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Loopy Mango


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I love the wool shawl that would make a great scarf. I have to promise to wear it though:lol Her prices are high, but if she gets buyers, good for her. I really hate seeing crochet being undersold to the lowest bid.:angry So many people don't realize how much time goes into the pieces made.:(



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Wonder how much she actually sells?


I'd love to know. Might help me in pricing my own things. :D I have to agree with the PP, I don't like seeing crochet things priced very low. You have to put value into your work. And you know, sell one $350 dress & that's better than selling three hundred dollar dresses. Not to mention the fact that slapping high prices on your items will automatically make them more marketable to a certain segment of the population.


Not that I'd personally wear any of it. :lol

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Dear fellow crocheters! Where is all this animosity toward Loopy Mango coming from? It wouldn't happen to be just common envy, would it? We were really shocked to read this thread since you should know how much time and effort goes in a crocheted item. Please note, that all of our designs are original and one of a kind, they are not just copied from some pattern in a book.


Just to anwer some or your questions. Yes, of course people buy from us at the prices posted on our website, otherwise, why whould we put those prices there? Moreover, stores such as Fred Segal in LA resell our beautiful designs at prices twice as high and more. So our prices will only go up. If you don't charge an appropriate price, the buyer will not appreciate the value of it.


And where are all these insunuations regarding cheap yearn coming from? Of course we only use top quality yarn for all our projects.


And one last thing--if people are not willing to pay a lot of money for *your* stuff--may be it ain't all that great.


Happy crocheting to all of you.

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I think you are misinterpreting the post above.....I think others are in awe of someone getting those prices.


However, I don't see that you being rude and critizing others is appropriate.


Bravo to you for getting those prices...but here, if you take the time to look you will see creations as good as if not above par of those that you have created. Please note, *g* that there are several published artisans here.


Have a good one! Welomce to Crochetville!:hook

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Envious? No offense, but I doubt it. You've got some great designs, but you should remember that there are many people here just as talented as you. I agree with CraftyCritter that you misinterpreted the above posts. Other than the yarn quality, no one dissed your items. Sabra never said she didn't like your clothing, she just said she personally wouldn't wear it. I don't know if she likes them or not, maybe they're just not her style. And as for this:



if people are not willing to pay a lot of money for *your* stuff--may be it ain't all that great.




when did anyone say people weren't willing to pay high prices for their stuff? Threeolivemartini said she never sold anything for less than $50, she didn't say people weren't willing to pay her more. The way I've read this thread, people with just as much talent and dedication as you wouldn't charge such high prices for their hand-crocheted items.


Do some of us think your prices are too high? Yes. Are we jealous? I know I'm not.


Happy crocheting to you, too.

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I am not jealous..


and i did say it looked as though the yarn wasnt top quality.. and i will say that again .. the pictures apparently do not show your yarn as it should then .. because it doesnt state the type of yarn used nor does it look (for the dresses anway ) that you used anything more than a plain cotton thread.. and to me that isnt top quality..


if you care to straighten us out .. please do so .. but don t try to insult others in the process..


tell me why you deserve the money for your stuff.. ?? tell me what yarns you use...


i know i use quality yarn .. I get commissions to make many things that dont come "from a pattern in a book"


and i know when I charge some one between 250 and 300 dollars for a project they arent getting cotton thread in that project..


so maybe if you gave a litle more info.. or werent so defensive and explained a bit.. we could all see the reasons you make the money you do ..

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A tad defensive, methinks :) Slow your roll girlfriend!


Dear fellow crocheters! Where is all this animosity toward Loopy Mango coming from? It wouldn't happen to be just common envy, would it? We were really shocked to read this thread since you should know how much time and effort goes in a crocheted item. Please note, that all of our designs are original and one of a kind, they are not just copied from some pattern in a book.


Just to anwer some or your questions. Yes, of course people buy from us at the prices posted on our website, otherwise, why whould we put those prices there? Moreover, stores such as Fred Segal in LA resell our beautiful designs at prices twice as high and more. So our prices will only go up. If you don't charge an appropriate price, the buyer will not appreciate the value of it.


And where are all these insunuations regarding cheap yearn coming from? Of course we only use top quality yarn for all our projects.


And one last thing--if people are not willing to pay a lot of money for *your* stuff--may be it ain't all that great.


Happy crocheting to all of you.

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Oh my, how many of you are there? :lol (I'm oddly reminded of the Mango sketches on SNL...)


I'm rather glad you're able to get the prices you charge. I'm not a Libertarian 'cause I like their immigration policies. ;) But there's simply no need to try to insult the rest of us in the process of defending yourself. Underpricing/undervaluing one's work is a serious problem for many crocheters, and doesn't mean their work is substandard anymore than your ability to charge stratospheric prices means your work is better.

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Dear fellow crocheters! Where is all this animosity toward Loopy Mango coming from? It wouldn't happen to be just common envy, would it? We were really shocked to read this thread since you should know how much time and effort goes in a crocheted item. Please note, that all of our designs are original and one of a kind, they are not just copied from some pattern in a book.


Just to anwer some or your questions. Yes, of course people buy from us at the prices posted on our website, otherwise, why whould we put those prices there? Moreover, stores such as Fred Segal in LA resell our beautiful designs at prices twice as high and more. So our prices will only go up. If you don't charge an appropriate price, the buyer will not appreciate the value of it.


And where are all these insunuations regarding cheap yearn coming from? Of course we only use top quality yarn for all our projects.


And one last thing--if people are not willing to pay a lot of money for *your* stuff--may be it ain't all that great.


Happy crocheting to all of you.

Why would you think there is animosity coming from this group? We are not envious nor jealous. When I posted in regards to your site, it was to honor your beautiful items not criticize them. I mentioned your high prices only because they are high. Yes, we all know how much work & effort goes into making crocheted items. We know how much time & thinking goes into designing up-to-date clothes. Instead of jumping down our throats about our personal feelings in regards to your clothing, you should be thanking us for even looking at your site, mentioning it on this forum and bringing in new visitors to your site and possible sales. Yes, I think the prices are high but would I pay a high price for something I really want? YES! I've done many times before and I'll do it again. Instead of joining our group to make friends, share our enthusiasm for crochet, you come in here and bash us. What kind of business person are you? Not one I would care to purchase from nor do business with. I'm sorry I posted the link to your site. Obviously you don't appreciate the free advertising!!!!

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I've been lurking around here for a long time and while I don't post often, I check in daily because I love to see everyone's beautiful and inspiring work.


Normally I don't have time to read all the posts in a thread but, after viewing this site, I wanted to see what others had to say. While I believe all crochet work is beautiful, I wasn't nearly as impressed by the items at this site as I am with the work I see on this forum.


If this person had taken the time to view some of the work done by Crocheville members and read all the compliments and support this group offers one another, he/she would know better than to accuse anyone here of envy or animosity. This is a group of amazing, talented, caring, and giving individuals. Not only is your work far more beautiful, but you all are as well.



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You should read the critique & use it to your advantage, rather than coming in here all mad. The pics I saw didn't look like you used quality yarn :think So maybe get better pics :idea As far as being jealous well I don't sell my things just an occasional item. I don't want to go into selling alot I think that would take the fun out of it for me. Good for you if you get paid alot for your stuff :cheer



Critique is a good thing & might help you sell more items.


Oh & Welcome to the forum :)

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Sort of off the path here, but I love the dolls on that site! They are so pretty and weird!

I've had people say the prices on my website (jewelry, not crochet) are too high, but I'd rather never sell anything than give away my time. And everything eventually sells. And there's also kind of an affection for things that you make, isn't there? I don't want to just give away my babies.

I only make crochet or knit things as gifts and then only to the truly worthy. If someone isn't appreciative enough, or never wears what I made them, they never get anything else.

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I liked quite a few of the items on the site. And was very glad that someone was getting that kind of money for them...(the pictures probably don't give the yarns justice). But I have seen alot of original patterns from members of this board that are as good, and more often better.

I would give WAYYYY more than those prices for anything made by CROSHAY QUEEN. So look around the board a little more, see other peoples original ideas, and figure out when you are given a complement, before attacking.


To all the people of Crochetville, I don't post as often as I should, since I check the site almost daily. But you are all a very talented group, and I am so glad that I found all of you.

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I'm not trying to add fire to the flame, but I thought that Loopy Mango had a right to be offended, whether the posts were meant that way or not.


Keep in mind that this store is in a very hip, downtown New York City neighborhood, and their rent must be outrageous. I've been in the store and the stuff is wonderful.

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hey kids!

let's all remember that we are here to encourage one another!

i have seen the loopy mango site before, and thought there were some great and inventive items there. so what if they arent all something you could wear to pick up the kids or go to the grocery store in. the point is that these gals are getting our craft out there, and are fullfilling their dreams through their business. let's not let our personal opinions get nasty. love your fellow hookers!!!:cheer

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Maybe it's a good thing I didn't see this thread before now. And I do have to admit I'm with CraftyCritter in wondering why folks are feeling the need to jump - yet again, and after such a long time, to their defense. Quite frankly, I was insulted to see their rude response here, it was obviously a "hit and run" too, making it that much more rude. It doesn't seem that they need any help, other than those who think they are so wonderful maybe telling them to learn some better business manners!


::sigh:: It takes all kinds, I guess...

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Let's not go beating a dead horse. I'm going to close this thread as there really is no need to continue the discussion.

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