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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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What kind of puppy do you have? Have you tried putting a stuff animal in the crate with him/her? Glad you got some sleep for a night though.

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Oh my !! Lucky the Puppy is doing better!!! A little more acclimated to his new home, sounds like! I am so happy for you!!!!!!!


MIchaels, ah yes, I have a 40 percent off coupon in my purse, lol I get them on the back of my sale slips sometimes!!


As for Night Owlvamp, lol, I used to like staying up a while but there is just nothing on tv to hold my interest anymore it seems, so I cave about midnight, and go to bed, lol


Well, i found a pattern  for an OWLY hat kuddles,  i think on ravelry, lemme know if you are interested,,,,,what a cutie pie set that would be huh!!!!!!!!! You did beautiful work!!


Lots of curved cable stitches in those mits, seems pretty advanced for my talent, or lack there of, ha ha....


I envy those of you that can do such cute things!!


:( Today is bitter sweet.....As you know, the last day of my reign is today, and I intend to enjoy every minute of it!!! I shall not abdicate  early,nor pass that crown till tomorrow!!!!!! I have had such a wonderful month, and Im sad that its over, but happy at the same time, that I can now lay out said squares, count them, and play with placing them, lol


I had frogged the rainbow idea, and removed the borders on those (I only had six solids in those two rows and kept the multi colored rainbow squares for another day) and have joined those in my collection. They are so happy! In fact, some of the squares have formed relationships,(being in that large zip lock bag) and have become  friends, and sometimes I suspect a little more than friends, I sure hope no serious relationships develope before I can join them all together,cause I just don't have the room right now, for a lot a little yoyos running around!!!!!!!!! We;ll see!!!!!!! ha ha. Course Ill take thier friendships seriously, and try to put those near each other when I join the squares!! Can't have an unhappy afghan,now can we!!!!!


I have a few tips I use when i put ghans together, first one, is , don't rush, lol take your time, and go row by row. Check rows as you put them together, so as to try to catch any misplaced colors before sewing them together,ha ha, I still sometimes make mistakes, and end up frogging one or two seams to move it around, buttttt for the most part, it sure helps! Next tip, thread more than one needle with chosen put together yarn. This helps a lot, as you don't have to stop and thread the needle,in the middle of a row.


Sometimes I pin the rows at the corners, to make sure they line up when i sew them too, most of the time, i have little or no problem as yarn is so forgiving, and you can always ease it in, if the difference in size is not tooo drastic a thing.


Do you all have tips to pass on too, cause Im going to do mine well, soon! lol.. The ends are done pretty much on them all, as they came that way, lol, all i will have to worry about is my sewing together ends!! Im looking forward to laying them out,and showing you all pics!! :yes



I will do this one in black, and use the whip stitch I think, or the overcast whichever name you call it, I want it to look patchworky in the final stage! :yay


Well, my excitement level just surpassed my sadness level, so that's cool!!!!!!          catch you all later, many thanks to all of you first for nominating me, and secondly, for some gorgeous squares to work with!!!!! :ty See you tomorrow, when the new queen accepts her crown, we will expect a speech there Queenie!!! , so start writing it out today!!!!!!!!! :clap

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Well - life is moving right along.  I have been out of town for three weeks.  My 13 yr old DS and I got home Friday night and have been busy making our house look like it is actually lived in.


Sorry I haven't checked in here much in the last month.  We've been so beyond busy, it's not funny.  I hope I'll be able to check in more often.  I'm not sure if I'll be doing any squares for our queen this month, either.  I'm going to wait until I'm in a better mood to make that decision.


Would those of you that pray please pray for me.  I don't want to go into the details here, but I could use all the prayers and happy thoughts I can get.


I've missed hanging out with you all here at the 'Ville.  I hope you're enjoying you summer.  Until next time.....  Happy Yarnin'!

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Enjoy being the queen for the last day.


I don't watch TV at all actually. I sew or crochet. That's my life. I just actually turned off the cable to the TV because no one watches it much. They would rather read or do something else so I figured I could save some money .

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Would those of you that pray please pray for me.  I don't want to go into the details here, but I could use all the prayers and happy thoughts I can get.


I've missed hanging out with you all here at the 'Ville.  I hope you're enjoying you summer.  Until next time.....  Happy Yarnin'!

Consider it done

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wow, welcome back Crsheridan, missed ya!! think about July's queen, whom we won't know actually till tomorrow. he he he...


Really hoping things iron out for you soon, you have my thoughts and any influence I have with the Universal Powers That Be .......


I will enjoy the day, have so far, anyway, three weeks, long time to be away from home, im sure things need doing, but don't do too much!!

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I love your afghan!  I can actually see my squares too.  How cool is that?  Thanks for sharing the pictures :)


Edit:  I knew I was forgetting something.  I posted some days ago that my FFA package reached its destination and that Estee was my secret partner.  Estee has no photo posting capabilities; so I'm posting just a couple of pictures from my Ravelry projects to show what I sent her.  I never photographed the package I was sending her; so I'll leave that up to your imagination :lol


I sent her the Graceful Shell Shawl that we made in the CAL here on the 'ville.  I made her a Dahlia Square and then sent her I think three solid-colored traditional grannies, each in one of the colors that I used to make the Dahlia Square.  I packaged it in a cute box and added an adorable Post-It box with different size stickies, as well as some little notecards with envelopes.  I can't remember if I added yarn or anything else.  I have such a bad memory!  Maybe she can jump in and remind me :)

Such beautiful gifties!  I'm sure Estee was over the moon when she received them!




Haven't been online at Crochetville in a loooooong time....medical issues, financial issues, crochetville issues, school issues, etc.  I am so far behind on catching up on posts here.


I must thank you katyallen (was it you?) that sent me the BEAUTIFUL 6" squares to be adopted in their new home (mine).  Again, see the above reasons (none of them good ones) for not posting a thank you.


Don't know why you need my favorite colors, but here goes.  I really love different shades of purple.  I don't seem to wear much purple, however.  I seem more into blues.  Strange....

Hope things get better for you soon :ghug


Good morning all!


Katie, once again glad you liked my gifties and those owl gloves are so cute, I know! I've made several pair as gifts, my go to unique but quick gift! I crochet 'big' so I took a few rows off to make them fit ya!


Success was had last nite! Lucky only barked about one minute when I put him to bed (meaning I went to bed) and then nothing till 5:20 this morning! I'm already awake by then so that was fine! He had used his puppy pad and not his crate to potty (I have a small pen set up in my living room for now) so all is good!


AND I crocheted a bit last nite! Not a lot, but a few more rows on a bag I'm making, using Mosaic. I'll line it, maybe put in a zipper and a sturdy handle when done. Will I keep it? Will it go to one of you? Who knows! LOL


AND AND AND if you have a Michael's near you, go to their website and print out their coupon for 40% off your entire regular price purchase! Yes, entire! My Michael's has their new yarn so I'm going to splurge and pick up some of it to play with!


Well this chatty kathy better get moving with her day!


Hugs to all my Squares! Can't wait to find out who our July square is!




How wonderful to have a good night!  I'm so happy for the 3 of you! :lol   Now why did you have to go and mention the Michael's coupon?  I just spent a bundle at AC Moore, then picked up a few more skeins at Walmart the other day to hubby's bewilderment, lol.  I don't think I could get away with another yarn purchase for awhile. :no Well maybe if I'm really good... :devil

Totally!!! I'm not naive.....he might bark tonite but for one morning, I feel rested and happy to have him! Yippee! Kiddles has him on her lap right now and he is so happy,....he tired himself out this morning and is ready for his first nap!




Awww.....time for you all to take a nap, lol.

Yaaaaaaaay, kuddles! That's great news! It won't be every night yet, sure, but now that you've had one they'll start coming faster and faster!


I think it probably wasn't a good thing for me to have heard about that coupon... Michael's has quite a few lovely metallic yarns right now and I've been wanting to stockpile against the day they get discontinued! Ok, so I know they just came out, but given how long it took anyone to *make* a solid, worsted weight (roughly) metallic yarn, I ain't holdin' my breath that they'll keep it in production long!


Wow, this was a breathless post, huh?

She's a enabler, isn't she!


Well - life is moving right along.  I have been out of town for three weeks.  My 13 yr old DS and I got home Friday night and have been busy making our house look like it is actually lived in.


Sorry I haven't checked in here much in the last month.  We've been so beyond busy, it's not funny.  I hope I'll be able to check in more often.  I'm not sure if I'll be doing any squares for our queen this month, either.  I'm going to wait until I'm in a better mood to make that decision.


Would those of you that pray please pray for me.  I don't want to go into the details here, but I could use all the prayers and happy thoughts I can get.


I've missed hanging out with you all here at the 'Ville.  I hope you're enjoying you summer.  Until next time.....  Happy Yarnin'!

You got 'em :hug

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You are in my prayers Crsheridan. Plus tons of happy thoughts. Hope all is well soon whatever is going on.

Just know we are here for you. Then :) :)

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Well, I don't know if it's a good thing or not that I forgot about going up to Michael's today. Things just got so busy, and our little guy's been so stressed out lately (probably overtired, but we're having *no* luck getting him to take a long enough nap on the weekends) that it went completely out of my head. I did want that metallic yarn, too! :D Well, probably for the best. We've realised we're not really where we need to be financially for house hunting, at least for the sort of place we want. So we need to spend a little more time boosting our savings account up!


(...Maybe next time.  :devil )


Well - life is moving right along.  I have been out of town for three weeks.  My 13 yr old DS and I got home Friday night and have been busy making our house look like it is actually lived in.


Sorry I haven't checked in here much in the last month.  We've been so beyond busy, it's not funny.  I hope I'll be able to check in more often.  I'm not sure if I'll be doing any squares for our queen this month, either.  I'm going to wait until I'm in a better mood to make that decision.


Would those of you that pray please pray for me.  I don't want to go into the details here, but I could use all the prayers and happy thoughts I can get.


I've missed hanging out with you all here at the 'Ville.  I hope you're enjoying you summer.  Until next time.....  Happy Yarnin'!

Hey there! I saw you post on the stashbuster thread and I wondered if you were going to drop in here too. I've just been feeling a little online-averse lately myself, so I haven't been on as much either (which is why I didn't comment there), but I'd just been thinking it had been a while since we'd seen you!


Sending love  :manyheart  and hugs  :hug  your way. And if you need to take square time off, take some square time off. Even though it's just for fun, sometimes even a little extra pressure put on ourselves can make it hard to take care of everything. And we'll be here whenever you want us!

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I totally agree with vikingrunnergirl, this is supposed to be fun,and when it ceases being fun, it's a job, a chore, and a pressure we don't need to add to our plates, so take your time, come join in when you have the spirit back, we'll be here!! :hug

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Yaaaaaaaay, kuddles! That's great news! It won't be every night yet, sure, but now that you've had one they'll start coming faster and faster!


I think it probably wasn't a good thing for me to have heard about that coupon... Michael's has quite a few lovely metallic yarns right now and I've been wanting to stockpile against the day they get discontinued! Ok, so I know they just came out, but given how long it took anyone to *make* a solid, worsted weight (roughly) metallic yarn, I ain't holdin' my breath that they'll keep it in production long!


Wow, this was a breathless post, huh?

I went to michaels and only bought 2 skeins!!!


What kind of puppy do you have? Have you tried putting a stuff animal in the crate with him/her? Glad you got some sleep for a night though.

bichon mix...yes he has two of those, plus other things to chew on.....



Oh my !! Lucky the Puppy is doing better!!! A little more acclimated to his new home, sounds like! I am so happy for you!!!!!!!


MIchaels, ah yes, I have a 40 percent off coupon in my purse, lol I get them on the back of my sale slips sometimes!!


Well, i found a pattern  for an OWLY hat kuddles,  i think on ravelry, lemme know if you are interested,,,,,what a cutie pie set that would be huh!!!!!!!!! You did beautiful work!!

Yup Katie he is getting there! I think he feels we are his 'pack' now!


Michaels, 2 skeins only, ugh. But I didn't need any so I was a good girl!


I think the owl hat pattern is the same lady that did the mitt pattern! I actually own that hat pattern!


Would those of you that pray please pray for me.  I don't want to go into the details here, but I could use all the prayers and happy thoughts I can get.


I've missed hanging out with you all here at the 'Ville.  I hope you're enjoying you summer.  Until next time.....  Happy Yarnin'!

Of course you can have prayers! There, just said one! Hugs!!!!


How wonderful to have a good night!  I'm so happy for the 3 of you! :lol   Now why did you have to go and mention the Michael's coupon?  I just spent a bundle at AC Moore, then picked up a few more skeins at Walmart the other day to hubby's bewilderment, lol.  I don't think I could get away with another yarn purchase for awhile. :no Well maybe if I'm really good... :devil

Yes, I like others to spend money on yarn, if I am going to!!!



Three walks today! One was almost 3 miles cause I dropped Kiddles off at her friends house and that how I spent my free time! That and Michaels. I really like this mom too, really a nice lady and today finally got a chance to talk to her husband. Good people! Oh and the gal is a cop, never hurts to have one of those on your side!!!


Have a good nite all! Back to work tomorrow!



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Im getting antsy to announce the new queen, and you know,do my crown thing.......sigh, bittersweet, I tell ya, this month has been anazing for me, thanks to you all, and Im thrilled to have been Queen for the MOnth, lol   Ive never been on this side of the crowning, i mean coming off my head and given to someone, it's hard, gotta tell ya......But, as the world keeps spinning onward, so must we, right, progression is the name of the game!!


Tomorrow, will be the day our new queen gets her crown,and septor,  and another one of our members get that feeling all month like I had!! I do so hope she is as fortunate as I was, it rained squares for me in rainbow colors!!!  Can't thank ya all, enough, now there, that's all Im gonna say about passing the crown on to, whatshername, lol       till tomorrow then,,,,,,,,take care all, and this is a ghan I won't give away!

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:ghug  sorry about the funk....


I LOVE the squares!! I see mine!! The fall festival turned out great! I love the fun colors in it!


I am stopping by the hobby lobby after work but the sad thing is they don't carry the Pound of Love I need for a project so I guess I"m going to have to head up to Joanns. A coupon must never go to wast.  :no  


I have lost almost 10 pounds last month, I AM going to get in the 170's this week!!  :irk I need to lose a total of 40 and hopefully get my meds decreased....roughly 30 to go!!

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Way to go smith I hope you continue on the losing paths it's hard but you can do it.


I can't wait to see who is the lucky person tomorrow. We all would love to be queen for a month.

Glad you had a wonderful month of June.

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What have you all been working on? Here just getting some hats finished. Trying to get a head for the foster children in December.

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well honex, we missed ya, glad you checked in with us..Hope everything is clearing up for you now, and you're feeling better too! You are certainly welcome, for the squares, hope you can use them....


Well, I am still waiting for CAT scan results done over a week ago.  If there was nothing on the scans wouldn't they know it by now?  Freakin' out a little............

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Did you all know that I work at Michael's?  I think I get some sort of discount....LOL   Does anyone want me to adopt them so they can get stuff cheaper?

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Maria, forgot I meant to say I am so trying that dahlia square. I get the funnest square patterns from you! :D

You're going to love it!  I've done a couple.  If you need any help -- or if anyone needs it, for that matter -- I'm happy to help.  Have you tried the outside-in square?  I just made one.  Once you get the hang of it, it's fun, and it reminds me of those Bomb Pops.  Remember those?  I loved it :)


:( Today is bitter sweet.....As you know, the last day of my reign is today, and I intend to enjoy every minute of it!!! I shall not abdicate  early,nor pass that crown till tomorrow!!!!!! I have had such a wonderful month, and Im sad that its over, but happy at the same time, that I can now lay out said squares, count them, and play with placing them, lol


I had frogged the rainbow idea, and removed the borders on those (I only had six solids in those two rows and kept the multi colored rainbow squares for another day) and have joined those in my collection. They are so happy! In fact, some of the squares have formed relationships,(being in that large zip lock bag) and have become  friends, and sometimes I suspect a little more than friends, I sure hope no serious relationships develope before I can join them all together,cause I just don't have the room right now, for a lot a little yoyos running around!!!!!!!!! We;ll see!!!!!!! ha ha. Course Ill take thier friendships seriously, and try to put those near each other when I join the squares!! Can't have an unhappy afghan,now can we!!!!!



I have a few tips I use when i put ghans together, first one, is , don't rush, lol take your time, and go row by row. Check rows as you put them together, so as to try to catch any misplaced colors before sewing them together,ha ha, I still sometimes make mistakes, and end up frogging one or two seams to move it around, buttttt for the most part, it sure helps! Next tip, thread more than one needle with chosen put together yarn. This helps a lot, as you don't have to stop and thread the needle,in the middle of a row.


Sometimes I pin the rows at the corners, to make sure they line up when i sew them too, most of the time, i have little or no problem as yarn is so forgiving, and you can always ease it in, if the difference in size is not tooo drastic a thing.


Do you all have tips to pass on too, cause Im going to do mine well, soon! lol.. The ends are done pretty much on them all, as they came that way, lol, all i will have to worry about is my sewing together ends!! Im looking forward to laying them out,and showing you all pics!! 



I will do this one in black, and use the whip stitch I think, or the overcast whichever name you call it, I want it to look patchworky in the final stage! 


Well, my excitement level just surpassed my sadness level, so that's cool!!!!!!          catch you all later, many thanks to all of you first for nominating me, and secondly, for some gorgeous squares to work with!!!!! :ty See you tomorrow, when the new queen accepts her crown, we will expect a speech there Queenie!!! , so start writing it out today!!!!!!!!! 

It's been a great month having you as Queen, Katie.  I hope you have received almost enough to finish your afghan (though not all because mine are on their way).  I wonder who the new queen is going to be.  How fun!  Thanks for the great tips.  Putting granny squares together is the hardest part for me.


Well - life is moving right along.  I have been out of town for three weeks.  My 13 yr old DS and I got home Friday night and have been busy making our house look like it is actually lived in.


Sorry I haven't checked in here much in the last month.  We've been so beyond busy, it's not funny.  I hope I'll be able to check in more often.  I'm not sure if I'll be doing any squares for our queen this month, either.  I'm going to wait until I'm in a better mood to make that decision.


Would those of you that pray please pray for me.  I don't want to go into the details here, but I could use all the prayers and happy thoughts I can get.


I've missed hanging out with you all here at the 'Ville.  I hope you're enjoying you summer.  Until next time.....  Happy Yarnin'!

I'm sending lots of prayers your way.  I hope that being home brings you some measure of comfort.  Lots of :hug


Three walks today! One was almost 3 miles cause I dropped Kiddles off at her friends house and that how I spent my free time! That and Michaels. I really like this mom too, really a nice lady and today finally got a chance to talk to her husband. Good people! Oh and the gal is a cop, never hurts to have one of those on your side!!!


Have a good nite all! Back to work tomorrow!



Wow, what stamina!  It sounds like it's all good with your daughter's friends and families.  That's a huge relief :)


 have lost almost 10 pounds last month, I AM going to get in the 170's this week!!  :irk I need to lose a total of 40 and hopefully get my meds decreased....roughly 30 to go!!



What have you all been working on? Here just getting some hats finished. Trying to get a head for the foster children in December.

I'm making a couple of items for swaps, testing a pattern for ShiFio, and putting together someone's afghan.  Busy, busy, busy!


Well, I am still waiting for CAT scan results done over a week ago.  If there was nothing on the scans wouldn't they know it by now?  Freakin' out a little............

Try to relax so that your BP doesn't shoot through the roof.  I know it's easier said than done because the waiting is frustrating, but it won't do to get sick from the worry.  Prayers going out to you :hug


Did you all know that I work at Michael's?  I think I get some sort of discount....LOL   Does anyone want me to adopt them so they can get stuff cheaper?

Me!  Me!  Me!  LOL

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Did you all know that I work at Michael's?  I think I get some sort of discount....LOL   Does anyone want me to adopt them so they can get stuff cheaper?

Yes you can adopt me. Let me know when ready for address.:)

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Did you all know that I work at Michael's?  I think I get some sort of discount....LOL   Does anyone want me to adopt them so they can get stuff cheaper?

I am up for adoption. I am good with kids and elderly, I am potty trained and fixed Also play well with others.


Well, I am still waiting for CAT scan results done over a week ago.  If there was nothing on the scans wouldn't they know it by now?  Freakin' out a little............

I would call them.  I hate when test come out okay so they decide there is no rush to call and tell you.

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Well, I am still waiting for CAT scan results done over a week ago.  If there was nothing on the scans wouldn't they know it by now?  Freakin' out a little............

Yes, don't you just hate how they make you wait.  But the one thing I've learned is that usually if there is something wrong you will know about it immediately, like before you leave the test.  They'd have someone else come in looking and taking more tests.  Try not to worry :hug


Did you all know that I work at Michael's?  I think I get some sort of discount....LOL   Does anyone want me to adopt them so they can get stuff cheaper?

Oh, I'm up for adoption! :lol

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:ghug  sorry about the funk....


I LOVE the squares!! I see mine!! The fall festival turned out great! I love the fun colors in it!


I am stopping by the hobby lobby after work but the sad thing is they don't carry the Pound of Love I need for a project so I guess I"m going to have to head up to Joanns. A coupon must never go to wast.  :no  


I have lost almost 10 pounds last month, I AM going to get in the 170's this week!!  :irk I need to lose a total of 40 and hopefully get my meds decreased....roughly 30 to go!!

You go girl!

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Honex99 - hang in there and hugs to you! I agree with Ann, usually they tell you right away if something is really wrong! I know it is hard to wait but hoping you can without going too crazy (you don't want to be too crazy, you know like ME!).


Kristy - you totally crack me up! I'm fixed too and I'm housebroken too!


I finished my purse last nite, well the crochet part! I'll line it and when done, I'll show a pic. Not sure I will use it.....might end up being gifted to someone just don't know who!


Anxious to hear from the New Square Queen!



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I'm sending lots of prayers your way.  I hope that being home brings you some measure of comfort.  Lots of :hug



Of course you can have prayers! There, just said one! Hugs!!!!





Hey there! I saw you post on the stashbuster thread and I wondered if you were going to drop in here too. I've just been feeling a little online-averse lately myself, so I haven't been on as much either (which is why I didn't comment there), but I'd just been thinking it had been a while since we'd seen you!


Sending love  :manyheart  and hugs  :hug  your way. And if you need to take square time off, take some square time off. Even though it's just for fun, sometimes even a little extra pressure put on ourselves can make it hard to take care of everything. And we'll be here whenever you want us!



You are in my prayers Crsheridan. Plus tons of happy thoughts. Hope all is well soon whatever is going on.

Just know we are here for you. Then :) :)



You got 'em :hug



wow, welcome back Crsheridan, missed ya!! think about July's queen, whom we won't know actually till tomorrow. he he he...


Really hoping things iron out for you soon, you have my thoughts and any influence I have with the Universal Powers That Be .......


I will enjoy the day, have so far, anyway, three weeks, long time to be away from home, im sure things need doing, but don't do too much!!



Consider it done


Thank you all so much for your prayers, happy thoughts, and encouraging words.  I'm feeling better today even though I am missing my husband and two of my kids.  For three more weeks we will be separated by about 750 miles.  That's got me a little bit down.  Then I had an ordeal with a church member yesterday that got me even more down - but today is a new day.


I'm going to see if getting some much needed housework and laundry done will help to motivate me to do some crocheting.  It always helps me to feel better if I feel like I've done something productive.  I hope everyone is having a great day!

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