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Cursed Projects?

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Do you ever have projects that just don't seem to want to get made?


I'm working on a simple tanktop for my boy- did the front no prob. Almost finished the back & realized I was making 5 rows of blue instead of 6- frogged it & started over :irk. Almost finished it again & check against the front- some of the rows on the front only had 5 blue, too! So I frog side 2 & begin again :bang.

I wouldn't care as much except I have already finished a reverse-color one for big sis, and I want them to be worn this year before it gets to cold. I know if I move onto something else I may never get back to it. It's not a big project, but with the 2 kiddos I only get a few minutes here & there to work on things. I have learned my leason though- I now use row counters. :thair



Mommy to

1yr. old Josh

3yr. old Jamie

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Oh girl I know the feeling!! I have 4 kids and 2 of em are not in school yet, 3 and 14 days. I started the lollipop romper on the craft town site and never could figure out how to put it togeather!! I have all of the pieces made, just sitting there. I know I spent an entire week trying tofigure that one out.

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I hear you on cursed projects! I have been working on an evening shawl for about 6 months now and I have frogged a gazillion times! The pattern works in groups of three and I usually don't notice that I made a mistake until I start the first row of the series again. Its cursed I tell you! I've even frogged it back, fixed the mistake and re-worked it back again only to realize there was another mistake a few stitches after the one I just fixed!

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Do you ever have projects that just don't seem to want to get made?



I don't even want to tell you how long I've been working on an afghan. To make it worse, it was supposed to be a scrap afghan. I had about 2 blocks left to do and realized I didn't have enough of that color. I couldn't buy anymore as the yarn had been given to me and it is no longer made. So I ripped out all the blocks with that color, go buy something else and do them. Being on a budget at the time I only bought a few skeins (I know I know). No biggie they weren't dye lot. Got a few more when I needed them. Some things came up in my life, I put the project down for a few months (or more lol), eventually got back to it. Need more yarn and surpise! That color isn't made anymore either. Had to rip out a few blocks (not all like I should have) and get a similar color.

This afghan is not going to be anything like I orginally planned on top of which it quickly became a money pit rather than a use up most of my left overs.

I'm not even working on it lately because I had a bunch of other things to do and I don't know when I'll get back to it.

Maybe when I'm 80.


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I have one project and it seems like everytime I pick it up, something happens and I have to put it right back down. I ought to finish it while the kids are in bed. All I have to do is weave in ends (darn granny squares!) and the blanket has been used many times and washed many times with the strings still hanging.

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That was my wolf afghan...weaving the ends. I thought that I was never going to finish...I would pick it up, work for awhile, put it down and do something else. I think the ends would multiply when I wasn't looking...:lol

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I believe in cursed projects. I have 3 right now that are doomed. 1, I came to find out was printed incorrectly - found this out just a while ago. The other two I'm thinking are user error - but darned if I can't figure them out. So there they sit just awaiting until I get back to them. Good think yarn is recyclable.

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I thought I'd chime in on this too. My cursed project is the 63 squares afghan. I've had the book for almost a year now and have managed to get four squares done. Of those four squares I've frogged each at least three times, and I had to keep going back and re-doing my border because it was coming out uneven. I won't even go in to gauge problems and having to switch out hooks several times lol.


I think the most embarrassing part is that I've done almost every single stitch in the leaflet for other projects yet I can't even do a simple little square without getting frustrated.

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I've had a half poncho sitting in a bag for like two years now... it was a granny square poncho I was making for a Jo-Ann class I was teaching... well, it was too involved to get done in time for the class, and once the class was over, there was no incentive to bother finishing it.


So, wanting to actually use the beach bag the project has been stored in AT THE BEACH, I have spent the last few nights making a few more squares, sewing them into the neckhole, and putting a border on it to make a 36" x 36" snuggle to donate to my local animal shelter.


The cursed project is FINALLY been completed as SOMETHING, even if it wasn't its intended destination.


Now to finish that plaid scarf I started three years ago... :D

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I truly believe in cursed projects. There are the ones that just don't seem to want to get done no matter how I approach them. Sometimes, I think the yarn and the hook whisper to one another and say I don't want to make this right now or lets go do this over here instead just to confuse her. I used to call them demon projects, but I sure do feel better when they are finished!

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this happens to m e when i try to force a yarn to be something it doesnt wanna be LOL or i force my self to work on something i really dont want to .. so i have learned to do neither of these things .. LOL


AND if i hate it so much i don t want to finish it.. i dont.. i frog it and wait for the yarn to speak to me again.. sometimes it takes a while cause its mad at me for trying to make it something it didnt wanna be in the first place

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Oh yeah. Done that! I got 30 rows into the blanket that I'm working on for my daughter when I thought, heck, this is way too small. When I started the blanket I didn't check the gauge too closely because nothing comes out to the exact size. Sometimes slightly bigger, sometimes slightly smaller. But this was way off! I used the right size hook but sure enough, I needed a different brand of hook! Then it came out to the right size. Yep--checking the guage, even on a blanket, is a good idea!

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I have one project and it seems like everytime I pick it up, something happens and I have to put it right back down. I ought to finish it while the kids are in bed. All I have to do is weave in ends (darn granny squares!) and the blanket has been used many times and washed many times with the strings still hanging.


Lol!!! I too have a potholder and coaster set waiting for me to weave in the ends!!! I mean how long is it going to take??? But my family is using it like I never make another potholder or coaster!!


Also I think that more than the project being cursed (in my case) its I who is cursed!! Everytime I pick up an UFO to finish I have something else to start!! What up with that!!!!:hook




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I firmly believe in cursed projects. I made a red Fun Fur scarf for my MIL....and it slipped off the knitting needles so many times I was about ready to chuck it. lol. But finally I finished it, and right away I took it to her. I was afraid something else would happen to it before I gave it to her. I started that thing over FOUR times. ugh.


Hugs! Juli

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I just wanted to thank Frogger for starting this thread. Since I posted on it previously about the 63 square afghan that I'd tossed on the back burner, it's prompted me to work on it. I've gone from four squares done to 12...three times as many!

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A while back I frogged all my cursed projects, so I don't have any actual ongoing ones right now.


this happens to m e when i try to force a yarn to be something it doesnt wanna be
I think this is why I've had such a hard time with the cute summer cloche pattern in Hip to Crochet. It's so adorable, but I can't find (or afford) any linen yarn, which it calls for (also DK weight which I can't find so kept trying either sport weight that looked on the heavy side or worsted that looked a little skinny). I've tried making it from probably three or four different yarns and couldn't get anywhere with it. It kept turning into a doll hat LOL I'm going to try it again this winter, but haven't decided what yarn to try next for it. I'm determined to make it work somehow or another, though!
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OMG, I've been working on one of those 'cursed projects' (mile a minute strip baby afghan) for a few weeks now and no matter how hard I try, I just can't get into it, the strips aren't even, crocheting seems tedious. Oh how I just hate this blanket! At this point, I'm about ready to just call it quits!!!! ARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!:(

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My daughter wanted this one afghan and I worked and worked on it--it had a cable stitch in it and double yarn and a big hook--I ended up frogging it completely and making a different afghan with it. :thair



It has cables, too, but different and only one strand of yarn. I call it "Alicia's bed sweater". heather grey yarn and BIG!!!:hook


There was a thread on Crochet partners last year challenging us to finish our UFO's. I did that afghan then. Sorry no photo of it!



working on 63 squares, baby stuff, a wedding quilt afghan and swap scarf! :think Just writing it all makes me tired!

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