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2012 Stashbusting CAL


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No change from last week. Almost done with my quilt project - should be done tonight in fact. :eek Then, I can get back to crocheting again.


WTD = 0 YTD = -4

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Very successful Super Bowl! Congratulations New York Giants! :cheer:clap:cheer


Even better, I did have to run for more yarn at halftime! :woo I used up three skeins of yarn during the game :yarn:yarn:yarn and then watched "The Voice", using another skein! :yarn It's the first time I've seen it and I have to say that I loved it! :manyheart It's so nice to see a competition where real vocal quality is rewarded! Those are in addition to the skein I used up early yesterday morning, that brings my weekly total to +10! :jumpyay Yippie, the Giants brought me some good luck on my stash busting! Thank you, NY Giants!


Now, back to our regularly scheduled program! :crocheting

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Wow! Those are some impressive numbers. Lots of crocheting going on!


:bow:fame Last week was awesome! Let's see if we can all do even better this week! :cheer:cheer:cheer Go! Go! Stash Busting! :yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn Or Stash Building if that's what you prefer! :devil



Sorry, I didn't have any gratuitous use of smilies when I posted my score and really wanted to see a bunch of them! :woo:woo:woo


Also, I drank caffeine during the game. It's the first I've had since December 31st, 2011 and I'm jittery:hi, hyper:hyper, and all around out of my mind :loco.


:eek I didn't think I'd built up that much of a tolerance for it before, but I never buzzed like this last year. :hyper:hyper Wow. I really need to either build back up my tolerance or lay off the caffeine. :eek:2eek:sofunny Okay, I'm babbling ... back to crocheting and stash busting! :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting

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I did not get much crocheting done suring the game. I think I was yelling and eating :blush tooo much.

It was a Great football game and Congrats to the G-Men. I really did not care who won. Some of the commercials were good and some were :think.

Hope to get some yarn cakes used up this week. :yarn


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Well, I've finished the body of the blanket I've been working on and am working on the border. Having to get creative with the border and come up with it as I go. It's just a simple shell border, but the way the blanket pattern is written I've had to wing the corners to get it to come out right. This is the first time I've ever really "winged it". lol. And I'm writing down what works since I have to make an identical blanket after I finish this one!


So for now, I'm at 0 for the week. I bought yarn, but have used up 2 balls. I might have another ball gone by tomorrow evening if I can get the border finished up!


Here's the blanket, pre-border:


Great idea to write down what works for you :clap:yay


Pretty busy crocheting week:


WTD +6


Here's what I've been working on. Also I've gotten the afghan triangles joined and I'm working on the two border rows. Then just the tassels to finish it.


Gorgeous :manyheart


Thought I might finish another skein on the tassels, but it didn't happen. But I am through with the afghan now.


Love this! :manyheart May I ask what pattern you used and/or where it's available?


Finished the star shell blanket I've been working on, but didn't use up the last ball.....The ball will be gone in a few weeks, though when I send off the blankets since I plan on sending the little bit of each color left with the blankets in case a repair needs to be made. I figure the few feet left will be good to have just in case! And the border turned out FANTASTIC!! It really makes the blanket! :cheer:clap


Gorgeous! You picked great colors together :yes


Something I've noticed.....


when the Superbowl is going on, and I'm ****** at my team, I crochet really fast!


+4 for me so far this week.....:crocheting


I noticed that too. Before I moved to Pitt a few months ago, I had season tickets for the 76ers in Philly and my friend and I crocheted while we were there.....my project always went quicker during the stressful times of the game :lol

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Good job everyone. Yarn Geek I am going to give you a run for the money this week on the "Shoot the Moon" score. Yes, its confession time. On January 28th I ordered some yarn from Joann.com. I ordered 12 skeins of RHSS at $2.09 a skein and this time there was no minimum purchase to get "Free Shipping." So I ordered 4 colors that I have already used one skein of each color from my stash and loved how the color worked up. I also ordered 4 colors (2 skeins each) that I did have. I just checked the shipping notiifcation a few minutes ago and my package should be delivered either today or tomorrow. So there goes my stash busting total into the negative again this year. And its only February. :oops

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I'm expecting the yarn for the Bernat Mystery CAL any time now, so my totals will probably be bad this week! :blush


You think THAT is bad..I have (note HAVE) to go to Hobby Lobby tomorrow..why? because I will be in kennewick, 2.5 hours away and that is my closest HL... do I need any better excuse?? :lol:lol Oh..yeah..I have to get the yarn for my hat exchange...do I have some in my stash..oh yeah..but that's no fun...



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You think THAT is bad..I have (note HAVE) to go to Hobby Lobby tomorrow..why? because I will be in kennewick, 2.5 hours away and that is my closest HL... do I need any better excuse?? :lol:lol Oh..yeah..I have to get the yarn for my hat exchange...do I have some in my stash..oh yeah..but that's no fun...





Hey, HL has their ILTY for $3.66 instead of $3.99. Stock up time!



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I'd love to see Yarn Geek's house...it must be wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling yarn by now!


:lol :lol :lol

:rofl One would think so, but it's not that bad. The majority of it is confined to a big closet under the stairs. Granted, I have more on one of those 6ft plastic Plano shelving units and in some totes on top of my desk/bookcase in my room. And, as I type this, I'm looking at 30-35 skeins that have mysteriously managed to migrate into the livingroom... :lol I try to keep my yarn contained to my room and closet, but it doesn't always happen. If I lived by myself, I'm sure it would be everywhere. :devil

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I'm going to work on UFO's this week. I'm just tired of looking at them. Used up one point of yarn so far.



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:rofl One would think so, but it's not that bad. The majority of it is confined to a big closet under the stairs. Granted, I have more on one of those 6ft plastic Plano shelving units and in some totes on top of my desk/bookcase in my room. And, as I type this, I'm looking at 30-35 skeins that have mysteriously managed to migrate into the livingroom... :lol I try to keep my yarn contained to my room and closet, but it doesn't always happen. If I lived by myself, I'm sure it would be everywhere. :devil



Isn't it funny how yarn can migrate from one room to another? Mine does that all the time. And DH gets a little crazy about all the migration happening around here.:eek



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Used a skein and 1/2 on a market bag (gotta love those little cotton skeins), but went to Joann's (didn't get any yarn, just fleece and denim fabric) and HL (more fleece) where I did get 2 skeins so I'm at -1.



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Wheeeeeee! I'm glad I don't have anymore big projects in mind. I might have to check out the Bernat Mystery CAL but only use colors from my stash. Make it an ugly blanket :D I still haven't had time to grab skeins to start the 3sub :( Hopefully after tomorrow my time will even out.

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Thanks! It's the Pinwheel Afghan in Annie's Attic 2010 Crocheted Afghan Calendar.


Thanks, I guess that's the same one you were working on the last time I asked :think I remember I couldn't find it, but I'm going to look again....it has to be for sale somewhere :yes

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Thanks, I guess that's the same one you were working on the last time I asked :think I remember I couldn't find it, but I'm going to look again....it has to be for sale somewhere :yes


I looked on the Annie's Attic site and on ebay and didn't see it, but everything comes up on ebay from time to time.

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