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Lots of hats !


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You weren't kidding when you said you'd been busy making hats! Those are adorable! I'll bet the kids are loving them -- no wonder others are asking for some of their own when they see them! They look so professionally done!

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Those are cute! I have never seen Angry Birds (except for the pistachio commercial) ~ are some of those in the first picture based on that game?


Great job!! :D

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Here's a few more! LOL







My goodness -- you are one very talented lady! Those are all so amazing! It is hard for me to even conceive of having all of that in your head! I love that last little kitty hat! How sweet! I'd even wear a large version of that one! One of my DIL's is crazy about the HK -- I ought to try to make her something like that for fun.


I think if you decide to put your patterns out, you will have a line of customers waiting! Me included!

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