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Homespun STINKS!!!


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I just splurged and baught the leisure arts "in the bag" because I just have to have the everyday shoulder sack! There are some really great bags in there! So, I baught the recomended homespun, I have never baught this before cause it's a little out of my budget. But anyway ( sorry I'm rambling) I started with the first skien and all is well but when I took the 2nd skien out of the bag I noticed a very foul oder, I sniffed the yarn and It nearly nocked me on my butt!!! It smells like urin (sp?) It's like it has been stored in a bag with an old puppy pad! Has anyone else had this problem? I'm going to try to return it to walmart, I havent used any of it yet. Who knows, DH may have used that stuff that you use to keep puppies from urinateing on the carpet in a last ditch effort to make me stop collecting yarn:laughroll Well, if he did, It did'nt work!!:hook

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I'm sure it's not necessarily the yarn but more like something that happened to it either in shipping or at the store. Could have randomly happened to any skein just happened to be the one you grabbed. Hmmm, maybe I should start sniffing my yarn before I buy it? :scared

Like we don't look weird enough just groping our yarn, right? :lol But it may come to that. Ah well.

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I buy Homespun all the time to make afghans with and haven't had that problem before. very icky!


I have all sorts of *other* problems with Homespun (different colors within same dye lot, strange "bubbles", and having it be annoying to crochet with)

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umm I'm quite sure it isn't the store you bought it in. I would ask if you can exchange it for another skien...say it didn't "match right" or just say "smell it!!" if they get rude about it, ask for management!! (the customer MUST be satisfied!!) I haven't bought any homespun yet, but I plan on making my mother in law a prayer shawl out of it! It is on the expensive side...is there an alternative that isn't as expensive??


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Sounds to me like someone returned it after their pet peed on it. Granted, it might have happened in transport or something, but I'm pretty sure yarns are wrapped in platic till they get put on the shelves. Definately return it, and make sure they know it stinks so hopefully they won't return it to the shelf!

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How odd! I love love love Homespun and have never had that problem. Mine actually smell like the craft store, if that explains anything, lol! Craft stores have that distinctive eucalyptus/candle/whatever it is smell, that is pretty pleasant. Definitely exchange it!! Hope that you can find the same dye lot, let us know how it goes.:eek

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My guess would also be that someone's pet tinkled on it, and then it got returned to the store - I don't know about craft stores, but I know Walmart will take almost ANYTHING back! It may not have been that noticable out in the open on the shelf, but being closed up in a plastic bag for a while just made the smell much stronger and noticeable...Yuck! I would definitely return it! It is one thing to buy yarn at a thift store for next to nothing and have to wash it to get the smell out, but not with something you paid full price for!



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I haven't bought any homespun yet, but I plan on making my mother in law a prayer shawl out of it! It is on the expensive side...is there an alternative that isn't as expensive??



There is red heart light and lofty and I have wondered how it compares. The colors arent as great (the ones I see at wallmart anyway) and it is about a doller cheaper at walmart but it is only 2.67 here... http://store.knitting-warehouse.com/yarn-coats-red-heart-light---lofty.html If anyone knows let me know. They did let me return it and I made sure they knew what the problem was so that they did'nt put it back on the shelf. I even sniffed most of the rest fo the homespun that they had and none of it smelled. I did get some very wierd looks though!!!

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There is red heart light and lofty and I have wondered how it compares. The colors arent as great (the ones I see at wallmart anyway) and it is about a doller cheaper at walmart but it is only 2.67 here... http://store.knitting-warehouse.com/yarn-coats-red-heart-light---lofty.html If anyone knows let me know. They did let me return it and I made sure they knew what the problem was so that they did'nt put it back on the shelf. I even sniffed most of the rest fo the homespun that they had and none of it smelled. I did get some very wierd looks though!!!


I'm doing a three-color afghan right now with Light and Lofty, and couldn't find a third color that I liked, so I substituted with a Homespun color. The Light and Lofty crochets up a bit "nubblier",if that makes sense. The Homespun squares look "cleaner" to me. Hope that's somewhat helpful...


(And for the record, my Homespun has yet to be stinky--thank goodness!)

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Actually, I had this topic come up in another yarn group, someone got an order from a mail order company and it had a foul odor, they exchanged it no problem. Something could have ahppened in the warehouse before it was sent to the store, too. I got some real wool that had been moth eaten, store sent back to their supplier.



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I think I used Light and Lofty for my fiance's scarf. It was more of a pain to work with than Homespun since it came apart more. And I had a hard time finding where to put the hook. That was a few years ago, though, so perhaps it's changed since then.

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I like using the Homespun mill ends. Cheap-$5/lb. Some times you get the bubbles but I just pull to the back side. I do not like the light and Lofty. I have a poncho made from it and I do not like the way it feels against my skin-reminds me of fingernails going across a chalk board! Do not know why, since it feels good to the hands!

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