved some money to buy more.  What is so awesome is when we went to her home to unload, the people across the street asked if she wanted the frame and headboard for a king size bed, they were just throwing it out.  The frame was wooden and heavy, so they brought it over to her.  All she has to do is get the mattress for them!  God is good!!!


Hope everyone is doing well!

You poor thing!!! Hugs!


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So far we have been back up and running okay (plumbing/sewer) since last Mon.  Roughing it sure makes you appreciate it when things get back to normal.  We are hoping the pipe hasn't collapsed/snapped off/or plugged up going from the septic tank to the laterals so we are being somewhat conservative until we dig that up for inspection. 


Kuddles, I wanted to say days ago that the picture with Lucky is so cute on his shelf but I have been having all kinds of trouble with this site, especially since it went down and came back up.  It's probably because my computer is old and with dial-up it just can't keep up with all the things they added. 


Honex99- Just take it easy and focus on healing.


Smith- congrats on the weight loss, I know what a struggle it is.  Anymore I just can't get motivated to even try and I so need to lose weight.


Katie, sounds like the kitchen remodel went well and it will be so nice to have everything back in place all sparkling clean.



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:woo  These wonderful squares came from Katie!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


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and I received this wonderful package from cshort!! I love the patriotic square! Thank you so much~  :hug



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Not been on much. Hubby has a new job he is gone sunday eve till thursday morning. so been spending as much time with him when he is home as possible. . I got a suprise in the mail today


Thank you Cshort. Love them. My daughter grabbed the neon one out of my hand before i got it completely out of the puffy.  She loves that one. 

Great squares!  I love all the different color combinations.


:woo  These wonderful squares came from Katie!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Wow!  More great squares!  Those colors are awesome.  What colors did you use for the smaller squares, Katie?  What pattern is that?


and I received this wonderful package from cshort!! I love the patriotic square! Thank you so much~  :hug

And more fab squares!  I think I recognize the two on the right.  What patterns did you use for the two on the left, cshort?  Again, great color combinations :)

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Good to hear from you.  Listen to your body and don't overdo.

I am going to attempt to go back to work at Michael's tomorrow.  I may only be there 5 minutes or maybe an hour.  For sure I am tired of sitting at home

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